Thank you TikTok - End of PC Culture?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

My kids, who are young (Gen Z -- and born in the mid 2000s) are obsessed with TikTok. I had no idea what it was other than that it was a harmless App of short videos, dances, etc. But what I come to learn is that while TikTok bans political ads, they videos there are the opposite of PC. They are very Carlin/Gervais type mocking people for being snobby, dorky, etc. but also it holds nothing back in terms of making fun of body type, race, gender, etc. This is done in jest and the kids laugh at it and love it. In a life that can be very stressful for many kids, this brings them smiles and laughter.

When my kids and fellow GenZ kids grow up and become adults, they can hopefully cancel out the sissy (not all) Millennials. One example my youngest told me was a short video where someone states they gave $1mil to the LGTBQ community...followed with...."I hope they can find a cure soon". Now that is funny but may be offensive to gay persons. My daughter told me that most of the comments were positive and funny and the gay people stated, "I am gay but this is funny".

This honestly gives me hope because seeing the PC culture today and how Leftists find minute things offensive and vilify persons like Vince Vaughn for shaking the President's hand at a football game, I am thankful for TikTok and how it teaches kids subliminally not to take life too seriously and that not everything is offensive.
My daughter told me that most of the comments were positive and funny and the gay people stated, "I am gay but this is funny".
Everything's positive and funny? That's pretty much the dictionary definition of "gay."

Aggressive ads for TikTok on USMB lately. They "clock" gay people. Cops give them a speeding ticket. Boss comes by and notices a corporate employee asleep at the desk.

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