The "Collusion" Hoax In A Nutshell....

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
This chart sums things up simply enough even for a flat-lined prog to "grok" (understand). The collusion was by Hillary and the DNC, and leadership at the DOJ and FBI...all orchestrated from Obozo's White House. When you use this, you have the opposition in a trick bag....feel free to share. :04:

This chart sums things up simply enough even for a flat-lined prog to "grok" (understand). The collusion was by Hillary and the DNC, and leadership at the DOJ and FBI...all orchestrated from Obozo's White House. When you use this, you have the opposition in a trick bag....feel free to share. :04:

Clinton and Obama and the DNC colluded with The Kremlin and their Cronies in the FBI and DOJ to frame the president with false allegations of Russian Collusion using Russian Propaganda they solicited and paid for, and they committed CONSPIRACY by Filing False Affidavits, Committing Acts of Espionage, Leaking Classified Intel, Illegally Unmasking American Citizens, Abusing Illegally Obtained FISA WARRANTS, Committing Perjury, and plotting a COUP in Andrew McCabe's office in an attempt to Nullify an Election and install a Putin Puppet, Hillary Clinton in the White House Illegitimately!

These are Hanging Crimes.
There is only one reason the FBI and DOJ would knowingly use Russian Propaganda to attack The President.
They have Russian Moles in their Ranks.

Also this just came out, that not only did they use Yahoo News in circular reporting to dishonestly lobby for FISA Warrants, they used a 2nd Fake Dossier Paid for By Clinton and the DNC to try to Corroborate the First Fake Russian DNC Dossier.

So this was a set up from the beginning and took EXTENSIVE PLANNING.
That is Conspiracy to Commit Treason.

The FBI used Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton, the DNC and Obama, to Corroborate Russian Propaganda paid for by the same to corroborate the first set of lies, and then tripled down on stupid and created a 2nd Dossier to corroborate the other lies. Now ain't that just the shit? Talk about a Circle Jerk!

KGB PROPAGANDA.... The Leftist Scum were working with Vladimir Putin, to put Hillary Clinton in The White House. Why did the FBI knowingly use all of these Russian Sourced Propaganda Pieces to attack The President? Is THE FBI Compromised by THE KGB? Or is Clinton just THAT CORRUPT?

Second Trump-Russia dossier being assessed by FBI

The second memo was written by Cody Shearer, a controversial political activist and former journalist who was close to the Clinton White House in the 1990s.

Unlike Steele, Shearer does not have a background in espionage, and his memo was initially viewed with scepticism, not least because he had shared it with select media organisations before the election.

The Shearer memo cites an unnamed source within Russia’s FSB, the state security service. Shearer is a controversial figure in Washington. And many have accused him of being part of a “hatchet man” and member of a “secret spy ring” and within Clinton’s orbit.
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Is this why it cost Clinton $1.5 Billion to try to buy her way to the White House?

The dossier may be worse than just uncorroborated. In an op-ed this week, former CIA officer Daniel Hoffman wrote that the near misses in the dossier bore the mark of Russian disinformation, “accurate basic facts provided as bait to convince Americans that the fake info is real.” That’s the same intriguing theory floated by the British journalist Ben McIntyre, an expert on intelligence who has described the idea like so: “They set up an ex-MI6 guy, Chris Steele, who is a patsy, effectively, and they feed him some stuff that’s true, and some stuff that isn’t true, and some stuff that is demonstrably wrong.”

Democrats Embraced a Flawed Dossier—And Gave Republicans an Opening

The entire “collusion” narrative was based on a dossier created by shady former British Spy Christopher Steele, who used Kremlin sources to create the file. Steele was paid by Fusion GPS, who was paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

This is common knowledge. However, what isn’t common knowledge and was just reported this morning is that there’s a second dossier in existence – a dossier written by a shady Democratic operative named Cody Shearer. Shearer is a former journalist and he also is known as a Clinton “hatchet man.”

BOMBSHELL: Heads Set To ROLL After SECOND Russian DOSSIER Discovered… LOOK Who Funded It! - USA Portal

Democrats and the media are in a full-blown panic following the ousting of partisan hack Deputy FBI Director Andrew “Andy” McCabe and the vote to release the House Intel memo.

The waters are rising and the rats are scurrying for the lifeboats now that a smoking hole has been blown in the dirty dossier created by scuzzy oppo research firm Fusion GPS with an assist by scummy Brit spook Christopher Steele.

The dossier which claimed that Russia had kompromat on President Trump and peeing prostitutes in a Moscow hotel has been widely discredited and was all but certainly used as an excuse for Obama and Hillary loyalists to manipulate FISA laws to spy on Trump.

In a peculiar turn of events that is very timely to keeping the Russian hoax alive, it is being reported that there is a SECOND dossier that confirms some of Steele’s scurrilous claims.

This one was produced by a notorious Clinton crime family dirty trickster named Cody Shearer, a creepy character who has been a part of the Peckerwood Mafia ever since the good old days in the early 90s.

FBI Has Second Dirty Dossier and It Was Created by a Clinton Crime Family Dirtbag
That the Democrats would work with the Russians is completely logical. The Democrats are socialists, as are the Russians. They are on the same team.


My Recently Remembered Contact with a Russian FBI Informant 6/18/18
My critics have flipped because I only recently recalled a contact who was both a Russian and an FBI informant only in the country on a visa requested by the Miami office of the FBI saying his presence in the country served a "public benefit". The man who called himself Henry Greenberg is actually Gennady Vasilievich Vostretsov. A convicted violent felon who spent 10 years in prison and has been an FBI informant for 17 years.
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Trump lawyer calls for inquiry on Mueller's Russia probe

Jim Mannion
AFPJune 17, 2018

Washington (AFP) - Donald Trump's personal lawyer on Sunday called for an investigation into special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, claiming it was tainted from the outset under former FBI director James Comey.

"We want the Mueller probe to be investigated the way the Trump administration has been investigated," Rudy Giuliani said on CNN's "State of the Union."

"This is a case where it's crying out for someone to investigate the investigators," he later told CBS.

Giuliani's comments were the latest in a barrage of attacks on the probe by the president and his lawyers as Mueller appears to be nearing a conclusion to his investigation into possible collusion between Trump's campaign and Moscow.

"WITCH HUNT! There was no Russian Collusion. Oh, I see, there was no Russian Collusion, so now they look for obstruction on the no Russian Collusion. The phony Russian Collusion was a made up Hoax," Trump tweeted on Sunday.

"Too bad they didn't look at Crooked Hillary like this. Double Standard!" he added, referring to his 2016 Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton.

The Washington Post reported Sunday that Mueller is pressing to wrap up his findings by the end of summer and, in the words of former Republican leader Newt Gingrich, Trump and his allies were "prepared for war."
This chart sums things up simply enough even for a flat-lined prog to "grok" (understand). The collusion was by Hillary and the DNC, and leadership at the DOJ and FBI...all orchestrated from Obozo's White House. When you use this, you have the opposition in a trick bag....feel free to share. :04:


I see Jeb finally found somewhere to work himself into! What was his job in the grander scheme, was he the guy who brought the rest fresh water?
  • 70NEWS
Posted on June 19, 2018

Trump dossier author Christopher Steele appears for court-ordered deposition which took place for took four hours and was held in a private office.
  • There were more than a dozen people in the room: Mr. Gubarev’s two U.S. attorneys and his two British attorneys; two BuzzFeed attorneys and their two local counsel; Mr. Steele and his legal team; two representatives from the government, to make sure no state secrets came out; a court master; and a stenographer and a videographer.
By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times – Monday, June 18, 2018

Anti-Trump dossier writer Christopher Steele on Monday underwent his first adversarial questioning since his unverified charges were posted by BuzzFeed in January 2017.

Mr. Steele, a former British spy, has so far evaded requests by U.S. congressional committees to appear as a witness.

He is being sued for libel by Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian tech entrepreneur, who Mr. Steele said in his dossier was responsible for hacking Democratic Party computers and infecting them with spyware and pornography.

A British master ruled in March that Gubarev, who is also suing BuzzFeed, was entitled to question Mr. Steele within certain parameters.

The session happened Monday in London.

“I can confirm that the deposition took place today as scheduled, that Mr. Steele appeared, was professional and congenial and that we are satisfied with the results of the deposition,” Val Gurvits, a Gubarev attorney, told The Washington Times in an email. “I cannot, however, give you any details regarding Mr. Steele’s testimony because his entire testimony was designated as confidential by his legal team.”
The Russian meddling fraud: Weapons of mass destruction revisited
20 February 2018
Fifteen years ago, on February 5, 2003, against the backdrop of worldwide mass demonstrations in opposition to the impending invasion of Iraq, then-US Secretary of State Colin Powell argued before the United Nations that the government of Saddam Hussein was rapidly stockpiling “weapons of mass destruction,” which Iraq, together with Al Qaeda, was planning to use against the United States.

In what was the climax of the Bush administration’s campaign to justify war, Powell held up a model vial of anthrax, showed aerial photographs and presented detailed slides purporting to show the layout of Iraq’s “mobile production facilities.”

There was only one problem with Powell’s presentation: it was a lie from beginning to end.

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