The 50 Most Loathsome Americans of 2010

Bah, I don't care about most of it, but I did love this :

33) Damon Lindelof
Charges: As co-creator of “Lost” and co-writer of the monumentally terrible final episode, Lindelof first conjured a confusing yet entertaining sci-fi epic but then, despite its mechanical sound, the “Smoke Monster” turns out to be the ghost of the father of liberal philosophy, side plots about mental illness and alternate universes go nowhere, paper-thin characters inexplicably commune with the dead, and finally, in a clichéd, Old Testament-inspired supernatural battle, evil is defeated when a big rock dildo is crammed into a shiny hole by a handsome, emotionless doctor. And the whole damn thing—concocted entirely on the fly, with no eye toward resolution—from the plane crash to the time travel was actually just some brightly-lit, stained glass, feel-good, new-age, ecumenical afterlife delirium. Right. Fuck you, Damon Lindelof. Fuck you, for stealing 127 hours of our lives, giving us hope that television needn’t be utterly awful, and then shitting out the most hackneyed, series-diminishing, spiritually pandering, lowest common denominator deus ex machina to ever air on TV. Fuck you. Fuck you with a fake beard.
Aggravating factor: One of his favorite films is Bambi.
Sentence: Something incredibly convoluted, followed by a tremendously unsatisfying ending.

I liked the list, and at the end there are links to previous years' lists, which are fun to go back and read.

From 2004:

36. Stephen Moore

Crimes: President of voodoo economics PAC the Club for Growth and frequent Republican whipping boy on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Moore actually snivels visibly. Follows every evil statement with a pussified “just kidding—sort of” laugh and shriveling “please don’t hurt me” body language. May be the least original thinker of all supply side policy drones.
Smoking Gun: Missing out on the heart and soul of what’s fun about being Republican, freedom from self-consciousness and doubt.
Punishment: Smacked to death by Richard Belzer.

21. Alan Colmes

Crimes: An angry conservative’s wet dream: an effete liberal dive artist. As a professional doormat, Colmes’ only tasks are to serve as a comforting aggregate of Republican stereotypes about Democrats and a target for the seething derision of his psychotic guests. Stands idly by while voracious green-blooded co-host utilizes Gestapo tactics against centrist Democrats.
Smoking Gun: His cringe-inducing new book reads like a crappy internet parody (”I’m proud to be a liberal. In my spare time I hug trees. I’d rather hug a tree than embrace a tax cut… Ever try to hug a tax rebate check? Bark burn is so much more pleasant than paper cuts.”)
Punishment: Suffocated under a naked, sweaty Rush Limbaugh

And a few choice lines:

7. Donald Trump

Crimes: Hopelessly addicted to narcissism. Shares Saddam Hussein’s compulsion to have gaudy structures named after himself. Is to dignified wealth what Michael Jackson is to competent childcare.

6. George W. Bush

Appears to be only dimly aware that he is destroying the future, but seems to think it’s kind of funny.

5. John Kerry

Managed to lose to the most hated president in American history by virtue of his total inability to convincingly portray himself as a human being.

4. Dick Cheney

The kind of guy who starts talking cannibalism the minute he steps on the lifeboat.

2. Donald Rumsfeld

Carries himself in press conferences like a cranky grandfather who is sick of hearing his daughters whine about how he molested them every now and then.

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