Thank you for health care reform

Muslims rule, Arabs own you industry, Jews control your money, Christian support of homosexual parades in SF has made it acceptable, and a NEGRO rules your Government........OH how the mighty have fallen !
This question is posed to those that are supporting the current legislation that is being presented as healthcare reform, what exactly do you personally think it is going to reform? While it will allow for those with pre-existing conditions to be able to aquire health insurance and thats a good thing in my opinion, but beyond that, do those that support it think it will actually bring down the cost of health insurance to them? especially considering none of the benefits kick in till 4 years later. One more thing to consider here is this, if your in a state such as mine that has a massive budget deficit and your state is faced with a several billion dollar additional unfunded mandate on top of that defcit, do you think that will effect healthcare delivery for medicade in your state ? Let's not kid ourselves here, while most Americans want healthcare reform, this bill is far from anything close to what you would consider reform. I have said this in other postings as well, but it's worth repeating, those that see this as a in your face to the Insurance companies, fail to realize that those very same insurnace companies are the ones who will reap the benefits of billions of dollars in additional customers as well as management of the "public option" Again I repeat, this is not reform and if you think it is, your in for a very large disappointment. If the goal here is to have health insurance available for anyone that wishes to purchase it at low cost, and be able to access quality healthcare, I have news for you none of those issues are addressed in this bill. In fact according to CMS the real cost of purchasing a "public option plan" will in most cases cost more than a private one. If you support reform, as I do, then support it and advocate for real reform rather than this nonsense. A healthcare reform bill that effects ALL Americans should reflect that in congress and this bill does not even have that. So in the end all this bill is, is a partisan bill that has nothing to do with healthcare reform at all, in fact even the bill number they have attached it too has nothing to do with healthcare...

Title: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers credit in the case of members of the Armed Forces and certain other Federal employees, and for other purposes.
Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Thats a very big for other purposes don't you think?

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