The 50 Best Movie Soundtracks


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Let’s face it, ratings like this are subjective. One person’s favorite are not another’s.

America Graffiti at 43?”

Midnight Cowboy at 41?


At 30. Simon & Garfunkle nailed it.


#9 probably only because it’s the Beatles.


#1? C’mon now, gimme a break.

All of them @ The 50 Best Movie Soundtracks of All Time | Pitchfork
Saw it...Crap list.

Star Wars
FM - mediocre move, great sound track
Lawrence of Arabia
Saturday Night Fever

All better sound tracks than some of the turkeys on that list.

As I said , no Top Gun? No Footloose? No care about list.
Without looking, I am assuming every score by John Williams made the list, right? The list is suspect if not.
I would put Night at the Roxbury above all the movies on that list.

But I cant take anyone who doesn't have Footloose (the original) at number one seriously.
To me, the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack should be higher on the list with Alison Krauss being such a big part of it.

God bless you and her always!!!

Holly (a fan of Alison for 25 years now)

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