The Administration's Anti-Israel Syndicate


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A group of individuals or organizations combined to promote some common interest:

1. "Jim Wallis (born June 4, 1948) is a Christian writer and political activist. He is best known as the founder and editor of Sojourners magazine and as the founder of the Washington, D.C.-based Christian community of the same name. Wallis is well known for his advocacy on issues of peace and social justice."
Jim Wallis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "Jim Wallis is the top spiritual adviser to president Obama."
Obama’s Top Spiritual Adviser Jim Wallis, Does Not Even Know the Ten Commandments | Opinion - Conservative

b. "It should surprise no one nowadays that Obama would select radical leftists for his friends, advisers and “Czars”. Wallis is no exception."

2. "Jim Wallis has admitted that Sojourners has received funding in the past from liberal billionaire George Soros' Open Society Institute....George Soros, one of the leading billionaire leftists—he has financed groups promoting abortion, atheism, same-sex marriage, and gargantuan government—bankrolled Sojourners ...
Christianity Today Politics: Wallis Admits to Soros Funding

3. "...Egyptian-American columnist Mona Eltahawy has been arrested for defacing an anti-Muslim ad in the New York subway system. The video shows her spraying pink paint on the ad while a supporter of the ad tries to block her. She's a journalist for censorship."
CNN and MSNBC Pundit Arrested for Vandalizing Anti-Muslim Ad In N.Y. Subway System |

4. [ame=]Journalist Activist Arrested For Spray Painting Over Racist Pro-Israeli Posters In NY Subway - YouTube[/ame]

5. "...there is a direct tie to the Obama Administration regarding this incident...opposition to the anti-jihad ads was announced by Sojourners, the publication led by Rev. Jim Wallis, one of the Obama’s top religious advisers....[Pamela] Geller told WND it’s “a pity that Rev. Jim Wallis didn’t get his group together to stand up when Christians, Hindus and so many others were facing vicious persecution in Muslim countries.”

a. "It took only hours after the posting of a pro-Israel slogan in New York City for opponents to launch a violent spray-paint attack against the message and for a religious adviser to Barack Obama to use the conflict to try to raise money for his own campaign."
Anti-JIhad Ads Furor | Obama

So....the "dots" that keep coming up together, Obama, Wallis, Soros, and now include pro-Jihad activist Mona Eltahawy.

A vote for any one of 'em is a vote for all of 'em.

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