The 50 most loathed people of 2009

1. Glenn Beck
Charges: As the Sybil of cable punditry and graduate of the prestigious University of I Don’t Remember, Beck’s bipolar professor routine is hands down the funniest thing on TV. When he gets out the chalkboard and starts drawing trees and playing misspelled word association games with a comically grave demeanor, Beck makes Stephen Colbert look like a piker. The fact that millions of Americans think he knows what he’s talking about, however, is not funny at all. If this simpering boob, blubbering the same old reds-under-the-bed melodrama from the ‘50s with a sophomoric Da Vinci Code twist, is the face of the people’s rebellion, sign us up for the empire.
Exhibit A: “This president has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture… I’m not saying that he doesn’t like white people.”
Sentence: Drowned in crocodile tears; eaten by crocodile.
I made the list.

But you have to guess who I am:lol::lol:

15. Bart Stupak
Charges: He’s different than your average weirdo Christian congressman who rents a room in the creepy C Street Family house: he’s a democrat, which makes his amendment to the health care bill all the more infuriating. It prohibits federal funds “to cover any part of the costs of any health plan that includes coverage of abortion.” With the exceptions of rape, incest and danger to the mother, women now have the freedom to choose between buying supplementary abortion coverage or paying out of pocket. It’s your body, your choice.
Exhibit A: “I’ll put my progressive credentials up against anyone’s.”
Sentence: Caught in compromising position with Ben Nelson.
That was one of the funniest pieces I've ever read!!!!

Sentence: AIDS, one of Magic Johnson’s pills, Lake Michigan and a crazy straw.
Chris Dodd, fuck you. Fuck you for fooling so many nice, if naïve, people into thinking you were on the level. Fuck you for saying “here” all the time like it’s a goddamn comma. But most of all, fuck you for being you, just another phony, entitled senator on the take.

This could apply to so many politicians but he was the lucky one to receive it. Good for him. They're all bitches and thieves.
21. Sarah Palin
Charges: In a dignity contest between her and grand-baby-daddy “Ricky Hollywood,” the winner would be Tom Delay. This Mujaha-queen quit being Alaska governor, because she’s “not a quitter,” she’s “a fighter.” Yeah, she battled all year for the freedom to watch a homophobe author her memoirs while spreading death panel lies on Twitter. Sarah’s broadcasting career has now come full circle, thanks to Australia’s most venomous snake, Rupert Murdoch, who has her penning demonstrable falsehoods about global warming and health care in the Wall Street Journal and batting at sycophantic beach balls from Beck and O’Reilly on Fox. If dumb were a crime, she’d be doing time.
Exhibit A: “They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan.”
Sentence: Death Panel.
35. Teabaggers

Charges: America’s dumbest and most racist citizens finally found a cause they could all get behind that isn’t pro wrestling or NASCAR. The Lolcats of protest sign grammar, they think scare quotes actually make things scary (e.g. ‘Obama is a “communist”’). They don’t understand that they’re duped showpieces for billionaires who threaten their freedom and prosperity far more than their beloved nemesis, Big Gubmint. And their instant escalation from complacent couch potatoes to rhetorical revolutionaries just happened to coincide with the election of a black Democrat with the middle name Hussein. What are the chances?
Exhibit A: They called it Teabagging first.
Sentence: To star in an extremely patriotic, live ammunition reenactment the Battle of Bunker hill.

How could they say such a thing about the teabaggers?

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