The Alinsky Switcheroo


Sep 23, 2010
In October 2015 Laura Ingraham called Hillary’s tears “switch the subject”:

The subject of the switch matters not. The technique is the message. Calling Donald Trump a racist because she is racist is classic Clinton-Alinsky switcheroo. Trump is crook because I am a crook; prosecute any well-known opponent to turn the dialogue away from my crimes. President Clinton bombed an Aspirin factory in Sudan to turn the public’s attention away from the Lewinsky Affair:

September 24, 1998: The House Judiciary Committee announces the committee will consider a resolution to begin an impeachment inquiry against President Clinton in an open session on October 5 or October 6.

A Chronology: Key Moments In The Clinton-Lewinsky Saga


In 1998, America destroyed Osama bin Laden's 'chemical weapons' factory in Sudan. It turned out that the factory made medicine.​

James Astill
Tuesday 2 October 2001 03.18 EDT

US's 1998 attack in Sudan

and on and on switch the subject continues.


Accusing Donald Trump of treason is the one and only switch Hillary dare not try. Bottom line: Treason is the one crime she prohibits her surrogates from mentioning.

p.s. Please read this in-depth article to learn where Hillary & Company come from:

Democrats’ Platform for Revolution
By: John Perazzo
Monday, May 05, 2008

FrontPage Magazine - Democrats’ Platform for Revolution
Ingraham, like Ann Coulter have both been irrelevant for more than a decade. They cling on to make money.

And who is Saul Alinsky?
Ingraham, like Ann Coulter have both been irrelevant for more than a decade. They cling on to make money.

And who is Saul Alinsky?

Hell they don't know, they just know they're supposed to salivate when the bell is rung. Same with "librules", "commie", "socialist", "muslim", "Ferguson", "Baltimore", "Chicago", and all the rest. It's just reflexive now, zero thought; emotional programming and manipulation.
And who is Saul Alinsky?
To IsaacNewton: If your question is serious you can find out by reading the article I linked, or you can read Hillary’s senior thesis which she tried to bury for so long.

WELLESLEY, Mass. — The senior thesis of Hillary D. Rodham, Wellesley College class of 1969, has been speculated about, spun, analyzed, debated, criticized and defended. But rarely has it been read, because for the eight years of Bill Clinton’s presidency it was locked away.


Under Wellesley's rule, Clinton's thesis became available to researchers again when the Clintons left the White House in 2001 — available only to those who visit the Wellesley archives. But few have made the trip, and the document's allure continued to grow.

A purloined copy was offered for sale on eBay in 2001, then withdrawn when Clinton's staff cited copyright law.​

By Bill Dedman Investigative reporter
updated 5/9/2007 11:20:39 AM ET

Reading Hillary Rodham's hidden thesis

Hillary’s thesis is a tough read, but that should not bother her worshipers:
It doesn't matter. After Obama leaves office conservatives won't have any use for Alinsky anymore and forget about him.
To TheOldSchool: Like hell they will. The Chicago sewer rat will be dropped like a used condom after he leaves office, but everything Hillary Clinton stands for surgically attaches Alinsky to every Democrat forever.
And who is Saul Alinsky?
To IsaacNewton: If your question is serious you can find out by reading the article I linked, or you can read Hillary’s senior thesis which she tried to bury for so long.

WELLESLEY, Mass. — The senior thesis of Hillary D. Rodham, Wellesley College class of 1969, has been speculated about, spun, analyzed, debated, criticized and defended. But rarely has it been read, because for the eight years of Bill Clinton’s presidency it was locked away.


Under Wellesley's rule, Clinton's thesis became available to researchers again when the Clintons left the White House in 2001 — available only to those who visit the Wellesley archives. But few have made the trip, and the document's allure continued to grow.

A purloined copy was offered for sale on eBay in 2001, then withdrawn when Clinton's staff cited copyright law.​

By Bill Dedman Investigative reporter
updated 5/9/2007 11:20:39 AM ET

Reading Hillary Rodham's hidden thesis

Hillary’s thesis is a tough read, but that should not bother her worshipers:
It doesn't matter. After Obama leaves office conservatives won't have any use for Alinsky anymore and forget about him.
To TheOldSchool: Like hell they will. The Chicago sewer rat will be dropped like a used condom after he leaves office, but everything Hillary Clinton stands for surgically attaches Alinsky to every Democrat forever.

It wasn't serious, it was rhetorical. This is a made up demon, as noted by others above, made up by conservative media as a new boogieman for conservatives to hate.

No one knows except alt + right and really no one cares who Saul Alinsky is. This is strictly an in-the-conservative-bubble thing.

Around 1,000 people gathered to show their support for refugees from Syria and other countries Sunday on the mall in Washington, D.C. A few counter-protesters showed up and were asked to leave (Photo: Ann Corcoran of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog)

Hillary Clinton’s surrogates are trying to get milage out of The Donald’s so-called flip-flop on deporting illegal aliens. It is another example of switching the subject. Taking control of our immigration policy is the bigger issue. Come November 8 voters will be faced with the easiest choice among Hillary’s lies and newspeak. Will Donald Trump protect our borders? or will Hillary Clinton get her immigration policies from the United Nations?

The fact that Obama has reached his goal of importing “at least 10,000” Syrians ahead of schedule means he could easily increase the number to 11,000 or more by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30. And then there is next year. Obama is expected to announce at a United Nations refugee summit on Sept. 20 his goal for fiscal 2017. Some observers expect him to up the ante considerably and announce plans to bring many more than 10,000 in fiscal 2017, which begins on Oct. 1. Hillary Clinton has already said she plans, if elected, to import 65,000 Syrians in 2017, which would represent a 550 percent increase over Obama’s 10,000 in fiscal 2016.


“It’s outrageous to us, but that’s what she said. So let’s take her at her word.”

1 month early: Obama tops goal of 10,000 Syrian refugees
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 08/28/2016 @ 2:14 pm

1 month early: Obama tops goal of 10,000 Syrian refugees

Incidentally, government stooges on television tell the American people that 11,000,00 illegal aliens cannot be deported. The fact is that deporting illegals by attrition is one way that will work. President Trump can write an executive order that deports illegals without exception as soon as they are caught. Let them return to their homelands and fight deportation from their own countries, and at their own expense. The filthy piece of garbage in the White House protected them with EOs; so there is no reason President Trump cannot reverse the sewer rat’s disaster.

As to the children of illegal aliens born in this country. Deport them with their parents, but allow them to return after they are 18 years old.

It goes without saying that family unification crapola in every form has to be abolished. In short: The first immigrant that comes here cannot bring in every relative. Every emigrant must come here as an individual the same way every legal immigrant gets here —— by waiting on line.

NOTE: The number of illegal aliens is closer to 30 million. Talking heads told the 11 million lie 11,000,000 times since 2008.
switch the subject continues.
Switching the subject to the Wicked Witch of the Middle East beats the hell out of reporting Hillary’s crimes:

From the legally scandalous to the sexually sordid, top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin remains in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, causing distraction after distraction for her boss at a crucial time in the presidential race.​

Huma Abedin distractions hinder Clinton campaign, provide opening for Trump
By Ben Wolfgang and David Sherfinski - The Washington Times - Monday, August 29, 2016

Huma Abedin distractions hinder Hillary Clinton, provide opening for Donald Trump

Hillary sure as hell will pay big money to get off this subject:

The schedules drew new attention this week after the AP analyzed the ones released so far. The news agency found that more than half the people outside the government who met or spoke by telephone with Clinton while she was secretary of state had given money—either personally or through companies or groups—to the Clinton Foundation. The AP's analysis focused on people with private interests and excluded her meetings or calls with U.S. federal employees or foreign government representatives.​

Hillary Clinton's calendars won't be released until after election, State Dept. says
Saturday, 27 Aug 2016 | 10:03 AM ET

State Dept to release Clinton's meeting calendars...after November's election

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