Thanks, y'all!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Since the tea party took our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest among us, we've seen:

the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?
We still have SS and Medicare/Medicaid to kill.

But we did give a big tax break to sports stadium owners :beer:
Since the tea party took our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest among us, we've seen:

the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?

Yeah - people who can post and know what the hell they are talking about. You're talking out of your ass.
Since the tea party took our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest among us, we've seen:

the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?

What a load of horseshit!

Why does Obama and the Dem Congress, who have been in control for quite some time now, get a free ride in your diluted brain and the Teaparty gets the blame and they control nothing.
Hell according to the left just a short while ago they were dummies and were on the outs.

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Since the tea party took our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest among us, we've seen:

the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?

What a load of horseshit!

Why does Obama and the Dem Congress, who have been in control for quite some time now, get a free ride in your diluted brain and the Teaparty gets the blame and they control nothing.
Hell according to the left just a short while ago they were dummies and were on the outs.


/me hands over tissue box, and advises you to take out stock in Kleenex™
Since the tea party took our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest among us, we've seen:

the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?

What a load of horseshit!

Why does Obama and the Dem Congress, who have been in control for quite some time now, get a free ride in your diluted brain and the Teaparty gets the blame and they control nothing.
Hell according to the left just a short while ago they were dummies and were on the outs.


/me hands over tissue box, and advises you to take out stock in Kleenex™


Cant handle the truth huh?
Since the tea party took our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest among us, we've seen:

the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?

Yeah - people who can post and know what the hell they are talking about. You're talking out of your ass.

Youre a piece of shit. In fact all Tea Party members are pieces of shit. One can only hope they lose their money, their jobs and then off themselves from depression. Worst thing to happen to America since 9/11. I regard them as terrorists. (and nuts too)
Since the tea party took our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest among us, we've seen:

the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?

Yeah - people who can post and know what the hell they are talking about. You're talking out of your ass.

Youre a piece of shit. In fact all Tea Party members are pieces of shit. One can only hope they lose their money, their jobs and then off themselves from depression. Worst thing to happen to America since 9/11. I regard them as terrorists. (and nuts too)

Wow... now I am a piece of shit :eusa_eh:

Do you care to elaborate on the wealth of informtion the rest of dont have?

Because I am just dying to see one of you dirtbags defend you point of view with FACTS!

WTF can the "teaparty" do to affect any policy changes? I'll tell ya..... absolutely NOTHING!

There are Repubix & Demoncats.....but there is no Teaparty :confused:

I am a part of a group of people who want their gov't to live within OUR means.... yes I said OUR means. We will never survive if we dont learn to do just that.
the first downgrade of U.S. credit in history;
a 10% drop in the stock market; and
dissatisfaction with Congress at a historic peak.

Who could ask for anything more?

0bama sucks, doesn't he?

John Boehner and the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted.

Yep.... thats why they are all jackasses.

You idiots ought to be proud of your boy BO.... he offered up NOTHING!
Yeah - people who can post and know what the hell they are talking about. You're talking out of your ass.

Youre a piece of shit. In fact all Tea Party members are pieces of shit. One can only hope they lose their money, their jobs and then off themselves from depression. Worst thing to happen to America since 9/11. I regard them as terrorists. (and nuts too)

Wow... now I am a piece of shit :eusa_eh:

Do you care to elaborate on the wealth of informtion the rest of dont have?

Because I am just dying to see one of you dirtbags defend you point of view with FACTS!

WTF can the "teaparty" do to affect any policy changes? I'll tell ya..... absolutely NOTHING!

There are Repubix & Demoncats.....but there is no Teaparty :confused:

I am a part of a group of people who want their gov't to live within OUR means.... yes I said OUR means. We will never survive if we dont learn to do just that.

Well Im sorry I called Tea Party Members pieces of shit. That wasnt proper of me and I regret it. Im sorry. I was VERY hot under the collar at the time.

There was a poll conducted by ORC International on August 5-7 poll, 63 percent say the super committee should call for increased taxes on higher-income Americans and businesses, with 36 percent disagreeing.
America was put on the wrong track when Congress under the leadership of Speaker Boehner was taken control by The Tea Party extremist and Rep. Cantor kept walking out of every meeting and Sen. McConnell was waging his personal vendetta against the President forming the Congressional “No to everything policy”. How in the world can you improve a country when Congress the holder of the country’s purse strings refuses absolutely refuses to do anything to improve the American economy. The downgrade that caused the markets to tank can be traced directly back to the Tea Party members of Congress and the GOP Congressional leaderships refusal to compromise. Does not matter if the downgrade was right or wrong it never, ever would have happened if the Tea Party did not tank the $4T deal that Speaker Boehner and the President came up with. There is no way for the Tea Party and Republicans to spin their way out of this.
Youre a piece of shit. In fact all Tea Party members are pieces of shit. One can only hope they lose their money, their jobs and then off themselves from depression. Worst thing to happen to America since 9/11. I regard them as terrorists. (and nuts too)

Wow... now I am a piece of shit :eusa_eh:

Do you care to elaborate on the wealth of informtion the rest of dont have?

Because I am just dying to see one of you dirtbags defend you point of view with FACTS!

WTF can the "teaparty" do to affect any policy changes? I'll tell ya..... absolutely NOTHING!

There are Repubix & Demoncats.....but there is no Teaparty :confused:

I am a part of a group of people who want their gov't to live within OUR means.... yes I said OUR means. We will never survive if we dont learn to do just that.

Well Im sorry I called Tea Party Members pieces of shit. That wasnt proper of me and I regret it. Im sorry. I was VERY hot under the collar at the time.

There was a poll conducted by ORC International on August 5-7 poll, 63 percent say the super committee should call for increased taxes on higher-income Americans and businesses, with 36 percent disagreeing.
America was put on the wrong track when Congress under the leadership of Speaker Boehner was taken control by The Tea Party extremist and Rep. Cantor kept walking out of every meeting and Sen. McConnell was waging his personal vendetta against the President forming the Congressional “No to everything policy”. How in the world can you improve a country when Congress the holder of the country’s purse strings refuses absolutely refuses to do anything to improve the American economy. The downgrade that caused the markets to tank can be traced directly back to the Tea Party members of Congress and the GOP Congressional leaderships refusal to compromise. Does not matter if the downgrade was right or wrong it never, ever would have happened if the Tea Party did not tank the $4T deal that Speaker Boehner and the President came up with. There is no way for the Tea Party and Republicans to spin their way out of this.

Apology accepted... but your still wrong in your thinking.

We are talking 4T over 10 years....(which included defunding a portion of the military) Now when have these asshats in DC ever kept their word on anything? Hell, we will be dead as a nation by then even IF they did do what they said they would do.
That "deal" was a no go the minute it saw the light of day.

Boehner is no teaparty favorite BTW. He is weak and timid in my opinion... his ghey little pink tie proved it. :(

Guess we just have to agree to disagree GN

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