The Communist Party, Likes Obama's agenda, but doesn't feel he has gone far enough.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
What an endorsement of the agenda and the President who is attempting to radically change the direction of our free economy and from the communist party itself. :lol::lol::lol:

Obama State of the Union: He got the ball rolling cpusa

That agenda in a full-blown sense has yet to be articulated by him. If President Obama and the Democrats want to hail the private sector as the engine of growth, I wouldn't quibble too much as long as they recognize that the private sector at this moment (big or small business) isn't generating jobs and probably won't for a long time. In these circumstances, only direct and indirect government intervention in the form of a massive public works jobs program, infrastructure repair and renewal, aid for state and local governments, and special measures for the hardest hit communities, and especially communities of racial minorities and immigrants, stands a chance of lowering unemployment in any kind of meaningful way.
In other words, the economy still has to be re-inflated and restructured along democratic, sustainable, nonmilitary, and worker-friendly lines, but the likelihood of the private sector doing that is zero. To a degree, the president is moving in this direction, but the pace and nature of the economic reforms that he prescribes is far too limited for the scope and depth of this crisis.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm does the above statement remind you of any of the current agenda, because it sure does me.

I think we are already doing that with the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill and it does not appear to be working. This guy along with all the liberal dems don't think that private sector jobs are important. Neither does Obama- he did not talk about the private sector until they lost Massachusetts and then it became important. LOLOLOL

The only question I have for this author is- Where the hell do you think that you are going to get the money to pay for all those public jobs if you are not collecting it from Private sector employers and employees in the form of taxes.
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Actually, this below--from the link in the OP--is probably what Massachusetts wanted to vote for.

"That agenda in a full-blown sense has yet to be articulated by him. If President Obama and the Democrats want to hail the private sector as the engine of growth, I wouldn't quibble too much as long as they recognize that the private sector at this moment (big or small business) isn't generating jobs and probably won't for a long time. In these circumstances, only direct and indirect government intervention in the form of a massive public works jobs program, infrastructure repair and renewal, aid for state and local governments, and special measures for the hardest hit communities, and especially communities of racial minorities and immigrants, stands a chance of lowering unemployment in any kind of meaningful way."

China, Australia, and the forward-thinking nations that arose from the global crisis, many months ago: did precisely the massive public works, and mega-level aid, being advocated. Mainly, the United States relied on the incompetent scum of the private sector--for example, in the banks and on Wall Street--to get the whole thing: Erupting with jobs and prosperity instead.

And so they got what they paid for. A lot of rich people, getting giant bonuses, and a record $10.0 bil. box office for Hollywood! The employment gains are only coming in slowly.

Commentators world-wide have noticed how incompetent the GOP, private-sector, reliant mantra really has shown itself to be. Mostly, this recovery originates of the Bush Administration, and going back to 2008 and before. The Obama Administration major stimulus--likely apparent even in the new Q4 GDP--has yet to become engaged in the field. That now happens this year.

Massachusetts, even, seemed to want the faster, New Deal-based, public works expansion that originated of the United States--in the Democratic Party, under FDR, and even under Truman.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP send in troops to Iraq, under orders of Betrayus, without sufficient protective clothing. Now Conservative GOP get Senator in Washington, with public record of having no clothes on at all(?)!)
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One question-- If you do not have the Private Sector working and paying taxes both business taxes and personal taxes, where is the government going to get the money to fund public works projects??? Please answer that.
Actually, this below--from the link in the OP--is probably what Massachusetts wanted to vote for.

"That agenda in a full-blown sense has yet to be articulated by him. If President Obama and the Democrats want to hail the private sector as the engine of growth, I wouldn't quibble too much as long as they recognize that the private sector at this moment (big or small business) isn't generating jobs and probably won't for a long time. In these circumstances, only direct and indirect government intervention in the form of a massive public works jobs program, infrastructure repair and renewal, aid for state and local governments, and special measures for the hardest hit communities, and especially communities of racial minorities and immigrants, stands a chance of lowering unemployment in any kind of meaningful way."

China, Australia, and the forward-thinking nations that arose from the global crisis, many months ago: did precisely the massive public works, and mega-level aid, being advocated. Mainly, the United States relied on the incompetent scum of the private sector--for example, in the banks and on Wall Street--to get the whole thing: Erupting with jobs and prosperity instead.

And so they got what they paid for. A lot of rich people, getting giant bonuses, and a record $10.0 bil. box office for Hollywood! The employment gains are only coming in slowly.

Commentators world-wide have noticed how incompetent the GOP, private-sector, reliant mantra really has shown itself to be. Mostly, this recovery originates of the Bush Administration, and going back to 2008 and before. The Obama Administration major stimulus--likely apparent even in the new Q4 GDP--has yet to become engaged in the field. That now happens this year.

Massachusetts, even, seemed to want the faster, New Deal-based, public works expansion that originated of the United States--in the Democratic Party, under FDR, and even under Truman.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP send in troops to Iraq, under orders of Betrayus, without sufficient protective clothing. Now Conservative GOP get Senator in Washington, with public record of having no clothes on at all(?)!)

:lol::lol::lol::lol:"If Massachusetts even, seemed to want the faster, New Deal-Based, public works expansion that originated of the United States--in the Democratic Party, under FDR and even under Truman."

Don't you think it would have been smarter of Massachusetts voters to elect the Democrat Coakley who SUPPORTED Obama instead of Brown who OPPOSES Obama's agenda???:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
Alright, let's say Barrack Obama isnt a socialist for argument's sake. Which of his policies would he need to change if he decided to become socialist?
Hello, Maple Poster,

Playmate of the Month was apparently not in the resume, so anyone would have had to suggest that stern measures, in a New England state, were probably called for!

It might have made sense to try to unlock the doors of some professor's house in Cambridge, start with the bottle-shaking, and then start screaming epithets and obscenties--all the while downing some brewskis!

Elections are not always that hard to win: Anyone notices!

And anyone knows: The color of ketchup! There could have been a win, there!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not forget, snappy light-skinned dialect, from Writer's Guild--like always! Anyone might suggest, "Really light-skinned dialect," in fact!)
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Playmate of the Month was apparently not in the resume, so anyone would have had to suggest that stern measures, in a New England state, were probably called for!

It might have made sense to try to unlock the doors of some professor's house in Cambridge, start with the bottle-shaking, and then start screaming epithets and obscenties--all the while downing some brewskis!

Elections are not always that hard to win: Anyone notices!

And anyone knows: The color of ketchup! There could have been a win, there!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not forget, snappy light-skinned dialect, from Writer's Guild--like always! Anyone might suggest, "Really light-skinned dialect," in fact!)

What on earth are you talking about?
Alright, let's say Barrack Obama isnt a socialist for argument's sake. Which of his policies would he need to change if he decided to become socialist?

Socialism is an economic theory that requires everyone involved to become socialist as well. Perhaps you meant Communist, which would require him to take over all industry, completely regulate the market, and take control as a despot.
The Marxist version of Socialism is not Communist, and so what the Communists are advocating in the link in the OP is the more easily said Socialist.

Socialism | Definition of Socialism at

China, for example, likes to regard itself as a whole community. Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the British Isles, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy--and others worldwide--like to think of themselves as whole communities. Asian banks are variously found: Mega-Trusted. Asian Banks are usually state-owned.

Then there are goof-balls, who took the stimulus money and sent it all to the Hollywood Execs. Holllywood had a record box office year, last year. China probably knows about them already: And started getting nervous about their holdings of US Securities.

Is a Hollywood movie about blue people: The road to riches, and full-employment, for the national community, as a whole?

For that belief we actually have, "Fantasize-Along-With-FoxTV," and how they believe it so!

Everyone else has roads, and dams, and harbors, and new energy plants, flood control, and irrigation projects, and even investments in Space Technology.

Los Angeles has been able to discover Doppler Radar, by comparison, and run like hell!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mainly Chinese Nervous About Lack of Tax Base. U.S. GOP, Say, "Charge It," or "Put It On The Bill. Obama thought Socialist--Like Chinese--Instead. GOP Knows About China Already--Potential Source Of Funding For GOP Election Campaigns!)
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Regardless of whether his policies are socialist, communist, or otherwise, the GOP will vehemently seek to brand him as a communist. It's one of very few ways left they can gain some ground.

Just playing politics is all they are doing.
It was barry's agenda that torpedoed his approval last year, so what is barry's new plan?

'Stay the course'.

Where have i heard THAT one before....
$33.0 bil. employment tax credits, $5000 per new hire, are next. It's a tax cut, but it does provide a subsidy for labor costs.

The community as a whole gets the benefits.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(There is also the matter of breaking up the failed giant banks, to address: Who used the arithmetic of the Total Credit Market to try to kill everyone off, instead. It is not Bernanke-Paulson of origin.)

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