The “anti-austerity” riots in Greece


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
“A demonstration is one thing and murder is quite another!”

Rioting over drastic spending cuts and taxes in the debt-ridden country has now left three bankers dead:
An estimated 100,000 people took to the streets during a nationwide general strike that grounded flights, shut all services and pulled news broadcasts off the air.
Hundreds of demonstrators — including far right wing supporters — broke away from the marches and tried to storm parliament, shouting "thieves, traitors." At the opposite end of the political spectrum, groups of anarchists hurled Molotov cocktails and ripped-up paving stones at buildings and police, who responded with barrages of tear gas.

Three bank workers — a man and two women all aged between 32 and 36 — died of smoke inhalation after demonstrators torched their bank, trapping them
3 die in Athens riot over cutbacks, debt crisis - Yahoo! News

Think it couldn’t happen here? We’re getting closer. Reminder: SEIU Purple Shirts threw a city-wide tantrum in San Francisco last fall over budget cuts and layoffs. The teachers’ union in New Jersey wishes austerity crusader GOP Gov. Chris Christie dead. The anarchist riots in Santa Cruz caused massive property damage to more than a dozen businesses and a similar rampage in Asheville, NC involved more than 20 black-clad thugs — for whom a Denver anarchist group is now raising legal funds. Reminder: SEIU and little ACORN knock-offs launch banking shakedown campaign.

Michelle Malkin The “anti-austerity” riots in Greece
Violence in Greece shows scale of crisis facing EU economies | Caledonian Mercury - World



Oh... what was it? 8 or so months ago, when we were discussing the looming US Civil war... and I said; as I am often wont to do; that Leftist policy is unsustainable, that inevitably Leftist economies will succumb to the fatally flawed reasoning which establishes the mathematic certainty that they must fail... that the entitled rabble who will have been taught by the Progressive frauds who preceded them that they are entitled to free livin'... that government's job is to set them on easy street... and when that failure comes that they will take to the streets in violent rage to DEMAND what's theirs... and that it would be THAT day when the Americans would wise up in defense from this revolt and crush the left in finality...

You may recall how the Douche Clique scoffed at the notion that there was any potential for "The Left" to rise up in revolt demanding there would-be 'Entitlements'...

Just thought I'd remind ya of it and slap up those photos of Leftists Rising up demanding their Entitlements from the predictable collapse of their Leftist government...

And ask ya... "How long befor ya figure you idiots will grow the necessary spine to demand yours?" Now do ya HAVE to wait for the system to collapse? Or is it possible to actually start the riots while there's still a chance to save it?"
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Violence in Greece shows scale of crisis facing EU economies | Caledonian Mercury - World



Oh... what was it? 8 or so months ago, when we were discussing the looming US Civil war... and I said; as I am often wont to do; that Leftist policy is unsustainable, that inevitably Leftist economies will succumb to the fatally flawed reasoning which establishes the mathematic certainty that they must fail... that the entitled rabble who will have been taught by the Progressive frauds who preceded them that they are entitled to free livin'... that government's job is to set them on easy street... and when that failure comes that they will take to the streets in violent rage to DEMAND what's theirs... and that it would be THAT day when the Americans would wise up in defense from this revolt and crush the left in finality...

You may recall how the Douche Clique scoffed at the notion that there was any potential for "The Left" to rise up in revolt demanding there would-be 'Entitlements'...

Just thought I'd remind ya of it and slap up those photos of Leftists Rising up demanding their Entitlements from the predictable collapse of their Leftist government...

And ask ya... "How long befor ya figure you idiots will grow the necessary spine to demand yours?" Now do ya HAVE to wait for the system to collapse? Or is it possible to actually start the riots while there's still a chance to save it?"
Right...because Americans and our expectations are SOOO MUCH like those of Greece.
Great example of what is awaiting us here. Stay vigilante, keep weapons loaded and ready, buy ammunition whenever you have spare money.

We're ready here in SW Florida but we'll have plenty of warning as the big cities will light up first.
Greece: The Prequel

We should learn the right lessons from this: Punitive high taxes encourage cheating and result in lower tax receipts; entitlement oriented public employees who expect to retire early bleed out a country; high spending and debt levels create a Sovereign Debt Crisis to which the solution is not More Debt.
Why is it always the people that are the worst workers are always the best rioters. If the rioters worked as hard as they bitched and complained Greece would have no problems!
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Why is it always the people that are the worst workers are always the best rioters. If the rioters worked as hard as they bitched and complained Greece would have no problems!

That's easy - they have so much more time to practice compared to those of us who actually do productive work.
Great example of what is awaiting us here. Stay vigilante, keep weapons loaded and ready, buy ammunition whenever you have spare money.

We're ready here in SW Florida but we'll have plenty of warning as the big cities will light up first.

You children need to take a break from all those video games. Realty awaits.
Caught Stuart Varney on Megyn Kelly's show yesterday. He says the very thing that is happening in Greece right now (economy-wise, not the violence) is happening at the state level in some states here.

Stuart Varney on Greece: Modern Day Socialism is Collapsing As We Speak

There's a huge difference in how Greece conducted its "socialist" economy and the way you THINK the U.S. conducts theirs. Greece can barely identify where its spending goes. They didn't control their revenue sources, especially tax revenue. Not that I wish the death knell for Greece, but the global economy can survive quite well without their contribution, but it sure can't without the United States'.

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