The Art of War is Simple.....


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
"The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving."

Ulysses S. Grant (1822 - 1885)
Originally posted by freeandfun1
"The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving."

Ulysses S. Grant (1822 - 1885)

A lost art indeed........

Apply this to recent times.
I am reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu right now...
I am afraid it is a little more complicated than what S. Grant claims, but he knows his shit; Cut the confederacy in half and then became the President.
Yeah, that is why America will never have peace. Those damn terrorist just don't seem to want to die. They are by far the hardest enemy America has faced, they are harder than a blind lesbian's nipples in a fish market*hehe.

Lets face it terrorism is a methodology not a nation.

Adherents of this methodology will go to all lengths to blend in and avoid detection.
And what other way is there to fight against the most powerful military nation in the world?

Same goes for the Palestinians. Their opponent has high-tech weapons (supplied by the USA), the only effective way to harm Israel is by striking where they are weak.
u Americans are idiots for making so many people hate you in the first place i meen teroist are insane manicas that fight for a cause they see as totaly right and are vertually impossble to sway the other way. and if you read chinese art of war you should know that morel is the key to winning and these dudes have the highest morel around, after all their willing to kill them selfs

personaly i see america goin down in the future.. they just wasted a whole lot of cash for bearly any profit in the war on iraq and they got a whole bunch of insane people after them that have access to explosives

Originally posted by freeandfun1
"The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving."

Ulysses S. Grant (1822 - 1885)

Originally posted by FrIeDRice
u Americans are idiots for making so many people hate you in the first place i meen teroist are insane manicas that fight for a cause they see as totaly right and are vertually impossble to sway the other way. and if you read chinese art of war you should know that morel is the key to winning and these dudes have the highest morel around, after all their willing to kill them selfs

personaly i see america goin down in the future.. they just wasted a whole lot of cash for bearly any profit in the war on iraq and they got a whole bunch of insane people after them that have access to explosives


Wow, what an insightful post...
Originally posted by FrIeDRice
u Americans are idiots for making so many people hate you in the first place i meen teroist are insane manicas that fight for a cause they see as totaly right and are vertually impossble to sway the other way. and if you read chinese art of war you should know that morel is the key to winning and these dudes have the highest morel around, after all their willing to kill them selfs

personaly i see america goin down in the future.. they just wasted a whole lot of cash for bearly any profit in the war on iraq and they got a whole bunch of insane people after them that have access to explosives


Anyone able to understand this? This is like the most unintelligible post ive ever read, and keep in mind ive read posts written without vowels before. ts nt sy t ndrstnd wht y rd wtht vwls s t?
Originally posted by FrIeDRice
u Americans are idiots for making so many people hate you in the first place i meen teroist are insane manicas that fight for a cause they see as totaly right and are vertually impossble to sway the other way. and if you read chinese art of war you should know that morel is the key to winning and these dudes have the highest morel around, after all their willing to kill them selfs

personaly i see america goin down in the future.. they just wasted a whole lot of cash for bearly any profit in the war on iraq and they got a whole bunch of insane people after them that have access to explosives


American foreign policy over the decades has been terribly flawed and resulted in much condemnation by those affected.
Terrorists, although obviously inhuman and despicable, fight with an intense and unwavering sense of fundamentalist destiny.
If you are familiar with Sun Tzu's "Art of War" you would understand that morale is important in any war, and with such committed fundamentalists morale is almost unshakeable.

In my humble opinion America will not win this "War on Terror" due to a serious misallocation of resources and a difficulty in effectively targetting small cells who can readily procure explosives.


After long enough on messageboards you learn to read "Idiot". :p
Originally posted by scubamike
American foreign policy over the decades has been terribly flawed and resulted in much condemnation by those affected.
Terrorists, although obviously inhuman and despicable, fight with an intense and unwavering sense of fundamentalist destiny.
If you are familiar with Sun Tzu's "Art of War" you would understand that morale is important in any war, and with such committed fundamentalists morale is almost unshakeable.

In my humble opinion America will not win this "War on Terror" due to a serious misallocation of resources and a difficulty in effectively targetting small cells who can readily procure explosives.


After long enough on messageboards you learn to read "Idiot". :p

on the contrary. You can not fight an invisble enemy on a traditional enemy line. Instead you must eliminate those that supply these cells. By eliminating their food, shelter, weapons, etc you can eliminate the cells. That is another major rule in war. You are only as strong as your supply line. In WW2, Patton could have marched straight to Berlin but wasnt granted the fuel for his tanks to do so. A regimand of tanks is just a couple thousand tons of scrpa metal without fuel. In the same way, terrorists are nothing without supplies.

This is why we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq. We have established a foothold i nthe region for futre negotiations with Iran, Syria, Lybia, Saudi Arabia and any other nation considering sponsoring terrorists. Iraq had 13 years to comply with demands. They chose not to. Therefore they were eliminated. It is also now easier to get to Iran should their hostilites continue.

This has been a very good strategy to fighting terrorism as opposed to trying to arrest 1 or 2 individuals after they have committed a bombing leaving the thousand other terrorist at large to commit more.
Originally posted by insein
on the contrary. You can not fight an invisble enemy on a traditional enemy line. Instead you must eliminate those that supply these cells.

Actually I was just translating. You are right, choking the supply lines is much more effective than acting after the fact.

There is some good action in terms of blocking funds and seizing accounts linked to terrorism. But this doesn't really make for exciting news. I feel cutting down on the free advertising would help.

Stop saying "Al Qaeda" in every news article, it just encourages terrorist supporters to continue to contribute.
Originally posted by scubamike
Actually I was just translating. You are right, choking the supply lines is much more effective than acting after the fact.

There is some good action in terms of blocking funds and seizing accounts linked to terrorism. But this doesn't really make for exciting news. I feel cutting down on the free advertising would help.

Stop saying "Al Qaeda" in every news article, it just encourages terrorist supporters to continue to contribute.

Tell that to the LMM who would love to portray these animals as Freedom Fighters that are just misunderstood because they had bad childhoods. They'd rather try to be nice to these people and have them be our friends then simply eliminate them.

Your in NZ so you have no idea of the concetrated effort in this country to undermine everything the president is doing to win the war on terror.
Originally posted by insein

Your(sic) in NZ so you have no idea of the concetrated(sic) effort in this country to undermine everything the president is doing to win the war on terror.

Actually I do follow the America press too. Looks like it is going to be a case of the lesser of two weevils in the upcoming election.

Besides, this whole "War on Terror" rhetoric is a bit disturbing. Terrorism is a methodology. Not easily fought and impossible to win against.
The best that can be done is a minimising of it's effects.

Wide-spread media coverage and public focus on terrorism is counter-productive too. It just shows people that terrorism is an effective means of getting your ideology noticed.
Originally posted by scubamike
Actually I do follow the America press too. Looks like it is going to be a case of the lesser of two weevils in the upcoming election.

Besides, this whole "War on Terror" rhetoric is a bit disturbing. Terrorism is a methodology. Not easily fought and impossible to win against.
The best that can be done is a minimising of it's effects.

Wide-spread media coverage and public focus on terrorism is counter-productive too. It just shows people that terrorism is an effective means of getting your ideology noticed.

I agree on one part. We can not totally eliminate terrorists. We can minimize their effectiveness though. They have gained a foothold in the modern world do to appeasement through simply ignoring the problem. we must work to put a damper on the spread of their extremism which is what Bush is FINALLY doing. By creating an example of freedom in the middle east, it will bring hope to people who previously had none. Without hope, people are more susceptable to the lures of terrorist groups like al queda. the promise of 50 virgins and an eternal hard on to a guy who has a shitty life with no hope sounds pretty amazing. To a guy with a wife, kids, a good paying job and friends with the same ideals it is not as appealing.
Originally posted by scubamike
Actually I do follow the America press too. Looks like it is going to be a case of the lesser of two weevils in the upcoming election.

Well, ah, god, superman, Jesus and Buddah were all busy bowling in the catskills. Pope said so. :D

Besides, this whole "War on Terror" rhetoric is a bit disturbing. Terrorism is a methodology. Not easily fought and impossible to win against.
The best that can be done is a minimising of it's effects.


Terrorism methods are nothing new. At the end of World War II, nazi soldiers strapped themselves with explosives and ran at allied tanks. What is new is the linkage of it to the identity crisis of Islam in the face of globalization, which festers in a pool of soviet, Iranian, and palestinian 20th century anti-American propoganda. Throughout the 90s, this amalgam operated in a vacuum without any power at the helm. Our irresponsibility in not cleaning up immediately after the cold war led to the current strength of terrorism. Bringing an end to the despotism, fanaticism, and ignorance that is radical 'Islam' in the middle east and replacing it with basic freedoms will severely debilitate terrorism. With no desparate and misguided population to draw from, terrorism will die.

Remember this guy?

Wide-spread media coverage and public focus on terrorism is counter-productive too. It just shows people that terrorism is an effective means of getting your ideology noticed.

On the other hand, it lets the terrorist's other half know what they are doing, so eventually maybe we will see some voicing indignation that their culture is being used in this way. It lets us know what they are trying to use to get their way. Right now, american media is still focused on Abu Grhaib and gas prices that are still only about an eighth above what they normally should be this time of year.

If the terrorists had never blown up anyone and simply staged peaceful sit ins or other means of non-violent resistance, our army would be able to do nothing and the media would have a field day. They wouldn't be terrorists. But the terrorists have chosen violence because the terrorist cause is a false voice of the population and is only concerned about its power over others.

Just watched LOTR. You're from NZ? I know they used special effects, but WOW that's a gorgeous place.
Originally posted by nbdysfu

Terrorism methods are nothing new...... What is new is the linkage of it to the identity crisis of Islam in the face of globalization, which festers in a pool of soviet, Iranian, and palestinian 20th century anti-American propoganda.

The usage of Islam to justify the attacks on Americans is little different to Bush's Christian basis. Religion is always used to provide ultimate justification for one's actions.
As for terrorism methods, I was talking about methodology. Targeting civilians to harm a militarily stronger nation.

On the other hand, it lets the terrorist's other half know what they are doing, so eventually maybe we will see some voicing indignation that their culture is being used in this way.

All the Muslims I know (we have many here in NZ) are very against everything the militants do in the name of Islam, which is a religion of peace (much like Christianity, known for Inquistions and Crusades).

But the terrorists have chosen violence because the terrorist cause is a false voice of the population and is only concerned about its power over others.

That is because they are more familiar with the use of force to decide anything.
Anger is easier to get to than the kind of feeling needed for passive resistance.
And those who are anti-American would be equally inclined to kill those who demonstrate peacefully (or infiltrate and incite violence).
Let's face it, if you are an armed militant what better place to attack from than from the midst of a peaceful rally.

Just watched LOTR. You're from NZ? I know they used special effects, but WOW that's a gorgeous place.

Yup, NZ really is that beautiful. And there is so much of it. Most beautiful place on Earth and to date I have been to around 20 different countries....
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Oh so very thoughtful of you to post your lovely opinion!
Just another Australian flaming idiot! :rolleyes:

Here is the kicker...

Australia is starting a new tourism marketing campaign...
Promoting itself as a classy and cultural destination.

As opposed to the whole Croc wrestling and BBQ carry-on....

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