The Birfer State Law Tracking Thread

Here's the deal. A former KKK member Chief Justice of the supreme court appointed by FDR wrote the modern "separation of church and state" doctrine and democrats have taken it to it's most extreme ends. Kids can be arrested for carrying Bibles on school grounds and government thugs sledge hammer the Ten Commandments off a court house wall that had been there for fifty years. There is a federal court order to bulldoze a Korean war monument because a single agnostic is offended by a 40 ft Cross. My point is that it wasn't a modern day KKK member that wrote the requirement that a president be born in the USA. It was the Founding Fathers. Somehow the democrat party seems to think it doesn't matter and the candidate can wave around a copy of a B.C. and everyone needs to "don't worry -be happy" because it's a democrat. The issue is important because it's a freaking Constitutional requirement for the most important job in the freaking world. It shouldn't require a state law. If there is any doubt about where the candidate was born the B.C. should be examined by a panel of document examiners. For God's sakes Obama told Harvard that he was born in Africa and there is no record of his mother in a Hawaii hospital on the day he was born. It's not absolute evidence but doesn't it cast enough of a doubt to examine the B.C. instead of relying on some hack from Hawaii to verify it?
how come toto gets a sticky thread.... O 'cause he's canadian ?? that sucks !! no fair...
(way to go harper!) people don't know this, but it was our friend toro, that first coined the expression "birfer"... only our northern cousins (inbreeding) could come up with such a coup.

Actually, DiveCon (RIP) gets credit for coining the term "birfer."

Are there going to be any more birfer laws coming from the states? You will be able to know the true patriots are by whom proposes birfer bills!

My friend birfered all over his new 4 wheeler this weekend because he drank to much while we were deer hunting. :lol:
how come toto gets a sticky thread.... O 'cause he's canadian ?? that sucks !! no fair...
(way to go harper!) people don't know this, but it was our friend toro, that first coined the expression "birfer"... only our northern cousins (inbreeding) could come up with such a coup.

Actually, DiveCon (RIP) gets credit for coining the term "birfer."

Are there going to be any more birfer laws coming from the states? You will be able to know the true patriots are by whom proposes birfer bills!

My friend birfered all over his new 4 wheeler this weekend because he drank to much while we were deer hunting. :lol:

i remember my first beer.
the troll has come to shit in this thread now i see.

Do you do your posting from the bathroom, Princess? All your posts are steeped in shit and farts. :cuckoo:

He is a shit flinger. He flings every shit 9/11 theory against the wall until he gets something to stick.

so says the agent troll who skipped junior high school science classes and worships our corrupt government institutions and corporate media to no end listening to what THEY say and then being a retard and ignoring should start a comedy club with that loigc on who to listen to and who to ignore mr coincidence theorist.:lmao: your handlers sure sent you here to shit on the floor real quick.:clap2:

first troll montrovent shits on the floor,then the two PAID trolls say it and kiss my come on to shit on the floor here next to fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:clap2:
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how come toto gets a sticky thread.... O 'cause he's canadian ?? that sucks !! no fair...
(way to go harper!) people don't know this, but it was our friend toro, that first coined the expression "birfer"... only our northern cousins (inbreeding) could come up with such a coup.

Actually, DiveCon (RIP) gets credit for coining the term "birfer."

Are there going to be any more birfer laws coming from the states? You will be able to know the true patriots are by whom proposes birfer bills!

Divecunt was a legenday troll from the beginning before he had his nervous breakdrown and then had to leave.That paid troll always debated like this-You are an idiot,its not true..thats how he ALWAYS tried to refute facts.Rip? he sure isnt doing that,he is in hell right now suffering for his participation in government coverups like all the paid shills here will be doing in the future as well participating in these Obama coverups.and non paid trolls like yourself as well for particpating in them also.
They still at it?

Jesus guys, he'sin his 2nd term now what do you hope will come of it? Think they will recall the last 4 years, maybe set us back to 2008? Have the election again? Hey maybe they can elect Hilary next time, that would be good right.... Face it, he's here to stay. No birth certificate nonsense can change that. He's a citizen, so am I..

Stop this silliness already, it makes the country look like it has too many morons in it...
Saw this video today, thought it was good for a laugh. . .

Birthday Czar. Indeed. If he had a birthday Czar, maybe they could put out a new long form certificate every year that matches the date and age he says his birth date is for the age he tells the nation how old he is now. :lol:


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