The Antichrist

Comics: Cryptography

The fact that Hollywood (USA) would make a film about the AntiChrist, "The Omen" [1976] starring Gregory Peck, suggests that there is a social interest in using culture totems to characterize the persona/behaviours of Christ's adversary.

What are the useful cultural monograms/images/avatars that can help us understand the orientation of the AntiChrist?

The fictional American comic book super-villain Condiment King is an adversary of the urban crusader Batman (DC Comics) and terrorizes society with intolerable guns that shoot ketchup and mustard.

The Condiment King represents a perception of anti-socialism in our age of capitalism (i.e., Burger King, European Union, etc.) and can be useful perhaps in discussions about the colloquialization of divinity (i.e., temperance, abstinence, etc.).

In the provocative Danny Boyle film "The Beach" [2000] starring Leo DiCaprio, a young American traveller named Richard broods on the nature and quality of isolationism and alienation and comes to terms with the tangible aspects of the proverbial intellectual heart of darkness --- anti-socialism. At one point in the film, perhaps the film's most eerie/unusual sequence, Richard actually acts out on his angst and transforms himself into a leering hermit.

Could this image of Richard (a prince-turned-sour) be coordinated with the comics presentation of the anti-socialism prophet, the Condiment King? Comic art does, after all, speak to a social interest in pedestrianism graffiti and hence 'bazaar dialogue.'

The more comfortable we are in discussing the 'normalization' of evil, the better equipped we'll feel in talking about something as ominous as the ultimate enemy of Jesus Christ.

Condiment King (Batman Wikia)

Common sense if the fallen first messiah is the great deception, that means they are deceived and not in truth, which the remover best knows (Dan 10:21).
What would be a greater deception then their first and fallen christ(Acts 2:27,1Peter 3:19)
be Lucifer(Rev 22:16)?
1/3 The world is to proud and like wormwood to ever admit they've been duped.
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View attachment 63238 Common sense if the fallen first messiah is the great deception, that means they are deceived and not in truth, which the remover best knows (Dan 10:21).
What would be a greater deception then their first and fallen christ(Acts 2:27,1Peter 3:19)
be Lucifer(Rev 22:16)?
1/3 The world is to proud and like wormwood to ever admit they've been duped.
Lucifer is a portion of you (no biggy everyone has one that they must overcome). A little light bearer desiring to rise above God's throne. If you know the difference between good and evil you have already fallen (most humans know the difference between good and evil but do not understand the spirit within).
No, Judaic teachings Light= knowledge and truth, Darkness=ignorance, folly, and lies.
In the king of darkness' (lies and ignorance)
expression the light is physical because even the Nazarenes taught their god as that mystical rays of light between the sun and earth, hence sun worship and Baal harvest worship was easy to integrate as one world teaching as they all taught Luciferous light as their sustaining force of life=their god.
Art Amazon

Maybe the AntiChrist will show dominion in the area of shock and unpredictability.

The comic book super-villain Mysterio (Marvel Comics) is a nemesis of the webbed-wonder Spider-Man and uses death-traps and confounding devices to create general confusion.

Mysterio signifies a human curiosity about uncertainty angst and the criminality associated with the intention to use terrorism to create unpredictable panic.

Civilization uses various iconography and art images (i.e., avatars) to re-present criminality and terrorism and unpredictable danger. American horror films are great examples of this.

Remember the news stories of people committing copycat crimes modelled after the incendiary and controversial crime and violence-glorification Oliver Stone film "Natural Born Killers" [1994]?

When people have no control over their fate or uncertainty, their frustration can motivate them towards criminality and hysteria (i.e., LA Riots).

Imagine this Halloween, a man decides to dress up as Michael Myers, the iconic eerie masked serial killer from the popular Halloween horror film franchise, and terrorize people. Imagine that another man decides to dress up as Leatherface, the equally iconic eerie masked chainsaw-wielding maniac from the popular Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror film franchise, and do likewise (perhaps this psychopath decides to drop people down manholes in NYC).

The AntiChrist is said to possess dominion that is enhanced in end times by the complementary evil work of the mysterious harlot of Babylon, the corrupting Satan (or dragon), and the dreaded manslayer.

Maybe the best way to deal with the perceptual ominousness of the AntiChrist is to use eyebrow-raising art.

And they joke, if he was directed south east we'd have all the oil, but then we'd also be one hit wonders relying on one commodity, never to achieve the great things in many fields to help humanity progress and improve. Sometimes what seems like a curse is actually a blessing.

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