The 7 Major Issues Mitt Romney Won’t Take A Position On


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Josh Israel

In March, Mitt Romney demanded “President Obama needs to level with the American public about his real agenda.” But on numerous topics, Romney has refused to answer basic questions about his views, leaving voters to guess at where he stands on important issues. Romney’s ambiguity appears to be a calculated strategy to avoid alienating the conservative base or moderate swing voters. If he’s successful in avoiding articulating policy positions, he can market himself as the “generic Republican” alternative to President Obama.

Here are seven major issues on which Romney has refused to take a stand:

1. Romney won’t say whether he would undo Obama’s decision to end deportations of DREAM-eligible immigrants.

2. Romney won’t say whether he’d support the Paycheck Fairness Act.

3. Romney won’t specify which tax loopholes he’d close.

4. Romney won’t say which federal agencies he’d eliminate.

5. Romney won’t say whether he supports the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

6. Romney won’t say whether he’d support full reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

7. Romney won’t say whether he’d eliminate the “carried interest” tax break for private equity partners.

Whether or not Romney can continue to campaign while avoiding taking a position on so many important issues depends on the how the media reacts. There are dozens of reporters following Romney every day. They can choose to either give him a pass on these important policy issues or continue asking him until he provides an answer.

Details: The 7 Major Issues Mitt Romney Won't Take A Position On
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By Josh Israel

In March, Mitt Romney demanded “President Obama needs to level with the American public about his real agenda.” But on numerous topics, Romney has refused to answer basic questions about his views, leaving voters to guess at where he stands on important issues. Romney’s ambiguity appears to be a calculated strategy to avoid alienating the conservative base or moderate swing voters. If he’s successful in avoiding articulating policy positions, he can market himself as the “generic Republican” alternative to President Obama.

Here are seven major issues on which Romney has refused to take a stand:

1. Romney won’t say whether he would undo Obama’s decision to end deportations of DREAM-eligible immigrants.

2. Romney won’t say whether he’d support the Paycheck Fairness Act.

3. Romney won’t specify which tax loopholes he’d close.

4. Romney won’t say which federal agencies he’d eliminate.

5. Romney won’t say whether he supports the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

6. Romney won’t say whether he’d support full reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

7. Romney won’t say whether he’d eliminate the “carried interest” tax break for private equity partners.

Whether or not Romney can continue to campaign while avoiding taking a position on so many important issues depends on the how the media reacts. There are dozens of reporters following Romney every day. They can choose to either give him a pass on these important policy issues or continue asking him until he provides an answer.

Details: The 7 Major Issues Mitt Romney Won't Take A Position On

He knows he loses no matter which position he takes.

This is chiefly a result of Obama's (and his advisors) political genius. This was perfect timing for the immigration issue - the amount of votes Obama loses because of it will be less than the amount Mittens loses because of it - NO MATTER which choice Mittens makes! So its a win more/win a little outcome for Obama.

And Mittens refusing to take a stand on the issue is in fact the best possible outcome for Obama. Mittens doesn't really appreciate that he's on the defensive now, that he needs to think about minimizing losses and just pray Obama mis-steps so he can again take the offensive. At this rate, by the time Obama makes a mistake Mittens will be in too deep.

I'd take Obama over Mittens in a game of chess 10 to 1.
He is not good at thinking on his feet either.

he going to get killed in the debates
By Josh Israel

In March, Mitt Romney demanded “President Obama needs to level with the American public about his real agenda.” But on numerous topics, Romney has refused to answer basic questions about his views, leaving voters to guess at where he stands on important issues. Romney’s ambiguity appears to be a calculated strategy to avoid alienating the conservative base or moderate swing voters. If he’s successful in avoiding articulating policy positions, he can market himself as the “generic Republican” alternative to President Obama.

Here are seven major issues on which Romney has refused to take a stand:

1. Romney won’t say whether he would undo Obama’s decision to end deportations of DREAM-eligible immigrants.

2. Romney won’t say whether he’d support the Paycheck Fairness Act.

3. Romney won’t specify which tax loopholes he’d close.

4. Romney won’t say which federal agencies he’d eliminate.

5. Romney won’t say whether he supports the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

6. Romney won’t say whether he’d support full reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

7. Romney won’t say whether he’d eliminate the “carried interest” tax break for private equity partners.

Whether or not Romney can continue to campaign while avoiding taking a position on so many important issues depends on the how the media reacts. There are dozens of reporters following Romney every day. They can choose to either give him a pass on these important policy issues or continue asking him until he provides an answer.

Details: The 7 Major Issues Mitt Romney Won't Take A Position On

He knows he loses no matter which position he takes.

This is chiefly a result of Obama's (and his advisors) political genius. This was perfect timing for the immigration issue - the amount of votes Obama loses because of it will be less than the amount Mittens loses because of it - NO MATTER which choice Mittens makes! So its a win more/win a little outcome for Obama.

And Mittens refusing to take a stand on the issue is in fact the best possible outcome for Obama. Mittens doesn't really appreciate that he's on the defensive now, that he needs to think about minimizing losses and just pray Obama mis-steps so he can again take the offensive. At this rate, by the time Obama makes a mistake Mittens will be in too deep.

I'd take Obama over Mittens in a game of chess 10 to 1.

Good to know that you support the manipulation of minorities for votes. Personally, I wouldn't... from either side. But I have morals. Apparently you, and your President, do not.
I was going to post something about Lakota and "positions" he does take.....

But I figured I'd violate some board policy over calling someone gay.
By Josh Israel

In March, Mitt Romney demanded “President Obama needs to level with the American public about his real agenda.” But on numerous topics, Romney has refused to answer basic questions about his views, leaving voters to guess at where he stands on important issues. Romney’s ambiguity appears to be a calculated strategy to avoid alienating the conservative base or moderate swing voters. If he’s successful in avoiding articulating policy positions, he can market himself as the “generic Republican” alternative to President Obama.

Here are seven major issues on which Romney has refused to take a stand:

1. Romney won’t say whether he would undo Obama’s decision to end deportations of DREAM-eligible immigrants.

I hope he does, he probably wouldnt, you know why because those CORPORATIONS you love to hate, like your idea......IMAGINE THAT.

2. Romney won’t say whether he’d support the Paycheck Fairness Act.
I hope to God NO. More mamby pamby BS.

The bill being considered would make it easier for those who are the targets of wage discrimination to address the issue, allowing employees to disclose salary information with co-workers despite workplace rules prohibiting disclosure. Employers would be required to show that any wage discrepancies are based on genuine business requirements and are related to specific characteristics of the position that are not based on gender. The bill would also prohibit retaliation by companies against individuals who raise wage-parity issues, provide resources to help women develop their negotiating skills and would include further research to understand the lingering causes of wage discrepancies between men and women.

That's sounds pretty commie to me. Do they have negotiating classes for men, I need to take one then. I've been gipped!
3. Romney won’t specify which tax loopholes he’d close.
What is Obama gonna close? And why not close ALL of them

4. Romney won’t say which federal agencies he’d eliminate.
Are you afraid he will?

5. Romney won’t say whether he supports the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
More crap
6. Romney won’t say whether he’d support full reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

Ok. what is the purpose of this, if you want to let criminals out of jail? Waste money and time?

7. Romney won’t say whether he’d eliminate the “carried interest” tax break for private equity partners.
Get rid of all tax breaks? Liberals bitch about way more than this.
Whether or not Romney can continue to campaign while avoiding taking a position on so many important issues depends on the how the media reacts. There are dozens of reporters following Romney every day. They can choose to either give him a pass on these important policy issues or continue asking him until he provides an answer.

Details: The 7 Major Issues Mitt Romney Won't Take A Position On

Ok Do YOU ever critsize Obama? *GULP* *GULP*
Mitt is keeping the focus on one issue- the economy. Smart, very smart.
New Low of 26% Approve of Obama on the Economy

Reasonable Americans are hoping that Romney will laugh at socialist agendas and understand that the federal government confiscates money and even manufactures paper that looks like money but the federal government never made an honest dime in it's 250 year history. Elected officials are often dumber than the people in the private sector and while reasonable regulations are needed it seems that the private sector is always smarter than the fools who make the rules. In short the United States ain't ready for socialist mandates and stupid global warming regulations.
Lakota is an Obama whore. Obama slaps him around, but gets that campaign cash from him.

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