Thank You Rand Paul -- Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties

--- [url=]Right Now - Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties[/URL]

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll includes questions about the tea parties that have the nascent movement's popularity slipping badly. Overall, since the last poll, the percentage of Americans who hold an unfavorable view of the movement has jumped from 39 percent to 50 percent. The leading edge of that has been a collapse in support from 18-29-year-olds. In March, they had a positive, 43-38 view of the tea parties. They've swung hard to a negative view, 27-60.
lowden's going to get her butt kicked too...

which will leave the other tea partier...

which leaves harry reid a shot at getting his seat back.

they so don't get it.
lowden's going to get her butt kicked too...

which will leave the other tea partier...

which leaves harry reid a shot at getting his seat back.

they so don't get it.

Too much tea, like too much of anything, is bad for one's health. :eusa_whistle:

First we get Ron Paul, then some gods of the political underworld give us Rand Paul.

Don't you just love American politics? :rofl:
Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties

--- [url=]Right Now - Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties[/URL]

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll includes questions about the tea parties that have the nascent movement's popularity slipping badly. Overall, since the last poll, the percentage of Americans who hold an unfavorable view of the movement has jumped from 39 percent to 50 percent. The leading edge of that has been a collapse in support from 18-29-year-olds. In March, they had a positive, 43-38 view of the tea parties. They've swung hard to a negative view, 27-60.

With poster children like Cali G.....did anyone NOT see this coming?
Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties

--- [url=]Right Now - Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties[/URL]

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll includes questions about the tea parties that have the nascent movement's popularity slipping badly. Overall, since the last poll, the percentage of Americans who hold an unfavorable view of the movement has jumped from 39 percent to 50 percent. The leading edge of that has been a collapse in support from 18-29-year-olds. In March, they had a positive, 43-38 view of the tea parties. They've swung hard to a negative view, 27-60.

With poster children like Cali G.....did anyone NOT see this coming?

Only certain types of people with certain types of personality disorders can be sustained on a steady diet of anger and frustration, mixed with hate and contempt.
Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties

--- [url=]Right Now - Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties[/URL]

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll includes questions about the tea parties that have the nascent movement's popularity slipping badly. Overall, since the last poll, the percentage of Americans who hold an unfavorable view of the movement has jumped from 39 percent to 50 percent. The leading edge of that has been a collapse in support from 18-29-year-olds. In March, they had a positive, 43-38 view of the tea parties. They've swung hard to a negative view, 27-60.

With poster children like Cali G.....did anyone NOT see this coming?

So that Sinatra thread about young people bailing on Obama was a misprint?


With poster children like Cali G.....did anyone NOT see this coming?

So that Sinatra thread about young people bailing on Obama was a misprint?


I don't know how anyone can say one group or another has bailed on Obama -- there is no election.

If some of you people were any stupider USMB could be sued for inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on those who stumble into here expecting intelligent debate.

Nobody has bailed on Obama -- yet. You have to wait until fall of 2012 to make that statement. :eusa_whistle:

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