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CSM said:
Ok, curiosity got the better of me, so I followed the link;

To save you some time, this guy proposes to stop terrorism through the use of meditation techniques.

Hey, it could happen!

This is just another book that promotes the idea of transcendental meditation (TM) as the solution for world peace. This is not a "new idea" as is claimed. People have claimed for years that meditation or a prayerful-like Ghandi approach will bring peace to the world.

It is books like this that capture the imagination of liberal fodder such as idealistic young people who don't go to church and to attract them to the cause of the Left. It sounds good and who in their right mind is against world peace? Yet they don't teach that evil still exists and will continue to exist in this imperfect world. Somehow their "enlightenment" skips over that part. ~Just meditate and all will be well~

I also get a kick out of the fact that the Left wants to promote meditation but the Left doesn't support prayer (another form of meditation) in the schools or even private prayer in the offices of former Attorney General Ashcroft. One has to ask oneself why there is such a two-faced hypocrisy among the Liberal Left.

This is what is cited (under see for yourself, Core Idea) as evidence of this guy's theory:

It's obvious that such a radically new theory needs strong scientific support. In this case, as we will see in Chapter Two, the research is plentiful. Repeated studies show that whenever a large assembly of meditation experts gathers at a single location:

As attendance numbers at the assembly increase
Violent crime, warfare and terrorism all decrease.

If the number of participants at such an assembly goes up and down, the statistics on violence go up and down with strong (inverse) correlation. The most remarkable study, based on Rand Corporation statistics, shows that during the three largest Transcendental Meditation assemblies ever held in the West— near or exceeding 7,000 people at each assembly—terrorism declined worldwide by 72%.

"This is exciting research," says a scholar in peace studies, Professor Ved Nanda, director of the International Legal Studies Program at the University of Denver. "It is a non-traditional conception, but the straightforward evidence gives the theory credence in my eyes."

Exciting research indeed. :rolleyes: The religious churches of the world have been plugged into this TM gig for centuries. Huge groups of 50,000 or more Christians even get together to meditate and pray for world peace whenever Billy Graham comes to town. I suppose the world experienced greater world peace at those times as well. In other words, this TM theory is just supposition.

Maybe what we should do is have our troops in Iraq disarm and then have them sit together in large groups of 7,000 or more and meditate in order to stop terrorism and end the war to bring world peace. Yeah, that'll do the trick! :rolleyes:

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