The Battle of Midway 1942: Told from the Japanese Perspective


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.

Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.

Interesting but the long and short of it is that the Japanese were stupid shits from the get go. They picked a fight with someone way out of their weight class and bet the farm on a cheap sucker punch and lost their asses in the process. If anything they weren't punished enough for all the shit they pulled in the days before and during the war. I have no respect for them or anything they did, only disdain. My only wish is that we'd have had more nukes to use on them.

Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.

Interesting but the long and short of it is that the Japanese were stupid shits from the get go. They picked a fight with someone way out of their weight class and bet the farm on a cheap sucker punch and lost their asses in the process. If anything they weren't punished enough for all the shit they pulled in the days before and during the war. I have no respect for them or anything they did, only disdain. My only wish is that we'd have had more nukes to use on them.

Liberals love them. They were all innocent and of course victims of American white Christian imperialists.

Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.

Interesting but the long and short of it is that the Japanese were stupid shits from the get go. They picked a fight with someone way out of their weight class and bet the farm on a cheap sucker punch and lost their asses in the process. If anything they weren't punished enough for all the shit they pulled in the days before and during the war. I have no respect for them or anything they did, only disdain. My only wish is that we'd have had more nukes to use on them.

Liberals love them. They were all innocent and of course victims of American white Christian imperialists.

Yeah well maybe they should go talk to some Chinese, Koreans , Filapinos, Vietnamese, Thais etc. about how nice they were. I'll leave out all the Europeans so there's no white bias. The Japanese were your prototypical assholes and in many ways still are. That Bushido bullshit runs deep.
I was in Japan on 9-11 so I know what they are like from first hand knowledge.
However, I will give them credit for doing a lot with not much. As far as resources they have nada which always has been their problem. Not only that but they live on top of a bomb that could go off any day and take them all out. It was a really really stupid move to pick a fight with us.
Of course our main weakness has always been our own stupidity and that doesn't seem to be waning in the least.
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Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.

Watched that the other day.
It was a dizzying round of events that led to a U.S. victory but it could of gone the other way if things hadn't played out like they did.
They were kicking our ass in the early stages of the clash.
The main problem with Japanese naval tactics was they were too complicated and based on everything going perfect according to a precisely timed plan.

Consequently, their military leadership usually didn't factor in a plan "B" incase an attack went sideways. Which was what happened at Midway. That with some bad luck thrown in. ... :cool:
The only logical explanation for the bungling at Pearl Harbor is that the FDR administration grossly underestimated Japan's military strength and instead relied on racial stereotypes instead of "intelligence". The administration considered the Japanese to be an inferior race that had some mysterious balance and vision problem and as such they would be pushovers in the real war. Four months later the U.S. lost an entire army at Corrigador and Battan while COS Marshall was blaming subordinates for his lack of leadership.

Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.

Watched that the other day.
It was a dizzying round of events that led to a U.S. victory but it could of gone the other way if things hadn't played out like they did.
They were kicking our ass in the early stages of the clash.

Yes. and there would have been a distinct possibility if things went differently here or there that they would have won. Closer than we may think. For instance, IF the carriers were in Pearl Harbor, they ALL would have targeted them.

Then the subsequent battles and IF their plan had gone they wanted it to (which was to win it within a very short time) they would have won it. They would not have "invaded America" but all of those trading routes would have been entirely theirs.

Fortunately for us, fate was on our side. They really lost the war, when the carriers were not in Pearl Harbor. Battleships were proven out to be rather obsolete after WWII and there has been rather little need for them since. That, was their biggest victory at Pearl Harbor, which as it turned out, not to be a big victory at all from strictly a strategic stand point.

After Midway and the Coral Sea failures of the Japanese, it was all inevitable. From the Sun Tzu, the war was lost, essentially before it even began.

Yes, the Japs were scumbags, and their atrocities in a lot of ways made the nazis look like pious Saints essentially. I personally could not give a shit less about any of them.

The bombs, however, were not for Japan. That was to prevent a prolonged drawn out war with the USSR, which this country did not have a stomach for. While we would have had all of the logistical advantages over the commies (liberal heroes), the American losses would have been too substantial. England did not have the stomach to be our allies in it, so we would have gone alone.

The bombs were to force Stalin to back the fuck off.

Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.
I have studied the battle, read the book "Incredible Victory" by Walter Lord and seen the old movie of course. The Japanese view is unique.
The only logical explanation for the bungling at Pearl Harbor is that the FDR administration grossly underestimated Japan's military strength and instead relied on racial stereotypes instead of "intelligence". The administration considered the Japanese to be an inferior race that had some mysterious balance and vision problem and as such they would be pushovers in the real war. Four months later the U.S. lost an entire army at Corrigador and Battan while COS Marshall was blaming subordinates for his lack of leadership.
Well, sort of true. We stereotyped them and they stereotyped us. They were convinced that America was filled with soft spoiled heyseeds, who were more interested in baseball, partying and movies than anything going on around the world and that the American people would not want a war. The American people had made that clear as we allowed our allies in Europe to be overrun while we did nothing. So, the Japs thought that America would be similar towards them. Especially, if they had sunk the carriers. They would have absolutely overrun the rest of the Pacific.
The only logical explanation for the bungling at Pearl Harbor is that the FDR administration grossly underestimated Japan's military strength and instead relied on racial stereotypes instead of "intelligence". The administration considered the Japanese to be an inferior race that had some mysterious balance and vision problem and as such they would be pushovers in the real war. Four months later the U.S. lost an entire army at Corrigador and Battan while COS Marshall was blaming subordinates for his lack of leadership.

Which in the end turned out to be true in a certain sense.
But as was stated,the Japanese themselves knew that they had to end the war quickly before our massive production ability kicked in.
Another fuck up by the Japanese,all we had to do was sit back on the American mainland and start building weapons of war.
If Japan was unwilling to attack the U.S. mainland they were doomed from the get go.

Yes, admiral nagumo certainly did have a dilemma. I like how this is done and it is worth a watch for those that enjoy watching accurate information about historical events.

Especially, the way he gives us the Japanese perspective.

Worth a watch.

Watched that the other day.
It was a dizzying round of events that led to a U.S. victory but it could of gone the other way if things hadn't played out like they did.
They were kicking our ass in the early stages of the clash.

Yes. and there would have been a distinct possibility if things went differently here or there that they would have won. Closer than we may think. For instance, IF the carriers were in Pearl Harbor, they ALL would have targeted them.

Then the subsequent battles and IF their plan had gone they wanted it to (which was to win it within a very short time) they would have won it. They would not have "invaded America" but all of those trading routes would have been entirely theirs.

Fortunately for us, fate was on our side. They really lost the war, when the carriers were not in Pearl Harbor. Battleships were proven out to be rather obsolete after WWII and there has been rather little need for them since. That, was their biggest victory at Pearl Harbor, which as it turned out, not to be a big victory at all from strictly a strategic stand point.

After Midway and the Coral Sea failures of the Japanese, it was all inevitable. From the Sun Tzu, the war was lost, essentially before it even began.

Yes, the Japs were scumbags, and their atrocities in a lot of ways made the nazis look like pious Saints essentially. I personally could not give a shit less about any of them.

The bombs, however, were not for Japan. That was to prevent a prolonged drawn out war with the USSR, which this country did not have a stomach for. While we would have had all of the logistical advantages over the commies (liberal heroes), the American losses would have been too substantial. England did not have the stomach to be our allies in it, so we would have gone alone.

The bombs were to force Stalin to back the fuck off.

You dont find it someone interesting that on the day of the attack, all the aircraft carriers were out at sea? FDR knew the shit was going to hit the fan, his buddies wanted to get into the war, needed something to instigate it, but he didnt want his pants down to his ankles.
Fact: Japan got their ass kicked

To be honest we lucked out.
Certain things broke our way through no effort of our own.
The best you can say is we kept coming at em even through horrific loses.
In essence it was American guts that won the battle of Midway.
Can of what memorial day is all about.....the bravery of the men that were the early casualties set up the American victory in the end. We should never forget the men and women that died for freedom!
Fact: Japan got their ass kicked

To be honest we lucked out.
Certain things broke our way through no effort of our own.
The best you can say is we kept coming at em even through horrific loses.
In essence it was American guts that won the battle of Midway.

Breaking the code doomed the Japs. We knew they were coming

Agreed but with the Japanese holding radio silence there was nothing to decode once the ball started rolling.
Fact: Japan got their ass kicked

To be honest we lucked out.
Certain things broke our way through no effort of our own.
The best you can say is we kept coming at em even through horrific loses.
In essence it was American guts that won the battle of Midway.
Can of what memorial day is all about.....the bravery of the men that were the early casualties set up the American victory in the end. We should never forget the men and women that died for freedom!

THAT! Too many think it's National BBQ Day

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