The 'best' president money can buy?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Is that the ultimate result (and was it the goal) of those members of the Supreme Court in deciding Citizens United v. FEC?

We all get one vote, but not all of us can or would give a candidate for POTUS over one million dollars.

The question is, do you believe unlimited donations to a candidate for office is in fact free speech?

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money can buy a president just look how much obama got. But was that money wisely spent? Did the b uyers get what they wanted?
I am sure they got less hope and a lot more change than expected.
money can buy a president just look how much obama got. But was that money wisely spent? Did the b uyers get what they wanted?
I am sure they got less hope and a lot more change than expected.

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Of course y'all missed the point. Let me type very slow so even the slow might possibly, on a good day, understand.

One person donated one million dollars plus. On person. Do you see a difference between one person making a huge donation and 100,000 people making a ten dollar donation? Try to think; once you begin to think it become less difficult, so try.
No, money isn't free speech. Other than people that carry around big bags of cash to give to elected representatives, I don't know many people who think Citizens United is a good idea. The whole problem with our government IS the money PAID to them by lobbyists and special interest groups.

It's time to limit campaign donations. Personally, I think they should be individual donations only and capped at $100.
Of course y'all missed the point. Let me type very slow so even the slow might possibly, on a good day, understand.

One person donated one million dollars plus. On person. Do you see a difference between one person making a huge donation and 100,000 people making a ten dollar donation? Try to think; once you begin to think it become less difficult, so try.

So tell us how much did Soro's contribute to all his pet PAC's last time and the time before? Funny how you only complain when it is someone you oppose.
Is that the ultimate result (and was it the goal) of those members of the Supreme Court in deciding Citizens United v. FEC?

We all get one vote, but not all of us can or would give a candidate for POTUS over one million dollars.

The question is, do you believe unlimited donations to a candidate for office is in fact free speech?


Mysterious donor to pro-Romney PAC identified - Yahoo! News

wasn't obie doodle's goal to raise a billion dollars? did you bitch about that?
Of course y'all missed the point. Let me type very slow so even the slow might possibly, on a good day, understand.

One person donated one million dollars plus. On person. Do you see a difference between one person making a huge donation and 100,000 people making a ten dollar donation? Try to think; once you begin to think it become less difficult, so try.

So tell us how much did Soro's contribute to all his pet PAC's last time and the time before? Funny how you only complain when it is someone you oppose.

Why don't you tell us? Do you have that information? You knew who it was too didn't you? Until there was public outcry, we didn't know who dropped the bag of cash off at Romeny's doorstep.

I am opposed to bucketloads of cash being given to ANY candidate by ANY group; unions, corporations or any special interest. The days of the Boehner handing out lobbyist checks on the House floor has got to stop.
Of course y'all missed the point. Let me type very slow so even the slow might possibly, on a good day, understand.

One person donated one million dollars plus. On person. Do you see a difference between one person making a huge donation and 100,000 people making a ten dollar donation? Try to think; once you begin to think it become less difficult, so try.

So tell us how much did Soro's contribute to all his pet PAC's last time and the time before? Funny how you only complain when it is someone you oppose.

Why don't you tell us? Do you have that information? You knew who it was too didn't you? Until there was public outcry, we didn't know who dropped the bag of cash off at Romeny's doorstep.

I am opposed to bucketloads of cash being given to ANY candidate by ANY group; unions, corporations or any special interest. The days of the Boehner handing out lobbyist checks on the House floor has got to stop.

And I am personally opposed to limits on individual donations. It is MY money and my right to support any candidate I want. If I want to give them millions that is MY business. And yes it IS a matter of freedom of speech.
Of cours two of the most partisan (and least bright) members point a partisan finger. The thread is about Citizens United v. FEC and its impact on voting; RGS & WT operate in a different reality it seems.
money can buy a president just look how much obama got. But was that money wisely spent? Did the b uyers get what they wanted?
I am sure they got less hope and a lot more change than expected.

He didn't clean up Republican's mess fast enough. The voters were pissed and voted the arsonists back into office to teach the fireman a "lesson". But it was the American public that got schooled. That's why Republicans ratings are under 20% and there are recalls all across the country. Now that those same Republican congressmen have to go back to their districts for "Town Halls", the rest of this year is going to be hilarious. See "Walsh". He was the "first". Hilarious.
No, money isn't free speech. Other than people that carry around big bags of cash to give to elected representatives, I don't know many people who think Citizens United is a good idea. The whole problem with our government IS the money PAID to them by lobbyists and special interest groups.

It's time to limit campaign donations. Personally, I think they should be individual donations only and capped at $100.

I want you to do your self a favor and re-read what you wrote, and think for yourself.

How did obama get so much money during the last election.
Why did obama place a lobbist on his cabinet?

You have been supporting what you seem to be against
So tell us how much did Soro's contribute to all his pet PAC's last time and the time before? Funny how you only complain when it is someone you oppose.

Why don't you tell us? Do you have that information? You knew who it was too didn't you? Until there was public outcry, we didn't know who dropped the bag of cash off at Romeny's doorstep.

I am opposed to bucketloads of cash being given to ANY candidate by ANY group; unions, corporations or any special interest. The days of the Boehner handing out lobbyist checks on the House floor has got to stop.

And I am personally opposed to limits on individual donations. It is MY money and my right to support any candidate I want. If I want to give them millions that is MY business. And yes it IS a matter of freedom of speech.

You would still be able to support any candidate you wanted, just not to the tune of unlimited and anonymous monetary contributions. That's not free speech, that's buying an elected representative.
money can buy a president just look how much obama got. But was that money wisely spent? Did the b uyers get what they wanted?
I am sure they got less hope and a lot more change than expected.

He didn't clean up Republican's mess fast enough. The voters were pissed and voted the arsonists back into office to teach the fireman a "lesson". But it was the American public that got schooled. That's why Republicans ratings are under 20% and there are recalls all across the country. Now that those same Republican congressmen have to go back to their districts for "Town Halls", the rest of this year is going to be hilarious. See "Walsh". He was the "first". Hilarious.

Who's mess? rdean you are about as stupid as they come, if you actually think your bullshit is beleveable to anyone with anh IQ higher than 60.
Anyone acting like a progressive caused this mess those with the intitlement mentality caused this mess both Democrats and RINO'S CAUSED THIS MESS.

For future references get your facts correct.
Of course y'all missed the point. Let me type very slow so even the slow might possibly, on a good day, understand.

One person donated one million dollars plus. On person. Do you see a difference between one person making a huge donation and 100,000 people making a ten dollar donation? Try to think; once you begin to think it become less difficult, so try.

So tell us how much did Soro's contribute to all his pet PAC's last time and the time before? Funny how you only complain when it is someone you oppose.

Why don't you tell us? Do you have that information? You knew who it was too didn't you? Until there was public outcry, we didn't know who dropped the bag of cash off at Romeny's doorstep.

I am opposed to bucketloads of cash being given to ANY candidate by ANY group; unions, corporations or any special interest. The days of the Boehner handing out lobbyist checks on the House floor has got to stop.

I agree. Everybody should be opposed to these kinds of fundraising shenanigans:

Archived-Articles: Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes

Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations

Secret, Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign

Fort Madison Daily Democrat > Archives > Opinion > Obama campaign has questionable donor funds

Wall Street Responsible For One-Third Of Obama's Campaign Funds

Obama amnesia: Fishy campaign donations in '08 - Washington Times

Obama campaign is swimming in questionable donor funds: Stamper Brown |
No, money isn't free speech. Other than people that carry around big bags of cash to give to elected representatives, I don't know many people who think Citizens United is a good idea. The whole problem with our government IS the money PAID to them by lobbyists and special interest groups.

It's time to limit campaign donations. Personally, I think they should be individual donations only and capped at $100.

I want you to do your self a favor and re-read what you wrote, and think for yourself.

How did obama get so much money during the last election.
Why did obama place a lobbist on his cabinet?

You have been supporting what you seem to be against

I am well aware of what I wrote. What candidates are doing now isn't illegal...I just think it SHOULD be. I do give credit to President Obama for raising more money from small donations than any other candidate in history...45%. I just think it should be 100% is all.

As far as stopping the revolving door in Washington between legislators and lobbyists, it's going to take more than one person opposing it to change it. Rhetoric met reality with that broken campaign promise I'm afraid. We just have to keep holding his feet and the feet of Congress to the fire on this. There are some legislators out there that still believe in governing and don't look at it as an avenue to get more bucketfuls of cash.
So tell us how much did Soro's contribute to all his pet PAC's last time and the time before? Funny how you only complain when it is someone you oppose.

Why don't you tell us? Do you have that information? You knew who it was too didn't you? Until there was public outcry, we didn't know who dropped the bag of cash off at Romeny's doorstep.

I am opposed to bucketloads of cash being given to ANY candidate by ANY group; unions, corporations or any special interest. The days of the Boehner handing out lobbyist checks on the House floor has got to stop.

I agree. Everybody should be opposed to these kinds of fundraising shenanigans:

Archived-Articles: Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes

Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations

Secret, Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign

Fort Madison Daily Democrat > Archives > Opinion > Obama campaign has questionable donor funds

Wall Street Responsible For One-Third Of Obama's Campaign Funds

Obama amnesia: Fishy campaign donations in '08 - Washington Times

Obama campaign is swimming in questionable donor funds: Stamper Brown |

Michael Steele says Obama's claims hypocritical: that his presidential campaign was asked to disclose donors and refused


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