The 911 Pizza Connection.. the 911 song woodledoodledoo!

Feb 21, 2010
The American Securities and Exchange Commission says Israeli citizens sold short a list of 38 stocks, that could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the attacks.


These speculators operated out of the Toronto Canada, and Frankfurt Germany stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.


It was via the buddy system on Odigo software, which allows one to communicate to a large group of people that share a trait such as the Hebrew language, and from the pulpit of New York synagogues that thousands of Israelis were warned not to go to the twin towers on 9/11.


Could be Jews who knew the attacks were going to happen, sat up late in Melbourne and Sydney Australia on the evening of September 11, to watch the show which began in those cities sometime around 00:02 AEST Sept 12, maybe it was common knowledge in some schools, picture teenage entrepreneurs sitting up late stuffing their guts with pizza, watching their investments mature.

We talked to their private security staff, we talked to people who were there with Larry Silverstein on 9/11… they said he got a phone call telling him not to show up to work, and he called his daughter and she never showed up either.” Rudkowski Prison Planet


Hey there honey get rid of them blues
Daddy’s getting money you’ll be wearin’ new shoes
Turn on the telly it’ll be on the news
Stay at home today like the rest of the Jews

Cause today were gonna blow… Woo Woo /
Down the freakin buildings go Woo Woo /
We collect the dough Woo Woo /
Stay at home and watch the show… Woo Woo Woo Woodledoodledoo… Rip it up Frank

Hey Man you say that four thou were away
That’s a lotta bodies at the end of the day
This is the way I see it don’t wanna be crass
There’s a whole lotta Jews thatta gotta get put on trial ///

Did a spike occur in late night food orders in Australia prior to the attacks on the evening of 911, if it did, were those extra orders delivered to the homes of Jews, more specifically Frank Lowy of Australian Soccer and Westfield fame, he was mixed up with Larry Silverstein re the proposed redevelopment of the WTC site.


It follows that if Silverstein knew so did Lowy, pictured with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.. They can cry tears of blood, but 911 and the subsequent wars are by Jews, for Jews, and enable a Jew agenda, read the Talmud it endorses genocide against non Jews, the Jews wantonly blew up the Twin Towers, then blamed innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq.

President George W Bush said he witnessed the first strike at 8.46 AM, while he was in the hallway of the school waiting for the cue that would televise his visit across America.


The President: I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."

Obviously there was a link from New York right into the schoolhouse, which could only have been set up by his own people.

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