The Arab Recoil and the Cause of Non-Intervention


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
“Obama too is guilty of warmongering, nationalism, and corporatism, just as the bailouts and other interventions that Romney and Ryan supported also contributed to regime uncertainty.

Obama is just slightly less disastrous on foreign policy grounds, and Romney is slightly less disastrous on economic grounds.

That being said, in the long run, the above impacts would likely be reversed.

Obama’s foreign meddling will sow the seeds of further conflict and global instability, and yet this failure will be blamed on his allegedly “soft” foreign policy, and thereby give peace a bad name.

Romney’s corporatist economic policies will sow the seeds of further crises and depression, and yet this failure will be blamed on his allegedly “free market” policy, and thereby give capitalism a bad name.

The Arab Recoil and the Cause of Foreign Non-Intervention :: The Circle Bastiat
You will NOT talk this country into fighting a religious war for you.

Go to the hell of your choice

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