The Arrogance of the Warmers


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We learned this past week that one of the most solid, bedrock constants in the most solid and bedrock of sciences, a science where every hypothesis is subjected to years of rigorous laboratory testing might not be as constant as believed.

The speed of light, c, might not be the upper limit for travel in the physical world, but the idea that mankind's almost imperceptible change in Earth atmosphere is causing "Global Warming" is "Settled science"?

Do you see why I laugh at the Warmers? Where do you find such arrogance and ignorance?
Frank, the essence of what you are saying above is intellectually nihilistic: "We can't possibly know anything and the universe is one big unknowable mystery, so there's no reason we should take action on overwhelming evidence and scientific arguments, because it could be wrong just like Einstein might be wrong."

Can you see any problems with that line of reasoning?
Frank, the essence of what you are saying above is intellectually nihilistic: "We can't possibly know anything and the universe is one big unknowable mystery, so there's no reason we should take action on overwhelming evidence and scientific arguments, because it could be wrong just like Einstein might be wrong."

Can you see any problems with that line of reasoning?

I never said any of that!
they hate science and history...oh and educated people.....and blacks.......and latinos........and the poor........and anyone who doesnt agree with them....... and mulims........ and dictionarys..............and encyclopedias and on and on a nd on
Frank, the essence of what you are saying above is intellectually nihilistic: "We can't possibly know anything and the universe is one big unknowable mystery, so there's no reason we should take action on overwhelming evidence and scientific arguments, because it could be wrong just like Einstein might be wrong."

Can you see any problems with that line of reasoning?

Are you saying that AGW is "Settled science" and beyond question?
Arrogance of warmers? That itself is arrogant, assumes someone KNOWS the absolute truth. It's just a coincidence 7 billion people put out record levels of CO2 in the last ten -twenty years?
Arrogance of warmers? That itself is arrogant, assumes someone KNOWS the absolute truth. It's just a coincidence 7 billion people put out record levels of CO2 in the last ten -twenty years?

So, AGW>c?
they hate science and history...oh and educated people.....and blacks.......and latinos........and the poor........and anyone who doesnt agree with them....... and mulims........ and dictionarys..............and encyclopedias and on and on a nd on

Your contributions are the highlight of my day
Arrogance of warmers? That itself is arrogant, assumes someone KNOWS the absolute truth. It's just a coincidence 7 billion people put out record levels of CO2 in the last ten -twenty years?

The warmers are the only ones claiming "the science is settled" and demanding that the taxpayers cough up $trillions to fund their delusions.

That pretty much defines arrogance.
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Frank, the essence of what you are saying above is intellectually nihilistic: "We can't possibly know anything and the universe is one big unknowable mystery, so there's no reason we should take action on overwhelming evidence and scientific arguments, because it could be wrong just like Einstein might be wrong."

Can you see any problems with that line of reasoning?

The evidence isn't overwhelming and the the arguments are psuedo-scientific. For instance, the argument that "the science is settled" is a non-scientific argument. In fact, it's the sure sign of a con.
Arrogance of warmers? That itself is arrogant, assumes someone KNOWS the absolute truth. It's just a coincidence 7 billion people put out record levels of CO2 in the last ten -twenty years?

Record levels? Check your paleohistory. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations on earth have been as high as 7000 ppm with no runaway global warming, and several times in the past century and a half, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been quite a bit higher than the present 380 or 390 ppm.
'The arrogance of the entire world except American Republicans,' Frank.

There's no such thing as 'Warmers.' There's only obnoxious American Republicans, and the whole rest of the world. :dunno:
Frank, the essence of what you are saying above is intellectually nihilistic: "We can't possibly know anything and the universe is one big unknowable mystery, so there's no reason we should take action on overwhelming evidence and scientific arguments, because it could be wrong just like Einstein might be wrong."

Can you see any problems with that line of reasoning?

HADCrut, RSS, UAH and NOAA all seem to have collected data that reveals that there has been cooling since 2002. I'm sure that given this interpretation of data, they will soon be dismissed as non-believers, um, not peer reviewed.

Not saying that science is always right. Just saying.

2011 August 09 « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change
Arrogance of warmers? That itself is arrogant, assumes someone KNOWS the absolute truth. It's just a coincidence 7 billion people put out record levels of CO2 in the last ten -twenty years?

And THAT is the arrogance in a nutshell.

The whole question posed by this debate is whether or not CO2 is the driving factor of climate change.

Your statement indicates that you assert what is not proven and THAT is arrogance. Might be impudence. Might be both. Whatever it is, it's not science. When and if this is proven, then we might be able to do something to address it.

Without a firm idea of what the cause is, a firm idea of how to reverse that cause is impossible to create.

Right now, Warmers are insisting that we sacrifice chickens to change the weather.
I believe in god and believe god made it all possible for the earth to warm and cool in natural cycles. He made the sun that warms the earth and the green house gases that hold the heat in. God gave us a brain to think for our selfs also.
Frank, the essence of what you are saying above is intellectually nihilistic: "We can't possibly know anything and the universe is one big unknowable mystery, so there's no reason we should take action on overwhelming evidence and scientific arguments, because it could be wrong just like Einstein might be wrong."

Can you see any problems with that line of reasoning?

No what he was saying is, something as set in stone and perceived as fact as the speed of light being a constant is now in question by some of the top minds who just spent their careers accepting it as indisputable fact. And that being the case to say AGW theory is a settled science is presumptuous at best and a selling of scientific integrity at worst.

Why not try a genuine argument of his point rather trying to make an obtuse exaggeration of it..
Arrogance of warmers? That itself is arrogant, assumes someone KNOWS the absolute truth. It's just a coincidence 7 billion people put out record levels of CO2 in the last ten -twenty years?
Completely unproven that it is not produced from other sources besides mankind. Warmists have NO absolute proof of anything. You can say that CO2 increased, but you cannot link it irrefutably to strictly anthropogenic sources.

Other than that, you do have a cool avatar.
they hate science and history...oh and educated people.....and blacks.......and latinos........and the poor........and anyone who doesnt agree with them....... and mulims........ and dictionarys..............and encyclopedias and on and on a nd on
You played the race card in a discussion on the farce of Global Warming????????

That's a first.
Arrogance of warmers? That itself is arrogant, assumes someone KNOWS the absolute truth. It's just a coincidence 7 billion people put out record levels of CO2 in the last ten -twenty years?
Completely unproven that it is not produced from other sources besides mankind. Warmists have NO absolute proof of anything. You can say that CO2 increased, but you cannot link it irrefutably to strictly anthropogenic sources.

Other than that, you do have a cool avatar.

Lordy, lordy, Fritz, you once again demonstrate your total ignorance of science. Yes, it is proven that we are the source of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. We know how much coal that we have produced and burned. Same for petroleum and natural gas. One ton of coal when burned creates over 3 tons of CO2.

Yes, definate proof of where the added CO2 in the atmosphere and the oceans come from. And you are either powerfully ignorant or a liar to state that we do not.

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