The CNN Primetiem Rating disgrace - Well MSNBC not too far behind!


Apr 22, 2007
Let's see O'Reilly gets 2.31 million more viewers than Overbite and approximately 1 million more viewers than MSNBC, CNN and HLN combined!

No wonder liberals dump on success so much, that might be because it evades them.

On a side note: Good job dumping Lou Dobbs CNN, one of your anchors that actually rated well! Good job!

CNN anchor: I'm quitting this ratings dumpster
CNN anchor: I'm quitting this ratings dumpster
'The simple fact is that not enough people want to watch my program'

According to the Nielsen Company's ratings, "Campbell Brown" brings in an average of 591,000 viewers per night so far this year. That falls far short of the time-slot leader, "The O'Reilly Factor" with Bill O'Reilly of Fox News, which averages 3.34 million. "Countdown With Keith Olbermann" on MSNBC is said to average 1.03 million, and Nancy Grace, who hosts a crime-oriented talk show on CNN's sister network HLN, has an average of 724,000 viewers.

CNN lost its 7 p.m. anchor, Lou Dobbs, in November when the veteran broadcaster unexpectedly resigned. As WND noted, Dobbs' refusal to drop "birther" stories about challenges to President Obama's constitutional eligibility to hold office was reportedly a major source of contention with CNN management, leading the anchor to walk away from the network and more than $9 million.
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This is not tough to figure out. There is only one place that conservatives can go to hear they news they want to hear......Fox News. There is no other tv channel that leans to the right like Fox news, so of course a majority of conservatives are going to watch that channel and only that channel.
This is not tough to figure out. There is only one place that conservatives can go to hear they news they want to hear......Fox News. There is no other tv channel that leans to the right like Fox news, so of course a majority of conservatives are going to watch that channel and only that channel.

So they are 1 million above all the next largest three combined (interesting that 1 million is what Overbite pulls in)! Solid argument!

Better argument might be that conservatives actually care about the news and what's going on in the world and liberals well like to get their news from the Comedy Central!
This is not tough to figure out. There is only one place that conservatives can go to hear they news they want to hear......Fox News. There is no other tv channel that leans to the right like Fox news, so of course a majority of conservatives are going to watch that channel and only that channel.

So they are 1 million above all the next largest three combined (interesting that 1 million is what Overbite pulls in)! Solid argument!

Better argument might be that conservatives actually care about the news and what's going on in the world and liberals well like to get their news from the Comedy Central!

I will say this, Comedy Central and Fox News do provide the same amount of entertainment value.
Fox sued in court to lie to their viewers.

I dont care how many idiots tune into a station that has to sue to lie, Im not watching assholes like that
This is not tough to figure out. There is only one place that conservatives can go to hear they news they want to hear......Fox News. There is no other tv channel that leans to the right like Fox news, so of course a majority of conservatives are going to watch that channel and only that channel.

So they are 1 million above all the next largest three combined (interesting that 1 million is what Overbite pulls in)! Solid argument!

Better argument might be that conservatives actually care about the news and what's going on in the world and liberals well like to get their news from the Comedy Central!

If the current Administration is an example, the left fail at math.
Fox sued in court to lie to their viewers.

I dont care how many idiots tune into a station that has to sue to lie, Im not watching assholes like that

Cling to your version of 'truth', girl. No matter how many times you are PROVED to be totally and completely wrong... you just keep holding fast to the party line.

What a fucking moronic liar you are.
Fox sued in court to lie to their viewers.

I dont care how many idiots tune into a station that has to sue to lie, Im not watching assholes like that

Cling to your version of 'truth', girl. No matter how many times you are PROVED to be totally and completely wrong... you just keep holding fast to the party line.

What a fucking moronic liar you are.

For being a freelance writer you'd think you would have a bigger vocabulary that allowed you to not have to use a variation of "fuck" in every post you make.
Fox sued in court to lie to their viewers.

I dont care how many idiots tune into a station that has to sue to lie, Im not watching assholes like that

Cling to your version of 'truth', girl. No matter how many times you are PROVED to be totally and completely wrong... you just keep holding fast to the party line.

What a fucking moronic liar you are.

For being a freelance writer you'd think you would have a bigger vocabulary that allowed you to not have to use a variation of "fuck" in every post you make.

Being a moron, I'm not surprised that this is the best you got. Now fuck off.
"...some people are saying..."
Isn't "...and that's the way it is..." or, "good night, and good luck"

News is entertainment, and, all talking heads should heed, "Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar"

Opinions can be formed by those with no ability to think, critically or otherwise (as has been shown time and again on this message board). Watching and listeniing to only those who 'you' agree with simply reinforces opinions. Read and listen to those who challenge what you believe; that is the beginning to eventually understanding. Soon you may find yourself actually questioning and testing your beliefs.

PS Or, 'you' can just tell them to fuck off.
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Cling to your version of 'truth', girl. No matter how many times you are PROVED to be totally and completely wrong... you just keep holding fast to the party line.

What a fucking moronic liar you are.

For being a freelance writer you'd think you would have a bigger vocabulary that allowed you to not have to use a variation of "fuck" in every post you make.

Being a moron, I'm not surprised that this is the best you got. Now fuck off.

Insults and F-bombs, stay classy.
Being a moron, I'm not surprised that this is the best you got. Now fuck off.

Insults and F-bombs, stay classy.

You made it personal. Don't like it, use the fucking ignore button, idiot.

Actually, I love it. I picture you sitting at your computer just fuming, turning bright red and developing an ulcer over this. If it was possible, I'd actually think smoke would shoot out of your ears like in the cartoons. It's actually pretty my head at least.
Insults and F-bombs, stay classy.

You made it personal. Don't like it, use the fucking ignore button, idiot.

Actually, I love it. I picture you sitting at your computer just fuming, turning bright red and developing an ulcer over this. If it was possible, I'd actually think smoke would shoot out of your ears like in the cartoons. It's actually pretty my head at least.

So true, even purveyors of hate such as she are not immune to the bodies physical response to intense negative emotions.
Fox sued in court to lie to their viewers.

I dont care how many idiots tune into a station that has to sue to lie, Im not watching assholes like that

Fox this Fox that, you have some sort secret obsession with Fox News?

FNC=MSNBC. Get it now?

Fox Lies!

MSNBC on the other hand tells the Truth!

Someone's biased...
Fox sued in court to lie to their viewers.

I dont care how many idiots tune into a station that has to sue to lie, Im not watching assholes like that

Fox this Fox that, you have some sort secret obsession with Fox News?

FNC=MSNBC. Get it now?

Fox Lies!

MSNBC on the other hand tells the Truth!

Someone's biased...

Speaking strictly on the News programs, what specifically has Fox lied about? They seem to be an easy target, but I would like to read some of the actual lies. The OP programs don't count as that is what opinions are, biased.
Let's see O'Reilly gets 2.31 million more viewers than Overbite and approximately 1 million more viewers than MSNBC, CNN and HLN combined!

No wonder liberals dump on success so much, that might be because it evades them.

On a side note: Good job dumping Lou Dobbs CNN, one of your anchors that actually rated well! Good job!

CNN anchor: I'm quitting this ratings dumpster
CNN anchor: I'm quitting this ratings dumpster
'The simple fact is that not enough people want to watch my program'

According to the Nielsen Company's ratings, "Campbell Brown" brings in an average of 591,000 viewers per night so far this year. That falls far short of the time-slot leader, "The O'Reilly Factor" with Bill O'Reilly of Fox News, which averages 3.34 million. "Countdown With Keith Olbermann" on MSNBC is said to average 1.03 million, and Nancy Grace, who hosts a crime-oriented talk show on CNN's sister network HLN, has an average of 724,000 viewers.

CNN lost its 7 p.m. anchor, Lou Dobbs, in November when the veteran broadcaster unexpectedly resigned. As WND noted, Dobbs' refusal to drop "birther" stories about challenges to President Obama's constitutional eligibility to hold office was reportedly a major source of contention with CNN management, leading the anchor to walk away from the network and more than $9 million.

So, you think that ratings somehow legitimize your talking points? Simply because more people watch fox, that means you are right? Because Billo has a lot of viewers, it makes liberals losers? That's ridiculous. It's fucking TV show. It has nothing to do with creidibility, only that stupid people like to watch other stupid people to make themselves feel better about themselves. Liberals don't need to constantly rejuvinate their beliefs because they are self-standing. Without hearing conservative ideas constantly pumped down your throat, your ideas would fall to logic. Plain and simple. Keep on brainwashing yourselves to keep yourself ignorant. It's hilarious, but sad and devestating at the same time. Fuck off... your ruining this country.

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