The choice in November


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
With the spill in the Gulf killing sea life and threatening the entire gulf coast, voters will be faced with a choice in November. Do you think they will elect in either house a majority of the party that made famous the cry, "Drill Baby Drill!"

If given the chance, the GOP will allow expanded offshore drilling. So, what is happening in the Gulf could also have a chance of happening off the east coast, off the coast of New England, and off the California Coast.

The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.

The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.

Nope! Obama created this mess so he could close down off-shore oil drilling, enact new Green initiatives, further the man-made global warming hype and destroy the US economy. He sent SWAT teams to oil rigs to destroy the evidence.

Now you know.
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Course the fact that China and Russia will still drill the shit otta the Gulf makes no difference at all.

What a moron.
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Wow...Strawman in a tin foil hat! :rofl:

This thread looks like a good candidate for "the lame zone" to me. There's not a shred of truth or fact in it. It's pure, bat shit crazy, loony left, partisan hack, hyperbole.
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Heres your problem guys, as we get closer to November the effects of this spill are going to be all over the news.

Drill baby Drill will be the voice of idiots.

Remember how fucking stupid Bobby Jindal looked for mocking volcano monitoring?
With the spill in the Gulf killing sea life and threatening the entire gulf coast, voters will be faced with a choice in November. Do you think they will elect in either house a majority of the party that made famous the cry, "Drill Baby Drill!"

If given the chance, the GOP will allow expanded offshore drilling. So, what is happening in the Gulf could also have a chance of happening off the east coast, off the coast of New England, and off the California Coast.

The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.

A secret deal? If it's secret, how come you know about it? Got a link to the timeline of who agreed to what on this disaster? Cuz I have sources telling me that Obama did the final sign off. :eek::eek::eek: That makes the Dems responsible. They can carry the oil can.
Wow...Strawman in a tin foil hat! :rofl:

This thread looks like a good candidate for "the lame zone" to me. There's not a shred of truth or fact in it. It's pure, bat shit crazy, loony left, partisan hack, hyperbole.
No more Lame Zone...So, we'll just leave it here as a shining example of how not to post.
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Heres your problem guys, as we get closer to November the effects of this spill are going to be all over the news.

Drill baby Drill will be the voice of idiots.

Remember how fucking stupid Bobby Jindal looked for mocking volcano monitoring?

Not even a fraction as stupid as you look here... daily.
Heres your problem guys, as we get closer to November the effects of this spill are going to be all over the news.

Drill baby Drill will be the voice of idiots.

Remember how fucking stupid Bobby Jindal looked for mocking volcano monitoring?

Oh, the refrain from Flalin Palin is going to be repeated over and over and over...:clap2:
The question isnt whether there will be drilling in the Gulf. The question is who will be drilling. Us or the Chinese?

I think it would be beneficial for us to drill. In fact, it's stupid not to because we have much higher standards than they do in drilling.
What is really great is when you have real facts to back up any claims about how much of a disaster this might be.

"But it will take weeks to years of uncontrolled leakage, before this spill comes close to previous highs, such as the:

* Santa Barbara Channel oil platform blowout (1969): 90,000 barrels off the California coast;

* Mega Borg tanker (1990): 121,400 barrels in the Gulf of Mexico off Galveston, TX;

* Exxon Valdez tanker (1989): 250,000 barrels along 1,300 miles of untouched Alaska shoreline;

* Ixtoc 1 oil platform blowout (1979): 3,500,000 barrels in Mexico’s Campeche Bay;

* Saddam Hussein oil field sabotage (1991): 857,000,000 barrels in Kuwait;

* Natural seeps in US waters: 1,119,000 barrels every year from natural cracks in the seafloor. "

Paul Driessen : Lessons From the Gulf Blowout -
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The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.

Wow.. this oughtta be good... please, do tell.
All these leftist kooks will still be mumbling on and on about Bush and Cheney when their sucking soup at the old folks home... at least they'll be easy to spot!
With the spill in the Gulf killing sea life and threatening the entire gulf coast, voters will be faced with a choice in November. Do you think they will elect in either house a majority of the party that made famous the cry, "Drill Baby Drill!"

If given the chance, the GOP will allow expanded offshore drilling. So, what is happening in the Gulf could also have a chance of happening off the east coast, off the coast of New England, and off the California Coast.

The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.
The republican counter to this is easy. The democrats want smaller, more fuel efficient cars, which are inherently less safe due to a smaller mass. Considering that car accidents are inevitable and happen daily, the only logical conclusion is that democrats want you to die in a car crash.

Maybe you see things differently, but i'm not going to vote for a party who wants me to die in a car crash. That's just mean.
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Anybody see the New York Times yesterday????

Did an editorial about the things Greece should do to prevent default. #1 suggestion? Drop government run health care and privatize it. The New York Times.........the most vocal of all media outlets in support of Obamacare. You cant make this stuff up....................

Do I need to elaborate, or what??

Novemeber..............I can see it out my window by now!!!! Gotta repeal all this mindless liberal bogus spending sh!t................or its Greece s0ns!!
With the spill in the Gulf killing sea life and threatening the entire gulf coast, voters will be faced with a choice in November. Do you think they will elect in either house a majority of the party that made famous the cry, "Drill Baby Drill!"

If given the chance, the GOP will allow expanded offshore drilling. So, what is happening in the Gulf could also have a chance of happening off the east coast, off the coast of New England, and off the California Coast.

The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.

A secret deal? If it's secret, how come you know about it? Got a link to the timeline of who agreed to what on this disaster? Cuz I have sources telling me that Obama did the final sign off. :eek::eek::eek: That makes the Dems responsible. They can carry the oil can.

he may have secret sources. you don't rely on the media, do you?

if you are nice to him, you can PM him, he might just reveal his sources.
With the spill in the Gulf killing sea life and threatening the entire gulf coast, voters will be faced with a choice in November. Do you think they will elect in either house a majority of the party that made famous the cry, "Drill Baby Drill!"

If given the chance, the GOP will allow expanded offshore drilling. So, what is happening in the Gulf could also have a chance of happening off the east coast, off the coast of New England, and off the California Coast.

The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.

What a RETARDED POST. Exactly how does a US Supreme Court Justice "protect" drilling?

By the way dumb fuck, Obama and HIS administration are the ones that EXEMPTED the rig that exploded from INSPECTION last year.

One accident in how many years and you retards want to shut down all drilling. Go ahead bury those fucking heads in the sand.
With the spill in the Gulf killing sea life and threatening the entire gulf coast, voters will be faced with a choice in November. Do you think they will elect in either house a majority of the party that made famous the cry, "Drill Baby Drill!"

If given the chance, the GOP will allow expanded offshore drilling. So, what is happening in the Gulf could also have a chance of happening off the east coast, off the coast of New England, and off the California Coast.

The disaster in the Gulf occurred because of a secret deal that Cheney and the oil Companies cooked up, a secret deal that is being protected by Scalia and his merry band.

A secret deal? If it's secret, how come you know about it? Got a link to the timeline of who agreed to what on this disaster? Cuz I have sources telling me that Obama did the final sign off. :eek::eek::eek: That makes the Dems responsible. They can carry the oil can.

he may have secret sources. you don't rely on the media, do you?

if you are nice to him, you can PM him, he might just reveal his sources.

Thanks, but I have my own sources. They aren't secret but you can't access them. :lol::lol::lol:

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