The Connection


Active Member
Mar 31, 2004
Mowing a grassy knoll....

The Republicans are missing a great opportunity here. They could compose such a “connect the dots” about the Democrats and highlight some big names:

Harold Ickes, member of the Democratic National Committee’s Executive Committee and an important member of the Clinton Administration, heads the Media Fund and is chief of staff for American Coming Together, both Bush-hating organizations that have been bombarding the airwaves with their lies and hate-filled messages for many, many months now.

Bill Richardson, current governor of New Mexico, chair of this year's Democratic National Convention, and also an important member of the Clinton Administration, has been an adviser to the New Democratic Network, another hate-Bush organization.

Joe Sandler, general counsel to the DNC, also serves as legal council for and Moving America Forward.

The consulting firm of Jim Jordon, Kerry’s former campaign manager, represents the Media Fund, America Coming Together, and America Votes.

Bob Bauer, legal counsel to Kerry’s campaign and former DNC national chairman, is legal council for America Coming Together.

Zack Exley of is Director of Online Communications and Organization for the Kerry campaign.

Bill Knapp, Media Fund’s ad consultant, is a paid staff member of the Kerry campaign.

Ah, yes, this is information the Kerry campaign hopes you will not find out as they lambast Bush’s campaign for having connections to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Their chief campaign tactic, as far as I can tell, is to charge the opposition with things you are guilty of yourself. Well, since Kerry's campaign is now trying desperately to discredit the message of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth by saying they have a connection to the Bush campaign, please do President Bush’s campaign a big favor and get the above information to as many people and news sources as you can. (For additional information, see Joseph Perkins’ column “Ties to Anti-Bush Groups.”)
Adam's Apple said:
Ah, yes, this is information the Kerry campaign hopes you will not find out as they lambast Bush’s campaign for having connections to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Their chief campaign tactic, as far as I can tell, is to charge the opposition with things you are guilty of yourself.

Its Democratic Election year tactic #3.

"Project all your own faults onto your enemy so that when they accuse you of them, you can say that they are the ones who act that way."

They use this quite often. Accusations of controlling the media raised against Republicans. Whining about Republicans getting a pass in the media, by the media most often. Accusing Bush of being AWOL despite using a draft dodger as their savior for 8 years. The list goes on for a little bit.
You got the picture of how they work, brother, but how many undecided will swallow the Democrat lies and exaggerations for truth?
Adam's Apple said:
The Republicans are missing a great opportunity here. They could compose such a “connect the dots” about the Democrats and highlight some big names:

Harold Ickes, member of the Democratic National Committee’s Executive Committee and an important member of the Clinton Administration, heads the Media Fund and is chief of staff for American Coming Together, both Bush-hating organizations that have been bombarding the airwaves with their lies and hate-filled messages for many, many months now.

Bill Richardson, current governor of New Mexico, chair of this year's Democratic National Convention, and also an important member of the Clinton Administration, has been an adviser to the New Democratic Network, another hate-Bush organization.

Joe Sandler, general counsel to the DNC, also serves as legal council for and Moving America Forward.

The consulting firm of Jim Jordon, Kerry’s former campaign manager, represents the Media Fund, America Coming Together, and America Votes.

Bob Bauer, legal counsel to Kerry’s campaign and former DNC national chairman, is legal council for America Coming Together.

Zack Exley of is Director of Online Communications and Organization for the Kerry campaign.

Bill Knapp, Media Fund’s ad consultant, is a paid staff member of the Kerry campaign.

Ah, yes, this is information the Kerry campaign hopes you will not find out as they lambast Bush’s campaign for having connections to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Their chief campaign tactic, as far as I can tell, is to charge the opposition with things you are guilty of yourself. Well, since Kerry's campaign is now trying desperately to discredit the message of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth by saying they have a connection to the Bush campaign, please do President Bush’s campaign a big favor and get the above information to as many people and news sources as you can. (For additional information, see Joseph Perkins’ column “Ties to Anti-Bush Groups.”)
No point in going on the defensive or getting negative now. Could backfire like it has on Kerry.
Dilloduck, to deal with the Democrats, you have to be on guard and contest every devious thing they say. This information just shows that more Kerry people are connected to the infamous 527s than anything the Kerry camp has come up with on the Swift Boat Vets.

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