That's the Ticket!


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2009
With the political season starting to gin things up and The Donald making a stir, it seems like a Conservative ticket with a chance to win needs to be sewn together.

I'm from Indiana and have witnessed the work of Mitch Daniels as he has balanced the budget and is now starting to reinvigorate the economy around here. He's got about as much sparkle as a rusty hub cap, but the guy gets the work done and does so in a way that makes it seem effortless.

He is a serious and thoughtful leader with good ideas and is a proven chief executive. These qualities are in stark contrast to the Campaigner in Chief.

Veep? How about Paul Ryan? Imagining these guys in debates with the two losers who will comprise the other ticket is a nice little walk in the Sun for me.

Who do you like as a good Conservative pairing for the 2012 election?
We need to hear more from the candidates. We have to be more informed of each who is running and their platforms. What you have said is good, but need to hear from the horse's mouth. Debates are needed, starting now.

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