
Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Are retiring at the rate of ten thousand per day and will be for about the next ten years. They will swell the ranks of the medicare.. so I keep asking myself why does OBAMATAXwant to steal a half trillion dollars in funding from medicare. These are the people who need the most care and they're the ones being stolen from.. the math ain't right.
I'm a boomer, thank God I had some money saved.............until the last three years. It's gone, all of keep the company afloat so I didn't have to lay off employees.

Not sure how we're gonna handle it. Hubby turned 65 in April. ~~sigh~~
Don't mess with Uncle Ferd when he's perturbed...
Tsunami of boomer mental illness looms
WASHINGTON, July 15`12 (UPI) -- U.S. health officials need to address the mental illness and substance abuse needs of baby boomers, a non-profit group warns.
A report by the Institute of Medicine said millions of baby boomers will likely face difficulties getting diagnoses and treatment for mental health conditions and substance abuse problems unless there is a major effort to significantly boost the number of health professionals to supply this care as this population ages. Dan G. Blazer of Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., said the magnitude of the problem is so great that no single approach or isolated changes in a few federal agencies would address the problem.

"There is a conspicuous lack of national attention to ensuring that there is a large enough healthcare work force trained to care for older adults with mental health and substance use conditions," Blazer said in a statement. "These conditions are relatively common, they can be costly, and they can have profound negative impacts on people's health and well-being. This report is a wake-up call that we need to prepare now or our older population and their extended families will suffer the consequences."

The committee, which prepared the report, conservatively estimated between 5.6 million to 8 million older Americans -- 14 percent to 20 percent of the nation's overall elderly population -- have one or more mental health conditions or problems stemming from substance misuse or abuse. Depressive disorders and dementia-related behavioral and psychiatric symptoms are the most prevalent, but rates of accidental and intentional misuse of prescription medications are increasing, Blazer said.

Don't bet on it, some parents, as the bumper sticker says, are 'spending their kids inheritance' after wasting what could have been on booze and livin' high on the hog after usin' their kids to help get what they've got, ala Prince of Tides...
$30 Trillion Boomer Giveaway Could Pay National Debt, Twice
7/30/12 ---Conventional wisdom says that Baby Boomers are the beneficiaries of the greatest wealth transfer in history.
To some extent, that's true. According to a study by Accenture, Boomers are already in the process of receiving some $12 trillion in inheritance from their parents -- those parents popularly known as coming from the Tom Brokaw-dubbed "Greatest Generation," who grew up in the Depression Era and saw America through World War II. If the Boomer generation experienced the biggest familial giveaway in history, that's only because they haven't had a chance yet to give away all of their massive wealth. It's the Boomers' kids that really stand to clean up on the inheritance front. The big Boomer giveaway will almost triple the inheritance money bag that their parents left them, from $12 trillion to $30 trillion, when it comes time to dole out their life's savings over the next few decades. To put that number into perspective, the current U.S. national debt stands at $15.9 trillion. So forget about the Greatest Generation and start thinking about what Accenture calls "The Greater Wealth Transfer."

We'll affectionately, and informally, dub these recipients the "Silver Spooners," or "Spooners," for the amount of wealth the sons and daughters of Boomers are about to inherit without doing an iota of work to merit the fortune. (You may already know them as Gen-Xers and Gen-Yers, but you didn't know just how much money they are about to come into, did you?). Maybe you did (in fact, maybe you are one of the many about to become very "fortune-ate.") "At its peak between 2031 and 2045, 10 percent of total wealth in the United States will be changing hands every five years. The accelerating pace of this transfer, combined with the generational differences in the demands and expectations of wealth management service providers, makes this massive transfer of wealth between generations a defining issue for the wealth management industry," the Accenture study states.

Of course, this won't be the case for Warren Buffett's children, who stand to receive very little, as the second-richest American behind Bill Gates, don of American capitalism and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B_), has made it clear that not only does he want the existing 1% to pay more in taxes before they give it all away to their kids, but he won't allow his kids to become part of a new 1% by doing nothing more than sitting back and inheriting bags of money (Buffett has created the GivingPledge organization to get the wealthiest global citizens to donate at least half of their fortune to charity upon their death.) The Accenture data is predicated on the idea that Boomers won't spend all that money before they are done, and there's recent evidence that Boomers are doing as much as possible to dip into the $30 trillion before completing the generational giveaway (though they aren't necessarily stepping up to pay the federal deficit with it.)


Uncle Ferd says many would settle for an' be happy with 1% of Warren's estate.
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I'm glad someone is admitting it, whether it's someone from the Right, Left, or Middle.

Baby Boomers ARE retiring.
Therefore they're dropping from the labor force.
They're also the ones filing new Disability claims.

That puts that much more pressure on the administration to do things that fosters an environment rich with hiring opportunities.

The way things are, now, employers are allowing these people to retire without taking that leap of faith to hire someone new.
The future is too uncertain for them.
Are retiring at the rate of ten thousand per day and will be for about the next ten years. They will swell the ranks of the medicare.. so I keep asking myself why does OBAMATAXwant to steal a half trillion dollars in funding from medicare. These are the people who need the most care and they're the ones being stolen from.. the math ain't right.
He wants to let them die?
Are retiring at the rate of ten thousand per day and will be for about the next ten years. They will swell the ranks of the medicare.. so I keep asking myself why does OBAMATAXwant to steal a half trillion dollars in funding from medicare. These are the people who need the most care and they're the ones being stolen from.. the math ain't right.

He said he would take a half trillion from medicare, but that doesn't mean he's really gonna do it. He's just fudging the numbers to make the ACA look like it won't cost so much. But those of us who don't have our skulls up our asses know damn well they ain't gonna cut nothing. Just like the dems didn't include the doc fix in their numbers, so it wouldn't look so bad.
They are screaming for people with skills in industry, but they want young people. I have alot of skills but when I apply I am told no.
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They are screaming for people with skills in industry, but they want young people. I have alot of skills but when I apply I am told no.

I was under the impression that older employees are being hired more often. They show up on time, don't give you attitude, and do what they're told. Hope something pans out for you, your chances will get better if Romney wins in November. :D
They are screaming for people with skills in industry, but they want young people. I have alot of skills but when I apply I am told no.

I was under the impression that older employees are being hired more often. They show up on time, don't give you attitude, and do what they're told. Hope something pans out for you, your chances will get better if Romney wins in November. :D

I'm thinking of something different, like a grant writer or seller to the feds.
They are screaming for people with skills in industry, but they want young people. I have alot of skills but when I apply I am told no.

I was under the impression that older employees are being hired more often. They show up on time, don't give you attitude, and do what they're told. Hope something pans out for you, your chances will get better if Romney wins in November. :D

I'm thinking of something different, like a grant writer or seller to the feds.

Orthopedic shoes man. Hearing aides, walkers, adult pampers, stuff like that. Get in on the ground floor somewhere.
I'm a boomer, thank God I had some money saved.............until the last three years. It's gone, all of keep the company afloat so I didn't have to lay off employees.

Not sure how we're gonna handle it. Hubby turned 65 in April. ~~sigh~~

Bottom line is a lot of us are going to have to work longer. Fact is that everyone capable of working longer should be. The retirement age should have been raised a long time ago to 70 for both SS and Medicare. Most people are fully capable of working into their 70's. My father is 75 and still works full-time. I plan on working as long as I possibly can, not just because I may have to, but because I think I would die of boredom if I had to retire.
I'm glad someone is admitting it, whether it's someone from the Right, Left, or Middle.

Baby Boomers ARE retiring.
Therefore they're dropping from the labor force.
They're also the ones filing new Disability claims.

That puts that much more pressure on the administration to do things that fosters an environment rich with hiring opportunities.

The way things are, now, employers are allowing these people to retire without taking that leap of faith to hire someone new.
The future is too uncertain for them.

The future has never been guaranteed. Entrepreneurs have always been go getters willing to take a risk for a chance at a good return on their investment. Most new businesses have historically been developed and got their starts during hard economic times. Today is no different other than the fact that tax regulations have made it very easy for companies and people to just sit on their money. Our young people are not being hired and we wonder why our economy is not growing. Employers have their heads up their asses because they are more concerned with this quarter's profits than with the long term sustainability of their company.
They are screaming for people with skills in industry, but they want young people. I have alot of skills but when I apply I am told no.

I was under the impression that older employees are being hired more often. They show up on time, don't give you attitude, and do what they're told. Hope something pans out for you, your chances will get better if Romney wins in November. :D

3 weeks now, for this 46 year old.....

So much experience no one can afford me
They are screaming for people with skills in industry, but they want young people. I have alot of skills but when I apply I am told no.

I was under the impression that older employees are being hired more often. They show up on time, don't give you attitude, and do what they're told. Hope something pans out for you, your chances will get better if Romney wins in November. :D

I'm thinking of something different, like a grant writer or seller to the feds.

I've been digging around for Consultant ideas, myself
Good thing we have a government willing to take that fortune off those aged hands and give it to young ad very lazy pot smokers isn't it?

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