The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I’m sure Trump is trying to keep the arrests from occurring until after the new year for political gain.

In the waning days of the Obama administration, the U.S. intelligence community produced a report saying Russian President Vladimir Putin had tried to swing the 2016 election to Donald Trump.

The January 2017 report, called an Intelligence Community Assessment, followed months of leaks to the media that had falsely suggested illicit ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin while also revealing that such contacts were the subject of a federal investigation. Its release cast a pall of suspicion over Trump just days before he took office, setting the tone for the unfounded allegations of conspiracy and treason that have engulfed his first term.

The ICA's blockbuster finding was presented to the public as the consensus view of the nation's intelligence community. As events have unfolded, however, it now seems apparent that the report was largely the work of one agency, the CIA, and overseen by one man, then-Director John Brennan, who closely directed its drafting and publication with a small group of hand-picked analysts.

Nearly three years later, as the public awaits answers from two Justice Department inquiries into the Trump-Russia probe’s origins, and as impeachment hearings catalyzed by a Brennan-hired anti-Trump CIA analyst unfold in Congress, it is clear that Brennan’s role in propagating the collusion narrative went far beyond his work on the ICA. A close review of facts that have slowly come to light reveals that he was a central architect and promoter of the conspiracy theory from its inception. The record shows that:

  • Contrary to a general impression that the FBI launched the Trump-Russia conspiracy probe, Brennan pushed it to the bureau – breaking with CIA tradition by intruding into domestic politics: the 2016 presidential election. He also supplied suggestive but ultimately false information to counterintelligence investigators and other U.S. officials.
  • Leveraging his close proximity to President Obama, Brennan sounded the alarm about alleged Russian interference to the White House, and was tasked with managing the U.S. intelligence community's response.
  • While some FBI officials expressed skepticism about the Trump/Russia narrative as they hunted down investigative leads, Brennan stood out for insisting on its veracity.
  • To substantiate his claims, Brennan relied on a Kremlin informant who was later found to be a mid-level official with limited access to Putin’s inner circle.
  • Circumventing normal protocol for congressional briefings, Brennan supplied then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid with incendiary Trump-Russia innuendo that Reid amplified in a pair of public letters late in the election campaign.
  • After Trump's unexpected victory, Brennan oversaw the hasty production of the tenuous Intelligence Community Assessment.
  • Departing from his predecessors’ usual practice of staying above the political fray after leaving office, Brennan has worked as a prominent analyst for MSNBC, where he has used his authority as a former guardian of the nation’s top secrets to launch vitriolic attacks on a sitting president, accusing Trump of "treasonous" conduct.
Now Brennan is among the most vocal critics of the more comprehensive of the two Justice probes, the criminal investigation run by U.S. Attorney John Durham and Attorney General William Barr. "I don’t understand the predication of this worldwide effort to try to uncover dirt, real or imagined, that would discredit that investigation in 2016 into Russian interference," he recently said on MSNBC.

The Trump-Russia collusion theory was not propagated by a few rogue figures. Key Obama administration and intelligence officials laundered it through national security reporters who gave their explosive claims anonymous cover. Nevertheless, Brennan stands apart for the outsized role he played in generating and spreading the false narrative.

'Raised Concerns in My Mind'
The government’s official story as detailed in special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s April 18 report casts the Trump-Russia probe as an FBI operation. It asserts that the bureau launched its investigation, code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” on July 31, 2016, after receiving information that junior Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was informed that Russians had politically damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Read it all.

And brennan has already said on CNN that he was "just following orders"...which means OBAMA!!!

Not many other people could give brennan orders at that time!
I’m sure Trump is trying to keep the arrests from occurring until after the new year for political gain.

In the waning days of the Obama administration, the U.S. intelligence community produced a report saying Russian President Vladimir Putin had tried to swing the 2016 election to Donald Trump.

The January 2017 report, called an Intelligence Community Assessment, followed months of leaks to the media that had falsely suggested illicit ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin while also revealing that such contacts were the subject of a federal investigation. Its release cast a pall of suspicion over Trump just days before he took office, setting the tone for the unfounded allegations of conspiracy and treason that have engulfed his first term.

The ICA's blockbuster finding was presented to the public as the consensus view of the nation's intelligence community. As events have unfolded, however, it now seems apparent that the report was largely the work of one agency, the CIA, and overseen by one man, then-Director John Brennan, who closely directed its drafting and publication with a small group of hand-picked analysts.

Nearly three years later, as the public awaits answers from two Justice Department inquiries into the Trump-Russia probe’s origins, and as impeachment hearings catalyzed by a Brennan-hired anti-Trump CIA analyst unfold in Congress, it is clear that Brennan’s role in propagating the collusion narrative went far beyond his work on the ICA. A close review of facts that have slowly come to light reveals that he was a central architect and promoter of the conspiracy theory from its inception. The record shows that:

  • Contrary to a general impression that the FBI launched the Trump-Russia conspiracy probe, Brennan pushed it to the bureau – breaking with CIA tradition by intruding into domestic politics: the 2016 presidential election. He also supplied suggestive but ultimately false information to counterintelligence investigators and other U.S. officials.
  • Leveraging his close proximity to President Obama, Brennan sounded the alarm about alleged Russian interference to the White House, and was tasked with managing the U.S. intelligence community's response.
  • While some FBI officials expressed skepticism about the Trump/Russia narrative as they hunted down investigative leads, Brennan stood out for insisting on its veracity.
  • To substantiate his claims, Brennan relied on a Kremlin informant who was later found to be a mid-level official with limited access to Putin’s inner circle.
  • Circumventing normal protocol for congressional briefings, Brennan supplied then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid with incendiary Trump-Russia innuendo that Reid amplified in a pair of public letters late in the election campaign.
  • After Trump's unexpected victory, Brennan oversaw the hasty production of the tenuous Intelligence Community Assessment.
  • Departing from his predecessors’ usual practice of staying above the political fray after leaving office, Brennan has worked as a prominent analyst for MSNBC, where he has used his authority as a former guardian of the nation’s top secrets to launch vitriolic attacks on a sitting president, accusing Trump of "treasonous" conduct.
Now Brennan is among the most vocal critics of the more comprehensive of the two Justice probes, the criminal investigation run by U.S. Attorney John Durham and Attorney General William Barr. "I don’t understand the predication of this worldwide effort to try to uncover dirt, real or imagined, that would discredit that investigation in 2016 into Russian interference," he recently said on MSNBC.

The Trump-Russia collusion theory was not propagated by a few rogue figures. Key Obama administration and intelligence officials laundered it through national security reporters who gave their explosive claims anonymous cover. Nevertheless, Brennan stands apart for the outsized role he played in generating and spreading the false narrative.

'Raised Concerns in My Mind'
The government’s official story as detailed in special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s April 18 report casts the Trump-Russia probe as an FBI operation. It asserts that the bureau launched its investigation, code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” on July 31, 2016, after receiving information that junior Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was informed that Russians had politically damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Read it all.


If just half of what they uncovered is true Obama, Clinton, and about 60 other individuals were in this Coup D'etat. Just wow... This is outright treason and a direct assault on the constitutional rule of law. People need to swing from gallows..
And brennan has already said on CNN that he was "just following orders"...which means OBAMA!!!

Not many other people could give brennan orders at that time!
He may be given immunity to testify if so.

No immunity, I'd rather jail Komrad Brennan than Barry. Maybe knock a few years off Brennan if he rolls over on Obama, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr, and the others involved in the deep state Steele Dossier, FISA abuses, illegal spying, misusing foreign intel assets, entrapment of Flynn and Popadope, and other coup attempts on Trump.
The Press and Hollywood hate machine has the duped demodolt voters convinced that Trump is a Russian spy and Ukrainian spy
He may be given immunity to testify if so.

It wouldn't have to be FULL immunity. They could say not more than 4 years if you testify...or something to that effect.

Considering brennan could be facing the death penalty...4 years wouldn't be a bad deal!
I heard over a year ago that lisa page was singing like a canary...they may not need to make deals with anybody else.
And brennan has already said on CNN that he was "just following orders"...which means OBAMA!!!

Not many other people could give brennan orders at that time!
He may be given immunity to testify if so.

Sorry but if people like Brennen are given immunity with the spin of going after those at the top, people need to be prepared for a huge let down when that doesn't happen. Neither Obama nor Hillary will face any charges.
The Press and Hollywood hate machine has the duped demodolt voters convinced that Trump is a Russian spy and Ukrainian spy
He is a Russian Asset, whether he knows it or not. :p

He does have an affinity and love for brutal murdering dictators or authoritarians, such as Putin and Erdogan, and the Saudi Prince and Kim Jong Un
And brennan has already said on CNN that he was "just following orders"...which means OBAMA!!!

Not many other people could give brennan orders at that time!
He may be given immunity to testify if so.

No immunity, I'd rather jail Komrad Brennan than Barry. Maybe knock a few years off Brennan if he rolls over on Obama, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr, and the others involved in the deep state Steele Dossier, FISA abuses, illegal spying, misusing foreign intel assets, entrapment of Flynn and Popadope, and other coup attempts on Trump.
The first to rollover gets the deal ... then we behead the rest and mount them on pikes on Capitol Hill. That should drain the stinkin' swamp in a hurry.

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