The Art Of The Sham


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
The people who made our nuke deal with Iran are idiots. But just how big an idiot were they?

"TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran will not allow American or Canadian inspectors working for the U.N. nuclear watchdog to visit its nuclear facilities, an official said in remarks broadcast by state TV on Thursday."

Okay that leaves us and Canada out. So who did we agree to let do the inspections for honesty?

"Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said Iran will only allow inspectors from countries that have diplomatic relations with it. The previously undisclosed remarks were made during a Sunday meeting with parliamentarians."

Oh so JUST their friends eh? Did we really agree to THAT? Only a retard would right?

""American and Canadian inspectors cannot be sent to Iran," said Araghchi. "It is mentioned in the deal that inspectors should be from countries that have diplomatic relations with Islamic republic of Iran."

The "deal" sucks folks and not just a little. Kerry and that other fool Obozo with Hillary's help TRULY sold your safety and security for NOTHING. Well other then what the Clinton Foundation got anyway..

Iran says will ban US experts from UN nuclear inspections - Yahoo News


Might as well have left Iran do the inspections themselves.

*****SAD SMILE*****


Might as well have left Iran do the inspections themselves.

*****SAD SMILE*****


Stupid people make deals like that, STUPID people.


I tend to disagree with you on that... This is the same principle as our own government agencies being assigned to doing internal investigations on themselves.

*****SAD SMILE*****

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Well the agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.

Iran has never honored any agreement made in reference to its Nuke Program.

Kerry and Barry can congratulate themselves all they want but the agreement they are so proud of is worthless and they will find that out real quick.
The sky is falling the sky is fall...

With no deal Iran has enough fissionable material right now to build ten bombs in the next six months. That is what cons would prefer apparently.

Republicans have never been any good at foreign affairs. Let the adults handle it.
The sky is falling the sky is fall...

With no deal Iran has enough fissionable material right now to build ten bombs in the next six months. That is what cons would prefer apparently.

Republicans have never been any good at foreign affairs. Let the adults handle it.
So you're basically saying Obama let that happen, then financed it for them...

Got it....
The sky is falling the sky is fall...

With no deal Iran has enough fissionable material right now to build ten bombs in the next six months. That is what cons would prefer apparently.

Republicans have never been any good at foreign affairs. Let the adults handle it.
So you're basically saying Obama let that happen, then financed it for them...

Got it....

You are partisan blind. Good for you.
The sky is falling the sky is fall...

With no deal Iran has enough fissionable material right now to build ten bombs in the next six months. That is what cons would prefer apparently.

Republicans have never been any good at foreign affairs. Let the adults handle it.
So you're basically saying Obama let that happen, then financed it for them...

Got it....

You are partisan blind. Good for you.
Just being realistic...

Obama let the situation get to that point on his watch, then made a sham deal that gives Iran billions of dollars to kill Americans (by Kerry's own admission before Congress), and finish their program...

The only question I have now is whether the Libs will volunteer to go over and straighten out Obozo's mess when the lid blows off... Of course, we know the damn cowards won't...
Yeah! Iran has never and will never honor any deal. That's why all the GOP politicians are saying that we should have negotiated a better deal.
Or at least not given away the farm, right???

But Obozo was determined to prove that a bad deal was better than no deal...
Yeah! Iran has never and will never honor any deal. That's why all the GOP politicians are saying that we should have negotiated a better deal.
Or at least not given away the farm, right???

You are a silly nutter. You speak in talking points and sound bites.
And I assume that when the situation blows up and Iran gets nukes, you'll be marching your clown ass straight to the recruiter where you can go straighten Obozo's mess out???
Yeah! Iran has never and will never honor any deal. That's why all the GOP politicians are saying that we should have negotiated a better deal.
Or at least not given away the farm, right???

You are a silly nutter. You speak in talking points and sound bites.
And I assume that when the situation blows up and Iran gets nukes, you'll be marching your clown ass straight to the recruiter where you can go straighten Obozo's mess out???

When it blows up? Iran is three months away from a nuke today. They will be a year away from a nuke 15 years from now. That's the deal. It slows down the breakout time.....and gets them to agree to inspections.

Given that you say Iran will not abide by any deal, what is the alternative?
Yeah! Iran has never and will never honor any deal. That's why all the GOP politicians are saying that we should have negotiated a better deal.
Or at least not given away the farm, right???

You are a silly nutter. You speak in talking points and sound bites.
And I assume that when the situation blows up and Iran gets nukes, you'll be marching your clown ass straight to the recruiter where you can go straighten Obozo's mess out???

When it blows up? Iran is three months away from a nuke today. They will be a year away from a nuke 15 years from now. That's the deal. It slows down the breakout time.....and gets them to agree to inspections.

Given that you say Iran will not abide by any deal, what is the alternative?
Make it harder to finance it, instead of providing the funds under an agreement they won't honor....

Hell, Obozo and Kerry even came up with an agreement Iran can get out of once they get the money!!!!!! If you think that Is a good agreement, I have a car for sale.....
Yeah! Iran has never and will never honor any deal. That's why all the GOP politicians are saying that we should have negotiated a better deal.
Or at least not given away the farm, right???

You are a silly nutter. You speak in talking points and sound bites.
And I assume that when the situation blows up and Iran gets nukes, you'll be marching your clown ass straight to the recruiter where you can go straighten Obozo's mess out???

When it blows up? Iran is three months away from a nuke today. They will be a year away from a nuke 15 years from now. That's the deal. It slows down the breakout time.....and gets them to agree to inspections.

Given that you say Iran will not abide by any deal, what is the alternative?
Make it harder to finance it, instead of providing the funds under an agreement they won't honor....

Hell, Obozo and Kerry even came up with an agreement Iran can get out of once they get the money!!!!!! If you think that Is a good agreement, I have a car for sale.....

You are lacking accurate information and you have allowed inaccurate information to be fed into your brain. You simply don't have a grasp on the facts of the matter.

Sanctions didn't work and the rest of the world is done with sanctions. They have come closer to a nuke under the sanctions regime. That's where is should be focused. Finding another way is needed. This is such an attempt.
Or at least not given away the farm, right???

You are a silly nutter. You speak in talking points and sound bites.
And I assume that when the situation blows up and Iran gets nukes, you'll be marching your clown ass straight to the recruiter where you can go straighten Obozo's mess out???

When it blows up? Iran is three months away from a nuke today. They will be a year away from a nuke 15 years from now. That's the deal. It slows down the breakout time.....and gets them to agree to inspections.

Given that you say Iran will not abide by any deal, what is the alternative?
Make it harder to finance it, instead of providing the funds under an agreement they won't honor....

Hell, Obozo and Kerry even came up with an agreement Iran can get out of once they get the money!!!!!! If you think that Is a good agreement, I have a car for sale.....

You are lacking accurate information and you have allowed inaccurate information to be fed into your brain. You simply don't have a grasp on the facts of the matter.

Sanctions didn't work and the rest of the world is done with sanctions. They have come closer to a nuke under the sanctions regime. That's where is should be focused. Finding another way is needed. This is such an attempt.
With an out for Iran, once they get the money.
Conservatives, forever scared of the boogey man.

Iran got to this point thanks to Bush and the Republicans doing nothing for 8 years. And their answer today?

Do nothing.

The military option is still available dimwits. But whining about President Obama is the goal so no need to discuss any agreement.

Flame on bugwits.
Conservatives, forever scared of the boogey man.

Iran got to this point thanks to Bush and the Republicans doing nothing for 8 years. And their answer today?

Do nothing.

The military option is still available dimwits. But whining about President Obama is the goal so no need to discuss any agreement.

Flame on bugwits.
Good.... When your Messiah's deal falls through, and Iran uses the money Obozo gave them to fast-track their program, I assume you will be enlisting, right????

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