The coming war with Iran


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
I give it about three months before Iran attempts to close the Strait of Hormuz.
The US navy will of course sink any Iranian ship that attempts to impede ship traffic in the Strait.
Iran will attempt to draw Israel into the conflict.........which the Israelis will be more than happy to oblige.
All it will take is for any Iranian 'rubber boat' to speed towards a US navy ship and fire off a few rounds.
It will be quite a site to watch KSA and Israeli bomber pilots waving to each other as they bomb Iran's oil ports into dust.
The fucking United Nations ('united' against anything the US and Israel does) will send some nasty letters and then delegates will go back to having their $500 'power lunches' at the best restaurants in Manhattan and playing 'stinky finger with their twelve year old 'sunshine' girls.
Trump aims to drive Iran's oil exports to zero by ending sanctions waivers
Interesting approach he's taking. Thanks for the heads up.
Iran needs to stop exporting terrorism.
That's like asking a 'certain couple' to stop helping their former friends and potential whistleblowers from committing suicide by shooting themselves repeatedly in the back of their head.
Ain't going to ever happen.........until they are not physically able to so.
The first time the Iranian military attacks ANY US military asset or US allie the Iranian military will look like this:
Question: Why USA shall fight Israel's wars again?
Were Iraq, Syria & Co and millions of killed not enough.
Or Trump as the biggest Zionists in the World wants to eliminate all enemies of Israel including Iran and Russia.
What benefits has American taxpayer fighting for the Project Greater Israel?
Trump shall not forget he was elected by Americans, not by Israelis.
At least officially.

No, war with Iran is a dumb ass idea......
The next time one of Iran's 'inflated rubber warships' comes too close to ANY US military war ship inflated Iran's 'rubber warship' will be vaporised.
Then let's see what the fucking sand monkeys do?
Any war with Iran would be a short and simple one.

They don't have the means to fight us and we could turn Iran into a glass parking lot.

And they know it.

So. No war.
Any war with Iran would be a short and simple one.
Like Iraq. Christ people love to stay stupid.

No comparison but then you are pretty stupid.
Embrace that ignorance

You embrace it every day.

If that were true you’d love me like you do the dotard

Oh I don't love Trump but I respect him and what he's accomplished.

As for you?? You aren't worthy of respect.
Oh I don't love Trump but I respect him and what he's accomplished.
Obviously. That goes with the whole “being ignorant” thing you suffer from.

Its not ignorant to respect what someone has done.

Of course you, being a lefty loon, will never respect what Trump has done.

Sucks to be you.
Permanent tax cuts for big corporations and letting the establishment install Judges. That’s 2 things, and one he isn’t even involved in.
Of course the media has been manufacturing consent for war with Iran
a long time now. It didn't just start with McCain's famous "Bomb,Bomb, bomb" .

The Fed is horrified that BRICS is going to come into real power.... They are driving the March to war.

Question: Why USA shall fight Israel's wars again?
Were Iraq, Syria & Co and millions of killed not enough.
Or Trump as the biggest Zionists in the World wants to eliminate all enemies of Israel including Iran and Russia.
What benefits has American taxpayer fighting for the Project Greater Israel?
Trump shall not forget he was elected by Americans, not by Israelis.
At least officially.


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