The coming EBT riots: What will happen when government entitlements stop?


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
» The coming EBT riots: What will happen when government entitlements stop? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

What happens when the free EBT money stops?

Remember how Obama supporters threatened to riot in the streets if Romney won the recent presidential election? There’s a huge class of Americans who have become so dependent on the system of government handouts that they have no ability to survive any other way. These people will riot when the free money is cut off.

EBT card users are almost universally incapable of understanding the complex economics Ron Paul is describing. All they understand is that their next meal comes from a piece of plastic that “counts as money” at the local corner store. They do not grasp the long-term vulnerability of that system and how it is tied into a global debt scheme whose days are numbered. Furthermore, EBT card users almost universally have no backup plan. They live meal by meal, with no financial safety net, no financial planning, and absolutely zero savings. In fact, having any real savings disqualifies you from receiving an EBT card, which is another way that Big Government actually encourages financial dependence among EBT card recipients.

That’s the real kicker in all this: In a society where 50% or so are now largely dependent on the federal government for their very survival, the fact that the government is headed into a multi-trillion-dollar debt blowout should raise red alerts everywhere.

Obama has put the USA on a collision course with a debt implosion, adding more to the U.S. debt in the last four years than all the Presidents in the history of America — combined! And with government spending continuing to expand beyond all sanity, there is no stopping the coming debt blowout.

When that happens, all federal benefits immediately cease. If you thought the idea of tens of millions of angry EBT debt card users was bad, just consider what happens when all the former federal employees don’t get their pension funds anymore. Or if social security checks are eroded down to the point where they are essentially worthless. That’s when you’re going to see real social unrest across America, and that day is a finite number of weeks away.
It will arrive as sure as the sun comes up, and when it does arrive, there’s going to be unprecedented chaos in the streets as all the suckers who lived their lives dependent on the federal government suddenly come to find out the whole thing was a Ponzi scheme.

A Ponzi scheme. The U.S. government is running the largest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world, and just like every Ponzi scheme that has ever existed, it will sooner or later collapse. When that day comes, you will want to make sure you have stored food, water, silver coins, ammo, emergency medicine and all the usual preparedness supplies.

And be prepared to defend your supplies from those who refused to prepare. Because if there’s one thing that EBT cards have taught tens of millions of America, it’s that “YOUR stuff belongs to THEM
What happened in Greece?

Now you know why people are buying all those guns.
"And be prepared to defend your supplies from those who refused to prepare. Because if there’s one thing that EBT cards have taught tens of millions of America, it’s that “YOUR stuff belongs to THEM"

That's the beauty. While the progressives/democrats/liberals do their daily/horly victory dances.... and mock and antagonize the right. When the shit hits the fan and it wil someday...guess who will be prepared and who won't.

Now they will mock and call people "preppers" and such but guess whio is going to get the last laugh?
Jones has already proven he is the most f'ed up in the head right winger on the planet, shockingly even more so than beck.
Isn't it funny how the Nutter's have been going on about what MIGHT happen under an Obama presidency now for 4 years.....yet none of it has come true?

Civil war. Fascism. Communism. "Coming to get your guns!!" The end of the world. Dictatorship. On and on and on the conspiracy theories go, with no let up in sight in spite of the fact that every prediction so far as been proven false.
Isn't it funny how the Nutter's have been going on about what MIGHT happen under an Obama presidency now for 4 years.....yet none of it has come true?

Civil war. Fascism. Communism. "Coming to get your guns!!" The end of the world. Dictatorship. On and on and on the conspiracy theories go, with no let up in sight in spite of the fact that every prediction so far as been proven false.

Also, the earth has not healed yet, and the oceans are right where they were... Oh wait, that was Obama making that stuff up.....
There’s a huge class of Americans who have become so dependent on the system of government handouts that they have no ability to survive any other way.

The actual number is 1.7%

That's the percentage of Americans who derive 50% or more of their income from government programs.
Isn't it funny how the Nutter's have been going on about what MIGHT happen under an Obama presidency now for 4 years.....yet none of it has come true?

Civil war. Fascism. Communism. "Coming to get your guns!!" The end of the world. Dictatorship. On and on and on the conspiracy theories go, with no let up in sight in spite of the fact that every prediction so far as been proven false.

Let's not forget those promises of rampant inflation ....
Yeah, the far left does it too. Mostly over the environment.
Scare politics .... yaaaawn.
Isn't it funny how the Nutter's have been going on about what MIGHT happen under an Obama presidency now for 4 years.....yet none of it has come true?

Civil war. Fascism. Communism. "Coming to get your guns!!" The end of the world. Dictatorship. On and on and on the conspiracy theories go, with no let up in sight in spite of the fact that every prediction so far as been proven false.

who's to say it still can't happen.....? why has BO been trying to get as many as possible on the government dole.....? maybe the plan is a "false flag" event.......a slick way to get a third term....

In fact, shutting off the EBT cards is actually one way to initiate a false flag event in America. It works like this:

1) Purposely shut off all EBT cards. (Takes just two seconds at JP Morgan.)

2) Blame it on a cyber terrorist attack and use the crisis to institute harsh new police state controls over the internet. (“Never let a good crisis go to waste…”)

3) Allow the “EBT riots” to unfold. Keep the National Guard away for long enough to let things get out of control and have scary footage broadcast on the evening news.

4) Once things are bad enough, announce Martial Law and bring in the troops to turn America’s streets into a Nazi-style police state surveillance and enforcement system, complete with TSA-run checkpoints on all major roads.

What’s required to make this happen? Nothing more than turning off the EBT cards for 72 hours. That’s it! It’s just a single change to a single line of code at JP Morgan Chase, and it’s mission accomplished for the globalists.
Amazing how all the Obozo supporters always skirt the issue of uncontrolled spending, somehow is ok that we borrow 3.85 billion a day just to keep the lights on.
Isn't it funny how the Nutter's have been going on about what MIGHT happen under an Obama presidency now for 4 years.....yet none of it has come true?

Civil war. Fascism. Communism. "Coming to get your guns!!" The end of the world. Dictatorship. On and on and on the conspiracy theories go, with no let up in sight in spite of the fact that every prediction so far as been proven false.

Fear and paranoid delusions are great motivators. Hitler used them just like today's right wing propaganda machine to lead the gullible.
So far, all the "nutters" have been spot on in their predictions of what obama will do. He's done much of it already.
May-be Obama is worried when the money runs out ? Perhaps that why just gave himself armed protection for life?
Isn't it funny how the Nutter's have been going on about what MIGHT happen under an Obama presidency now for 4 years.....yet none of it has come true?

Civil war. Fascism. Communism. "Coming to get your guns!!" The end of the world. Dictatorship. On and on and on the conspiracy theories go, with no let up in sight in spite of the fact that every prediction so far as been proven false.

Fear and paranoid delusions are great motivators. Hitler used them just like today's right wing propaganda machine to lead the gullible.

What's hysterically funny is you seem to be working under the delusion that the left doesn't or hasn't used the same tactics to further their agenda......... :lmao:
Isn't it funny how the Nutter's have been going on about what MIGHT happen under an Obama presidency now for 4 years.....yet none of it has come true?

Civil war. Fascism. Communism. "Coming to get your guns!!" The end of the world. Dictatorship. On and on and on the conspiracy theories go, with no let up in sight in spite of the fact that every prediction so far as been proven false.

who's to say it still can't happen.....? why has BO been trying to get as many as possible on the government dole.....? maybe the plan is a "false flag" event.......a slick way to get a third term....

In fact, shutting off the EBT cards is actually one way to initiate a false flag event in America. It works like this:

1) Purposely shut off all EBT cards. (Takes just two seconds at JP Morgan.)

2) Blame it on a cyber terrorist attack and use the crisis to institute harsh new police state controls over the internet. (“Never let a good crisis go to waste…”)

3) Allow the “EBT riots” to unfold. Keep the National Guard away for long enough to let things get out of control and have scary footage broadcast on the evening news.

4) Once things are bad enough, announce Martial Law and bring in the troops to turn America’s streets into a Nazi-style police state surveillance and enforcement system, complete with TSA-run checkpoints on all major roads.

What’s required to make this happen? Nothing more than turning off the EBT cards for 72 hours. That’s it! It’s just a single change to a single line of code at JP Morgan Chase, and it’s mission accomplished for the globalists.

Obama has a huge Ego,he capable of anything, he thinks he is invincible.

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