Thanks Democrats! In 47 Of 50 Cities, Obamacare Will Be Unaffordable In 2018 By Law's Definition


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This was the inevitable plan the whole time, to eventually bankrupt the middle class and force them into single payer socialized healthcare. America is paying the price for electing a non-natural born citizen unconstitutional ineligible president. The founders warned about the dangers of having a non-natural born citizen as president prompting them to create Article 2 Section 1, the natural born citizen presidential clause when framing the Constitution.

In 47 of 50 cities, ObamaCare coverage will be 'unaffordable' in 2018 by law's definition

families would need to incur an extra $28,939 before the plan became affordable. On average, a family of three would have to earn a six-figure salary—or $110,823.32—for coverage to be affordable.
This was the inevitable plan the whole time, to eventually bankrupt the middle class and force them into single payer socialized healthcare. America is paying the price for electing a non-natural born citizen unconstitutional ineligible president. The founders warned about the dangers of having a non-natural born citizen as president prompting them to create Article 2 Section 1, the natural born citizen presidential clause when framing the Constitution.

In 47 of 50 cities, ObamaCare coverage will be 'unaffordable' in 2018 by law's definition

families would need to incur an extra $28,939 before the plan became affordable. On average, a family of three would have to earn a six-figure salary—or $110,823.32—for coverage to be affordable.
All by design.

Trump will get the blame.

Republicans deserve the blame. Not Trump though. Specifically Judge Roberts and whatever he did that enabled the democrats to blackmail him to vote their way.
This was the inevitable plan the whole time, to eventually bankrupt the middle class and force them into single payer socialized healthcare. America is paying the price for electing a non-natural born citizen unconstitutional ineligible president. The founders warned about the dangers of having a non-natural born citizen as president prompting them to create Article 2 Section 1, the natural born citizen presidential clause when framing the Constitution.
In 47 of 50 cities, ObamaCare coverage will be 'unaffordable' in 2018 by law's definition
families would need to incur an extra $28,939 before the plan became affordable. On average, a family of three would have to earn a six-figure salary—or $110,823.32—for coverage to be affordable.

Key sentence in your link:

"Government subsidies are available to people earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, but middle-income households earning 401 percent or more of the federal poverty level are not eligible for subsidy assistance," eHealth explains.
So the obvious question is, why not then extend the cap on subsidies to more than 400% of the poverty level? In fact, why not just do away with private insurance altogether and have a single payor to administrate reimbursement? After all, the larger the premium pool, the lower the individual premium costs and deductibles. So if everyone was on the same insurance plan, that would be the biggest insurance pool possible and thus, result in the lowest costs possible. Because that's how insurance works.
Govt has more blame than anything in this healthcare bullshit and retarded statists want to hand them the entire industry. WTF
Govt has more blame than anything in this healthcare bullshit and retarded statists want to hand them the entire industry. WTF
Blackmailed life long establishment RINOS along with the entire American hating marxist democrats behind the new world order globalists.

I know I am missing something, but there it is.
Govt has more blame than anything in this healthcare bullshit and retarded statists want to hand them the entire industry. WTF

Yes, government run by those who suck up to the health insurance lobbyists to preserve what everyone recognizes is a shitty, extraneous, unnecessary part of health care; administration.

And why not have a single, government-run insurance plan that sets a standard rate for all providers? That way, the playing field is leveled for providers who then must improve outcomes to attract patients. Right now, our system doesn't force competition. The "competition" that exists is between providers and insurers at who can reimburse at the better rate. That's got nothing to do with your health care and is entirely profit-focused, not health-focused. What's more important to you? Who reimburses your provider, or that your provider is reimbursed?
Govt has more blame than anything in this healthcare bullshit and retarded statists want to hand them the entire industry. WTF

Yes, government run by those who suck up to the health insurance lobbyists to preserve what everyone recognizes is a shitty, extraneous, unnecessary part of health care; administration.

And why not have a single, government-run insurance plan that sets a standard rate for all providers? That way, the playing field is leveled for providers who then must improve outcomes to attract patients. Right now, our system doesn't force competition. The "competition" that exists is between providers and insurers at who can reimburse at the better rate. That's got nothing to do with your health care and is entirely profit-focused, not health-focused. What's more important to you? Who reimburses your provider, or that your provider is reimbursed?
Why not? Really? Did you read my previous post?
Blackmailed life long establishment RINOS along with the entire American hating marxist democrats behind the new world order globalists.
I know I am missing something, but there it is.

So then, what kind of health care system do you want? How do you want it to work?
So the cities will sink further into socialism, decay, and anarchy, while we middle-American country folks sit back counting our ammunition stockpiles and maintaining our equipment.

Soon. Real soon. <insert maniacal laugh here>

Why not? Really? Did you read my previous post?

Other than your very simplistic "government is bad" dogma you picked up from your parents, who picked it up from Reagan, what does it matter who reimburses your provider? Shouldn't all that matter is that your provider is reimbursed?

Your doctors don't compete for your care. In fact, your doctor doesn't compete at all...who competes are the insurers who try to contract with your doctor for the lowest possible reimbursement rate (that's how insurance companies maximize profits). But the insurer isn't forcing the doctor to improve outcomes. The doctor gets reimbursed regardless of the job they do...except when it comes to Medicare, which is outcome-focused now thanks to Obama.
So the cities will sink further into socialism, decay, and anarchy, while we middle-American country folks sit back counting our ammunition stockpiles and maintaining our equipment.

Without the cities, all you podunk, red state mouthbreathers wouldn't have artificially low tax rates thanks to all the revenues that come from the cities that are used to paper over the deficits that result from your poor taxation and fiscal policies.

Conservatives literally use the welfare block grant to pay for tax cuts.
So the cities will sink further into socialism, decay, and anarchy, while we middle-American country folks sit back counting our ammunition stockpiles and maintaining our equipment.

Soon. Real soon. <insert maniacal laugh here>

Well, that is what has been going on. Except of course the ammunition and stockpile part.

We are indeed closer than many think to the bolshevik style take over, with the burning of our constitution. Far close than people think.
Why not? Really? Did you read my previous post?

Other than your very simplistic "government is bad" dogma you picked up from your parents, who picked it up from Reagan, what does it matter who reimburses your provider? Shouldn't all that matter is that your provider is reimbursed?

Your doctors don't compete for your care. In fact, your doctor doesn't compete at all...who competes are the insurers who try to contract with your doctor for the lowest possible reimbursement rate (that's how insurance companies maximize profits). But the insurer isn't forcing the doctor to improve outcomes. The doctor gets reimbursed regardless of the job they do...except when it comes to Medicare, which is outcome-focused now thanks to Obama.
Lol. I guess everything i believe in that you dont agree with was picked up in some nefarious way, right?
The govt fucks up everything. They fucked up healthcare. Why would i want to give them the keys? Its bad enough we invite them in. They fucked that shit up too.
If the govt is so great, why do you bedwetters want to change it from the inside out?
You hate trump but want him involved in single payer?
Are you statists THAT fucking retarded?
The Democrats are saying they want to work to "fix Obamacare". What they are really saying is "we do not care about the health of Americans, we just want to make sure that we don't take any blame for the Obamacare catastrophe". On top of many on the alt-left who want to see socialism expand of course.

Something this deeply ingrained, dependent on government debt and future generations revenue is not fixable in a capitalist system. It has to be deeply altered
Lol. I guess everything i believe in that you dont agree with was picked up in some nefarious way, right?

Nefarious on the part of the people who told you this shit. I truly think you're just ignorant. Or that you are fully aware of the dishonesty of your arguments but push them anyway because of whatever bullshit insecurity you have in your little mind. Doesn't make a difference to me. Bad ideas are bad ideas regardless of how you came to them.

The govt fucks up everything. They fucked up healthcare. Why would i want to give them the keys? Its bad enough we invite them in. They fucked that shit up too.

So this is more of that brainwashed, Reagan-era bullshit about how you have an inherent belief the government is bad. Who told you that? The people whose goal it is to undermine government. But those people have never been right about anything, ever. So why would they start being right about things now? In 37 years, Conservatives have not changed one iota of their platform, despite all the results of their shitty policies. Well, actually, that's not entirely true. Conservatives did change their platform once in the last 37 years; at the 2016 RNC when they altered their party platform to have a pro-Russia Ukraine strategy. Weird how that change happened at the RNC in the midst of the election, right?

If the govt is so great, why do you bedwetters want to change it from the inside out?

We don't. You're the ones trying to change it. You're the ones trying to establish improvised standards on the spot. Government isn't perfect, but it's sure a shit better than anything you have to offer. And no one believes for a second you could live out your libertarian fantasy. Libertarians are like house cats; completely convinced of their own independence, yet wholly dependent on others to survive.

You hate trump but want him involved in single payer?
Are you statists THAT fucking retarded?

Who says Trump would be involved in single payer? And the great thing about our democracy is that if we don't like the asshole in charge, we can vote him out. Nothing is permanent; not even our Constitution which has been amended 27 times.
The Democrats are saying they want to work to "fix Obamacare". What they are really saying is "we do not care about the health of Americans, we just want to make sure that we don't take any blame for the Obamacare catastrophe". On top of many on the alt-left who want to see socialism expand of course.

No, what they're saying is that Conservatives have done everything in their power to undermine the law; from eliminating CSR's, to refusing to expand Medicaid, not because of any economic or fiscal reasons, but because Obama's name is on it and you just can't handle the fact that he accomplished something. So you play pretend that Obamacare is this terrible thing because that's the only way you can be heard in this discussion. So you invent characters who have been negatively affected by it, or grossly exaggerate or outright lie about it's effects on you personally.

We all remember Julie Boonstra...and because of Julie Boonstra, we cannot take anything Conservatives say about the ACA's effects at face value. After all, if you're willing to lie about something, then refuse to believe actual facts, you're not a serious person and your criticism and complaints aren't serious.

Something this deeply ingrained, dependent on government debt and future generations revenue is not fixable in a capitalist system. It has to be deeply altered

Can you explain why government debt is a bad thing? And why would your children and grandchildren pay for the debts? Government debt doesn't have an expiration because the government isn't an entity that dies. Meaning, when an individual dies, there's a debt left over...but government doesn't die. So exactly when does the debt have to be paid? Never. We've had government debt since the 1840's at varying levels of %-of-GDP. None of what you say today about debt happened the last 170 years. So why would it suddenly start happening today (or generations down the line as you predict)?
So the cities will sink further into socialism, decay, and anarchy, while we middle-American country folks sit back counting our ammunition stockpiles and maintaining our equipment.

Without the cities, all you podunk, red state mouthbreathers wouldn't have artificially low tax rates thanks to all the revenues that come from the cities that are used to paper over the deficits that result from your poor taxation and fiscal policies.

Conservatives literally use the welfare block grant to pay for tax cuts.

In case you haven't noticed yet, we podunk, red state mouthbreathers have taken control of the Presidency, the House, the Senate, the majority of State Governorships, and a huge number of local offices. That's no way to speak to you overlords.
In case you haven't noticed yet, we podunk, red state mouthbreathers have taken control of the Presidency, the House, the Senate, the majority of State Governorships, and a huge number of local offices. That's no way to speak to you overlords.

Only because you had to turn to Russia for help, or you had to gerrymander, or you had to suppress votes, all because you can't win elections based on the merits of your ideas.

And with all that political power, what have you accomplished? FUCKIN' NOTHING.

You couldn't even repeal Obamacare, after promising to do so for 7 fucking years.

What a waste.
The Democrats are saying they want to work to "fix Obamacare". What they are really saying is "we do not care about the health of Americans, we just want to make sure that we don't take any blame for the Obamacare catastrophe". On top of many on the alt-left who want to see socialism expand of course.

No, what they're saying is that Conservatives have done everything in their power to undermine the law; from eliminating CSR's, to refusing to expand Medicaid, not because of any economic or fiscal reasons, but because Obama's name is on it and you just can't handle the fact that he accomplished something. So you play pretend that Obamacare is this terrible thing because that's the only way you can be heard in this discussion. So you invent characters who have been negatively affected by it, or grossly exaggerate or outright lie about it's effects on you personally.

We all remember Julie Boonstra...and because of Julie Boonstra, we cannot take anything Conservatives say about the ACA's effects at face value. After all, if you're willing to lie about something, then refuse to believe actual facts, you're not a serious person and your criticism and complaints aren't serious.

Something this deeply ingrained, dependent on government debt and future generations revenue is not fixable in a capitalist system. It has to be deeply altered

Can you explain why government debt is a bad thing? And why would your children and grandchildren pay for the debts? Government debt doesn't have an expiration because the government isn't an entity that dies. Meaning, when an individual dies, there's a debt left over...but government doesn't die. So exactly when does the debt have to be paid? Never. We've had government debt since the 1840's at varying levels of %-of-GDP. None of what you say today about debt happened the last 170 years. So why would it suddenly start happening today (or generations down the line as you predict)?

Oh my, debt doesn't die? How do you propose it will be repaid at all when it reaches $40, 50, 100 trillion!? It's not the debt that will die, it's the economic power and the U.S dollar that will. If you think Western values and America is beholden to China now, just wait until the debt becomes too great a number to be lowered. The push for an alternative currency will gain so much traction that it just might succeed and Americas influence will be greatly hampered.

The debt that took over a hundred years to accumulate took just 8 short years to double. That's the problem. The growth rate is astounding and unsustainable. Just look at Ontario. This province is headed to insolvency sooner rather than later. There are many who share your view here who are not so comfortable right now.
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In case you haven't noticed yet, we podunk, red state mouthbreathers have taken control of the Presidency, the House, the Senate, the majority of State Governorships, and a huge number of local offices. That's no way to speak to you overlords.

Only because you had to turn to Russia for help, or you had to gerrymander, or you had to suppress votes, all because you can't win elections based on the merits of your ideas.

And with all that political power, what have you accomplished? FUCKIN' NOTHING.

You couldn't even repeal Obamacare, after promising to do so for 7 fucking years.

What a waste.
There's no evidence of Russian Collusion.

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