The Agony of Fashion: Women of Capital (Geo-TV?)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA worry you about customs-vulnerability, and if so, is that a good (or toxic) thing?



"A special CIA agent/operative named John Cruise who happened to be a movie-star was working undercover tracking a radical Algerian named Ali Satan in America who was targeting women in media and culture (sports, fashion, cinema, etc.) as 'targets' of capitalism sin and vice. Ali was working for the group ISIS as a freelance-agent while also consulting with a new 'front' destermined to demonize Western capitalism/consumerism by vilifying Western media while 'over-hyping' Al Jazeera (Muslim-TV). CIA Agent Cruise was assigned to track down and assassinate Ali Satan."

{Cruise & Satan}


"Ali immediately recognized the power of media-fashions and American culture celebrating the beauty (and marketability) of women in sports, movies, and fashion. He first targeted a cheerleader of the Super Bowl winning New England Patriots (NFL) named Eliza Thomas and designated her as 'Target 1- ET.' Cruise had the insider-tip on Ali stalking 'ET' and began creating security perimeters at Patriots NFL games in the 2019-2020 season(!). Cruise was certain Ali intended to sniper-shoot ET during a Patriots game in front of national-TV cameras."

{Eliza Thomas --- 'ET'}


"Meanwhile, White House advisors recommended that U.S. First Lady Melania Trump give a televised special address about the special role of modern-day women in American consumerism/entertainment and capitalism-imaginative politics. Melania was to talk about fashion models (e.g., Christie Turlington), movie-stars (e.g., Jennifer Connelly), sports-figures (e.g., Chris Evert), and TV-personalities (e.g., Shannon Doherty). This TV-address was to help the CIA direct 'social perspectives' while Agent Cruise tracked down terrorist Ali Satan and prevented him for shooting/killing high-profile female figures in the media spotlight (e.g., Eliza Thomas, Christie Brinkley, etc.!)."

{First Lady Melania Trump}


"As it turned out, Ali Satan was one-step ahead of CIA Agent Cruise and managed to get an invitation to a Christian Dior fashion-show in NYC in October 2019. Ali carried with him a miniature sniper-pistol which was placed in the sole of his shoe as separate parts Ali could assemble while making coffee for himself at the fashion-show. The miniature pistol was completely plastic and placed in the secondary liner of his shoe-sole in a way to evade metal-detection at the security-checkpoints at the fashion-show entrance. Ali targeted one particular Dior model named Evangeline Tiara and designated her as 'Target 2 - ET'."

{Evangelina Tiara - 'ET'}


"As the proverbial 'luck-of-the Irish' would have it, Evangeline's stepfather was an Irish-American politician named Sean Tiara who did special consulting work with the British Parliament regarding rogue-IRA terrorists wandering around the USA in search of black-market munitions. Sean got inside-information about the whereabouts of Ali Satan and tipped off the CIA that Agent Cruise should be present at the Dior fashion-show in NYC (especially since his daugher Evangeline was one of the models!). Agent Cruise burst into the show just as Evangeline stepped onto the runway, identified Ali Satan (who was dressed as a photojournalist) and wrestled him to the ground and hauled him off to D.C. for interrogation where it was discovered that an ISIS 'scientist' named Dr. Leonid Pavel intended to use kidnapped American women (military, civilians) in biochemical experiments to create new sedative-poison weapons."


"Cruise and the CIA correctly deduced that while Ali Satan assassinated female figures in Western media spotlights, other women in America and around the world would be kidnapped for Dr. Pavel's bizarre toxin-development experiments. It was also correctly deduced that an NFL athlete would be blackmailed by terrorists operating on US soil to pull out a handgun and shoot/kill a high-profile NFL quarterback (e.g., Tom Brady, Baker Mayfield) during a televised game. This was a new 'media-oriented' anti-consumerism campaign to complement/enhance the anti-capitalism terror of 9/11. Would the CIA and Cruise and other U.S. intelligence-personnel prevail against this 'new terror'?"


"The CIA then coordinated its special allies from around the world to be wary of female military personnel who were in danger of being kidnapped by terrorist-agents, since their forces were stationed in strategic pro-American areas such as Saudi Arabia and Chechnya. Dr. Leonid Pavel became an overnight 'infamous celebrity' so female soldiers around the world knew he was the modern-day Josef Mengele. CIA Agent Cruise wanted modern-day global media and 'geo-TV' (e.g., CNN, Al Jazeera, etc.) to safeguard civilization from this emerged/new 'traffic threat'."


TRUMP: I like what the CIA has done to secure modern media!
CARTER: It's been a diligent mission, Mr. President...
TRUMP: Did you like the First Lady's special media-address on TV?
CARTER: Yes, I did, sir (very much!).
TRUMP: This is the Age of Good Feelings, Carter!
CARTER: We have to coordinate objective journalism with commerce-traffic.
TRUMP: We don't want 5 or 6 incidents such as 9/11, do we?
CARTER: Absolutely not, sir.
TRUMP: It's my understanding that CIA Agent Cruise got a special commendation!
CARTER: Yes, he was designated as 'special guardian' of Western civilian supervision.
TRUMP: He did a fine job apprehending/arresting terrorist Ali Satan!
CARTER: Ali was so darn elusive; that inside-tip from Sean Tiara helped immensely.
TRUMP: Let's continue fertilizing our ties to geopolitical institutions.
CARTER: Yes, we want commercial traffic to be secured by diligent intelligence!
TRUMP: Are you going to watch the Super Bowl on TV, Carter?
CARTER: Oh, yes; the New England Patriots face the Seattle Seahawks.
TRUMP: This is the 2nd time the two teams meet this millennium(!).
CARTER: We want televised Super Bowl drama to overshadow terrorism-angst!


"Can a focused intelligent effort to secure commercial traffic and media stabilize how civilians/citizens view the safety of modern (21st Century) consumerism/entertainment? Will the shadow/trauma of 9/11 finally be put behind us? Can the CIA work with various international allies to ensure that capitalism/commerce in this new age enhances the role various 'traffic-diplomats' (such as women in media/fashion!) play in modern society? Everyone's excited about First Lady Melania Trump's newest media dressage(!)."



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