The Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

Funny, I think of a loser on a message board who thinks he is funny.

Look in the mirror jackass.

And as far as funny, I think you should look back to your own countless retarded posts that are neither funny nor productive. Oh, and by the way, my post wasn't meant to be funny...:slap:
Look in the mirror jackass.

And as far as funny, I think you should look back to your own countless retarded posts that are neither funny nor productive. Oh, and by the way, my post wasn't meant to be funny...:slap:

can I borrow yours, f*ck face?
conspiracies involve paranoia, no?

there is much paranoia going around here.

look at the tools who hide?

...there is more here than meets the eye.

Just because I'm paranoid does not mean they are NOT out to get me.


When everyone is out to get you, paranoia is just good thinkin'

advice to live by


  • $t1.gif
    1.7 KB · Views: 84 beat me to it. I was attempting to find a picture of a mirror with someone ugly on it. I was going to post the picture and say, "Here you go, you can barrow my mirror."

But as far as toughness goes. I'm more like....

you're a chicken?

cluck, cluck, cluck,..
Last edited: beat me to it. I was attempting to find a picture of a mirror with someone ugly on it. I was going to post the picture and say, "Here you go, you can barrow my mirror."

But as far as toughness goes. I'm more like....


you're a chicken?

cluck, cluck, cluck,..


Well I figured since you were using a bird as an anology, I'd keep with the theme. I'm sorry you're too dense to pick that up. I bet you were bullied in school huh? So now you get on the internet and have to 'act' tough as if your bad ass....You've got me shaking in my boots...:cuckoo:

Well I figured since you were using a bird as an anology, I'd keep with the theme. I'm sorry you're too dense to pick that up. I bet you were bullied in school huh? So now you get on the internet and have to 'act' tough as if your bad ass....You've got me shaking in my boots...:cuckoo:

you were making an analogy? how so?

and me bullied? never. I cam from one of the toughest places around and I was with some of the toughest people. also, was more a peacemaker when I was a kid, I disliked people who you remind me of...the bullies, but even them I'd protect.

I was well liked and never bullied. And if some big dope like you had ever dared try...I had lots of tougher friends and we had what loners/losers like you never will...a shared bond, loyalty and honor. oh yeah, and real friends
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you were making an analogy? how so?

and me bullied? never. I cam from one of the toughest places around and I was with some of the toughest people. also, was more a peacemaker when I was a kid, I disliked people who you remind me of...the bullies, but even them I'd protect.

I was well liked and never bullied. And if some big dope like you had ever dared try...I had lots of tougher friends and we had what loners/losers like you never will...a shared bond, loyalty and honor. oh yeah, and real friends

As a matter of fact, you made the analogy by claiming that I was analogous to tweety bird remember? Shall I go back and find the post? I just continued the theme by posting another bird. If it's difficult for you to understand, then too bad, you'll have to learn. It's either that or continue to post idiotic questions about stuff you start.

LOL. Me? A bully? Dude you've obviously misinterpreted things I've posted. Now, if you consider me calling out stupid things people say, being a bully, then call it what you will. But as far as your posts in response to mine, they've been nothing but unwarranted disrespect on your part. This thread for example: You asked what Boulevard of Broken Dreams meant to other posters. I posted the first thing that came to mind and you posted a disrespectful comment about me. How you would ever assume to know me is beyond reasonable logic.

It seems now like you're specifically going out of your way to pump yourself by a primitive form of "name-dropping" by exclaiming that you've hung out with the toughest of the tough...which means absoultely nothing on an internet message board. What are you going to post next? "My dad can beat up your dad?" "You're not coming to my birthday party!" ? You've posted the first post of disrespect towards me, and for some reason, you call me the bully. (I can find it and quote it if you'd like). I suggest if you want respect, you show it in return. You posted a question on the original post, I answered.
dear f*ck face, I went back and looked. you're misrepresenting and lying.

screw you on that one.

and I posted a reply to a bully who asked if I got beat up all the time. I only mentioned what is true.

I know your type.

blow me.

pssssst, the disrespect is more than warranted
dear f*ck face, I went back and looked. you're misrepresenting and lying.

screw you on that one.

and I posted a reply to a bully who asked if I got beat up all the time. I only mentioned what is true.

I know your type.

blow me.

pssssst, the disrespect is more than warranted

Let's review shall we?

Originally Posted by AtlasShrieked

"The Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

What does it mean to you?"

My first response to this post was:

"The first thing that comes to mind is a looter on a New Orleans boulevard who has just realized the levies broke.

You're next response was:

Originally Posted by AtlasShrieked

"Funny, I think of a loser on a message board who thinks he is funny."

Do you really want to pass it off as I being the first to throw the stone? I think fact and a few seconds of research shows the opposite. You can continue you're little victim mascarade if you want, but just know you're the only one around here with a bully complex. Unless you're a looter from New Orleans, my post should not have offended you. Take some real time to read this post before you post more nonsense. And really look to see who threw the first punch.
I was well liked and never bullied. And if some big dope like you had ever dared try...I had lots of tougher friends and we had what loners/losers like you never will...a shared bond, loyalty and honor. oh yeah, and real friends

So in other words, you were a pussy and your friends were your enforcers.

Sooner or later dudes like you got their ass whoopins. I'm sure you're no exception.

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