The Collapsing American Middle Class


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Just to head this deflection off; this is due to the leadership of BOTH parties being bought by the corporate crony network.

This is not a slam on Dems alone, but all the bastards that undermine our lives and economic future in DC by carrying corporate water for them.

The Bruised and Battered Middle Class

Likewise, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have the 10 areas with the highest share of lower-income earners. With the exception of New Mexico, all those states have favored either Republicans or Democrats in four straight presidential elections.

The metro regions with the highest percentage of middle-income households, though, are disproportionately located in swing states or states that the Trump campaign believes are ripe for the New York billionaire's economic message. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have one, and Wisconsin alone has four.

"That tells me the trends described in this report are going to benefit the more populist candidates," said Alan Tonelson, an economic policy analyst who is critical of U.S. trade policy. "That seems to me to translate into good news for Trump … [Clinton] doesn't have very deep roots as a trade policy critic."
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.
Yeah, and he won the union vote. Somehow, though, I don't figure Trump will transform the GOP into the party of Andy Jackson. But, imo, the OP is correct. I've recently driven some of the backroads of Penn, outside Philly, and the demise of what was once pretty prosperous is shocking, and the same is true for the backroads of Kansas I drove through. It's not the nation I grew up in during the 1960s. And Trump CAN win this thing. He's a fake, but he can win.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.
Yeah, and he won the union vote. Somehow, though, I don't figure Trump will transform the GOP into the party of Andy Jackson. But, imo, the OP is correct. I've recently driven some of the backroads of Penn, outside Philly, and the demise of what was once pretty prosperous is shocking, and the same is true for the backroads of Kansas I drove through. It's not the nation I grew up in during the 1960s. And Trump CAN win this thing. He's a fake, but he can win.

i disagree with your claim that Trump is a fake as he has financial incentives to NOT be a fake.

But I have driven around in less visible areas of my hometown in Arlington Texas and yes, the changes are shockingly horrid.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.

That's true. I totally agree with the OP in that if we're going to approach this realistically we’re going to have to divorce ourselves from the notion that “either” political party represents anything other than consolidated concentrated corporate wealth and power. That being said, the inflection point was the time frame of the Reagan administration. Regardless of whatever the arguments around policies of the time are, when it comes to the rerigging of the American economy there is BR and AR, and I use that merely as a time point. Before Reagan versus after Reagan as is the custom relative to Jesus and BC versus AD.

But to paint this as “conservatives” did it and “liberals” stand against it is folly.

Under the neoliberal Bill Clinton administration the FCC was deregulated which resulted in the shrinking of the parameters of acceptable debate in a space now owned by 6 multinational corporations with little interest in investigative journalism or pushing back on the power structure. Half a dozen corporations control what 90% of Americans see and hear and actively engage in propaganda. The American media at this point is corporate perceptual reality marketing geared toward the management of the expectations of the masses. Under Clinton welfare was destroyed at a time when 70% of the recipients were children. Glass–Steagall was dismantled and reasonably aware folk understand what happened as a result of that. America returned to profiteering from bondage via mass incarceration of primarily black and brown bodies (but certainly always the poor), 90% of who never get a trial, into for profit prisons where other companies such as telephone and food service corporations further the exploitation of the underclass. In a hollowed out postindustrial society where there are no jobs for the poor or those sans degrees, society can now extract $40-50K per year per body, while blathering on about “bringing the jobs back”, which no one has any real intention of doing. The raping of society to support a bloated military occupation of the planet and endless wars of aggression to provide corporate access to markets and resources has continued unabated under the Obama administration and none of the afore mentioned “advances” were rolled back.

The political system is nothing but illusion and theater while the economic system has been intentionally turned into a societal wealth extraction paradigm.

Meanwhile we participate in our own demise wailing in confusion at each other over gays, guns, bibles chiks with dicks, who can relieve themself where, abortion, and the "liberals" versus "conservastives" charade. And clinging the the false hope that voting will alter anything.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.
George H W Bush started the trending against the middle class when he kicked the limits on H1-Bs up from a few thousand to over 60k, and the Bush clan has warred on the American middle class ever since.

So dont blame Reagan.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.
Yeah, and he won the union vote. Somehow, though, I don't figure Trump will transform the GOP into the party of Andy Jackson. But, imo, the OP is correct. I've recently driven some of the backroads of Penn, outside Philly, and the demise of what was once pretty prosperous is shocking, and the same is true for the backroads of Kansas I drove through. It's not the nation I grew up in during the 1960s. And Trump CAN win this thing. He's a fake, but he can win.

i disagree with your claim that Trump is a fake as he has financial incentives to NOT be a fake.

But I have driven around in less visible areas of my hometown in Arlington Texas and yes, the changes are shockingly horrid.
I have no interest in fighting with you, but I'm curious - what financial incentives?
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.

That's true. I totally agree with the OP in that if we're going to approach this realistically we’re going to have to divorce ourselves from the notion that “either” political party represents anything other than consolidated concentrated corporate wealth and power. That being said, the inflection point was the time frame of the Reagan administration. Regardless of whatever the arguments around policies of the time are, when it comes to the rerigging of the American economy there is BR and AR, and I use that merely as a time point. Before Reagan versus after Reagan as is the custom relative to Jesus and BC versus AD.

But to paint this as “conservatives” did it and “liberals” stand against it is folly.

Under the neoliberal Bill Clinton administration the FCC was deregulated which resulted in the shrinking of the parameters of acceptable debate in a space now owned by 6 multinational corporations with little interest in investigative journalism or pushing back on the power structure. Half a dozen corporations control what 90% of Americans see and hear and actively engage in propaganda. The American media at this point is corporate perceptual reality marketing geared toward the management of the expectations of the masses. Under Clinton welfare was destroyed at a time when 70% of the recipients were children. Glass–Steagall was dismantled and reasonably aware folk understand what happened as a result of that. America returned to profiteering from bondage via mass incarceration of primarily black and brown bodies (but certainly always the poor), 90% of who never get a trial, into for profit prisons where other companies such as telephone and food service corporations further the exploitation of the underclass. In a hollowed out postindustrial society where there are no jobs for the poor or those sans degrees, society can now extract $40-50K per year per body, while blathering on about “bringing the jobs back”, which no one has any real intention of doing. The raping of society to support a bloated military occupation of the planet and endless wars of aggression to provide corporate access to markets and resources has continued unabated under the Obama administration and none of the afore mentioned “advances” were rolled back.

The political system is nothing but illusion and theater while the economic system had been intentionally turned into a societal wealth extraction paradigm.

Meanwhile we participate in our own demise wailing in confusion at each other over gays, guns, bibles chiks with dicks, who can relieve themself where, abortion, and the "liberals" versus "conservastives" charade. And clinging the the false hope that voting will alter anything.

Other than my quibble about Reagan not being to blame so much as GHW Bush and the implication that Trump wont deliver jobs, I completely agree with the rest of your post.

The working class is being divided along lines of race, gender, religion, etc and that is due to the corporate media implementing a 'Divide and Conquer' strategy leaving the corporate crony network in complete control of our nations governing class.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.
Yeah, and he won the union vote. Somehow, though, I don't figure Trump will transform the GOP into the party of Andy Jackson. But, imo, the OP is correct. I've recently driven some of the backroads of Penn, outside Philly, and the demise of what was once pretty prosperous is shocking, and the same is true for the backroads of Kansas I drove through. It's not the nation I grew up in during the 1960s. And Trump CAN win this thing. He's a fake, but he can win.

i disagree with your claim that Trump is a fake as he has financial incentives to NOT be a fake.

But I have driven around in less visible areas of my hometown in Arlington Texas and yes, the changes are shockingly horrid.
I have no interest in fighting with you, but I'm curious - what financial incentives?

Trump makes his money from buying out real estate developments that have gone sideways at fire sale prices then he rescues them for huge gains, and secondly from selling his brand, 'Trump'. His name as a brand makes him hundreds of millions a year, and if he delivers on his promises to the working class....I cant even guess what 'Trump' will be valued at as a brand.

THAT is his incentive, as well as being a renowned hero for beating the corporate ass holes running the country into the ground. I think the money is not as important to him as the craving for the status of hero to the nations middle class.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.

That's true. I totally agree with the OP in that if we're going to approach this realistically we’re going to have to divorce ourselves from the notion that “either” political party represents anything other than consolidated concentrated corporate wealth and power. That being said, the inflection point was the time frame of the Reagan administration. Regardless of whatever the arguments around policies of the time are, when it comes to the rerigging of the American economy there is BR and AR, and I use that merely as a time point. Before Reagan versus after Reagan as is the custom relative to Jesus and BC versus AD.

But to paint this as “conservatives” did it and “liberals” stand against it is folly.

Under the neoliberal Bill Clinton administration the FCC was deregulated which resulted in the shrinking of the parameters of acceptable debate in a space now owned by 6 multinational corporations with little interest in investigative journalism or pushing back on the power structure. Half a dozen corporations control what 90% of Americans see and hear and actively engage in propaganda. The American media at this point is corporate perceptual reality marketing geared toward the management of the expectations of the masses. Under Clinton welfare was destroyed at a time when 70% of the recipients were children. Glass–Steagall was dismantled and reasonably aware folk understand what happened as a result of that. America returned to profiteering from bondage via mass incarceration of primarily black and brown bodies (but certainly always the poor), 90% of who never get a trial, into for profit prisons where other companies such as telephone and food service corporations further the exploitation of the underclass. In a hollowed out postindustrial society where there are no jobs for the poor or those sans degrees, society can now extract $40-50K per year per body, while blathering on about “bringing the jobs back”, which no one has any real intention of doing. The raping of society to support a bloated military occupation of the planet and endless wars of aggression to provide corporate access to markets and resources has continued unabated under the Obama administration and none of the afore mentioned “advances” were rolled back.

The political system is nothing but illusion and theater while the economic system had been intentionally turned into a societal wealth extraction paradigm.

Meanwhile we participate in our own demise wailing in confusion at each other over gays, guns, bibles chiks with dicks, who can relieve themself where, abortion, and the "liberals" versus "conservastives" charade. And clinging the the false hope that voting will alter anything.

Other than my quibble about Reagan not being to blame so much as GHW Bush and the implication that Trump wont deliver jobs, I completely agree with the rest of your post.

The working class is being divided along lines of race, gender, religion, etc and that is due to the corporate media implementing a 'Divide and Conquer' strategy leaving the corporate crony network in complete control of our nations governing class.

Absomutthafuggin'lutely. Goes all the way back to Bacon's Rebellion, the first rebellion in america against american govt by aristocracy.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.
Yeah, and he won the union vote. Somehow, though, I don't figure Trump will transform the GOP into the party of Andy Jackson. But, imo, the OP is correct. I've recently driven some of the backroads of Penn, outside Philly, and the demise of what was once pretty prosperous is shocking, and the same is true for the backroads of Kansas I drove through. It's not the nation I grew up in during the 1960s. And Trump CAN win this thing. He's a fake, but he can win.

i disagree with your claim that Trump is a fake as he has financial incentives to NOT be a fake.

But I have driven around in less visible areas of my hometown in Arlington Texas and yes, the changes are shockingly horrid.
I have no interest in fighting with you, but I'm curious - what financial incentives?

Trump makes his money from buying out real estate developments that have gone sideways at fire sale prices then he rescues them for huge gains, and secondly from selling his brand, 'Trump'. His name as a brand makes him hundreds of millions a year, and if he delivers on his promises to the working class....I cant even guess what 'Trump' will be valued at as a brand.

THAT is his incentive, as well as being a renowned hero for beating the corporate ass holes running the country into the ground. I think the money is not as important to him as the craving for the status of hero to the nations middle class.

He's gonna have to lay off the racial division schtick himself if he wants to get anywhere with this tact. I'm not convinced, reckon we'll see. Hilary sure won't give a fuck.
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When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.
Yeah, and he won the union vote. Somehow, though, I don't figure Trump will transform the GOP into the party of Andy Jackson. But, imo, the OP is correct. I've recently driven some of the backroads of Penn, outside Philly, and the demise of what was once pretty prosperous is shocking, and the same is true for the backroads of Kansas I drove through. It's not the nation I grew up in during the 1960s. And Trump CAN win this thing. He's a fake, but he can win.

i disagree with your claim that Trump is a fake as he has financial incentives to NOT be a fake.

But I have driven around in less visible areas of my hometown in Arlington Texas and yes, the changes are shockingly horrid.
I have no interest in fighting with you, but I'm curious - what financial incentives?

Trump makes his money from buying out real estate developments that have gone sideways at fire sale prices then he rescues them for huge gains, and secondly from selling his brand, 'Trump'. His name as a brand makes him hundreds of millions a year, and if he delivers on his promises to the working class....I cant even guess what 'Trump' will be valued at as a brand.

THAT is his incentive, as well as being a renowned hero for beating the corporate ass holes running the country into the ground. I think the money is not as important to him as the craving for the status of hero to the nations middle class.
I agree with that. But, I see his views as internally inconsistent and ever changing. But, I'm having a hard time seeing Hillary as the champion of fair trade.
He's gonna have to lay of the racial division schtick himself if he wants to get anywhere with this tact.

Most of that is media distortion. Trump has no record of discriminating against minorities of any kind. He is a merit focused employer. His tactic of making borderline scandalous statements was a method to get free media, and it worked, but to some degree he has thus allowed the media to rebrand him as a bigot, but I dont think he is.

I applaud him for telling the Politically Correct Nazis to go fuck off.

I'm not convinced, reckon we'll see. Hilary sure won't give a fuck.

Hillary cares about people, but she is an anachronism of the dying political order, and she and her advisers have no clue.
When ronnie started his demise and ruining of Unions. Wages started to stagnate.

Word . The GOP has successfully turned Union folk into bad guys, while CEOs with obnoxious salaries are all Heros.
Well the unions did not help themselves by allowing their leadership ranks to become infested with business majors straight out of college instead of promoting strictly from within the ranks.
He's gonna have to lay of the racial division schtick himself if he wants to get anywhere with this tact.

Most of that is media distortion. Trump has no record of discriminating against minorities of any kind. He is a merit focused employer. His tactic of making borderline scandalous statements was a method to get free media, and it worked, but to some degree he has thus allowed the media to rebrand him as a bigot, but I dont think he is.

I applaud him for telling the Politically Correct Nazis to go fuck off.

I'm not convinced, reckon we'll see. Hilary sure won't give a fuck.

Hillary cares about people, but she is an anachronism of the dying political order, and she and her advisers have no clue.

The media didn't distort Trump's rhetoric on Mexicans, that's on him. I don't see Hilary as caring about anything but herself, power, and legacy. She and Bill presided over the mass incarceration explosion while she was calling black kids “superpredators”. We’re gonna have to disagree on this; I can’t support Hilary for anything at all. I don’t like her, I don’t trust her, and the truth is, the power structure wanted to give us a choice of two dynasty families again. I have no affinity for Trump, but he did bust up the whatdya-want-another-Bush-or-anther-Clinton party.
He's gonna have to lay of the racial division schtick himself if he wants to get anywhere with this tact.

Most of that is media distortion. Trump has no record of discriminating against minorities of any kind. He is a merit focused employer. His tactic of making borderline scandalous statements was a method to get free media, and it worked, but to some degree he has thus allowed the media to rebrand him as a bigot, but I dont think he is.

I applaud him for telling the Politically Correct Nazis to go fuck off.

I'm not convinced, reckon we'll see. Hilary sure won't give a fuck.

Hillary cares about people, but she is an anachronism of the dying political order, and she and her advisers have no clue.

The media didn't distort Trump's rhetoric on Mexicans, that's on him. I don't see Hilary as caring about anything but herself, power, and legacy. She and Bill presided over the mass incarceration explosion while she was calling black kids “superpredators”. We’re gonna have to disagree on this; I can’t support Hilary for anything at all. I don’t like her, I don’t trust her, and the truth is, the power structure wanted to give us a choice of two dynasty families again. I have no affinity for Trump, but he did bust up the whatdya-want-another-Bush-or-anther-Clinton party.
I don't like the Clintons, but during the mass incarceration, all you needed to send a drug dealer to hard time was a jury with 12 black mothers and tell them "it's for the children."

And, you are correct that the DLC is as neoliberal as Reagan was. But we voted for it. "Send us all the cheap shit we can buy, and we want to add another bed and bath to our house, and buy 4 wheelers with home equity loans."

Imo, for Clinton to win this, she's gonna have to spell out policies that refute much of what Slick did on trade. We're not gonna undo NAFTA. But, what's driven down wages is not the illegal immigrants, but immigrants outside our borders.
The media didn't distort Trump's rhetoric on Mexicans, that's on him. I don't see Hilary as caring about anything but herself, power, and legacy. She and Bill presided over the mass incarceration explosion while she was calling black kids “superpredators”. We’re gonna have to disagree on this; I can’t support Hilary for anything at all. I don’t like her, I don’t trust her, and the truth is, the power structure wanted to give us a choice of two dynasty families again. I have no affinity for Trump, but he did bust up the whatdya-want-another-Bush-or-anther-Clinton party.

No, the media did distort Trumps remarks which were directed to illegal aliens, not all Mexicans.

And dont make me defend Hillary; that is horribly rude. lol
The media didn't distort Trump's rhetoric on Mexicans, that's on him. I don't see Hilary as caring about anything but herself, power, and legacy. She and Bill presided over the mass incarceration explosion while she was calling black kids “superpredators”. We’re gonna have to disagree on this; I can’t support Hilary for anything at all. I don’t like her, I don’t trust her, and the truth is, the power structure wanted to give us a choice of two dynasty families again. I have no affinity for Trump, but he did bust up the whatdya-want-another-Bush-or-anther-Clinton party.

No, the media did distort Trumps remarks which were directed to illegal aliens, not all Mexicans.

And dont make me defend Hillary; that is horribly rude. lol

I heard what Trump said and I understand what he was doing with that dog whistle racist bullshit. "And some of them, I assume, are good people." No good. If he keeps it up, the unsubstantial people will splinter as per usual. He's courting older white males in the primary, but some folk have longer attention spans than toddlers and this may not play well. He also knows older white males have been institutionally programmed in America to blame minorities when under economic duress.

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