Trump Thank you Mr. President


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!
/----/ They may have gone along to get a two year budget and avoid the monthly extensions and the never ending drum beat from democRATs screeching that Trump and GOP wants to shutdown the gubmint just to starve children BLAH BLAH BLAH. You clowns lost that one.
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!

Your wrong both have a spending problem. :)
But the big programs were Dems creations.
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!
/----/ They may have gone along to get a two year budget and avoid the monthly extensions and the never ending drum beat from democRATs screeching that Trump and GOP wants to shutdown the gubmint just to starve children BLAH BLAH BLAH. You clowns lost that one.
View attachment 175792
Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, juck, juck, juck, juck, chortle, chortle, chortle, cluckle, chuckle, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, LMAO!!! Bibly!!!
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!
/----/ They may have gone along to get a two year budget and avoid the monthly extensions and the never ending drum beat from democRATs screeching that Trump and GOP wants to shutdown the gubmint just to starve children BLAH BLAH BLAH. You clowns lost that one.
View attachment 175792
Hee, hee, hee! You can't squirm your way out of this one. Cadet Bone Spurs affixed his signature to the biggest budget buster of all time. HE did it! A Democrat President did not do it! This is Trump and the Republican's baby.

Trump loves to spend, spend, spend. Look at his wall obsession, his weekly expensive golf trips, his expensive, over the top, Hitler type parade! The man is a spending maniac. Bigly!!!
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!
/----/ They may have gone along to get a two year budget and avoid the monthly extensions and the never ending drum beat from democRATs screeching that Trump and GOP wants to shutdown the gubmint just to starve children BLAH BLAH BLAH. You clowns lost that one.
View attachment 175792
Hee, hee, hee! You can't squirm your way out of this one. Cadet Bone Spurs affixed his signature to the biggest budget buster of all time. HE did it! A Democrat President did not do it! This is Trump and the Republican's baby.

Trump loves to spend, spend, spend. Look at his wall obsession, his weekly expensive golf trips, his expensive, over the top, Hitler type parade! The man is a spending maniac. Bigly!!!
/——/ I’m not squirming, I’m ecstatic Trump signed the budget and Hildabeast is sitting in Chapaqua swilling Chardonnay lamenting “It was my turn, my turn....”
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!
/----/ They may have gone along to get a two year budget and avoid the monthly extensions and the never ending drum beat from democRATs screeching that Trump and GOP wants to shutdown the gubmint just to starve children BLAH BLAH BLAH. You clowns lost that one.
View attachment 175792
Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, juck, juck, juck, juck, chortle, chortle, chortle, cluckle, chuckle, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, LMAO!!! Bibly!!!
/——/ It’s just my therory, but you losers can’t scream Gubmint shutdown for 2 years. Sweet.
For forever silencing Republicans who for years have blamed Democrats for for our gigantic deficit, which is really set to mushroom.

Now Republicans will have to be quiet as church mice.

Thank you! Finally, you have given America a win. Bigly!
/----/ They may have gone along to get a two year budget and avoid the monthly extensions and the never ending drum beat from democRATs screeching that Trump and GOP wants to shutdown the gubmint just to starve children BLAH BLAH BLAH. You clowns lost that one.
View attachment 175792
Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, juck, juck, juck, juck, chortle, chortle, chortle, cluckle, chuckle, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, LMAO!!! Bibly!!!
/——/ It’s just my therory, but you losers can’t scream Gubmint shutdown for 2 years. Sweet.
No offense, but I think your med's need a refill!

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