Thank You Barack Obama… 1/3 of Adult US Males Are Out of Work


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Thank You Barack Obama… 1/3 of Adult US Males Are Out of Work​

Posted by Jim Hoft
October 29, 2012

Thanks to the the failed Keynesian economics of Barack Obama, one-third of adult men are out of work. And, he has the nerve to ask for 4 more years? Really? The Manhattan Institute reported: In his 1980 presidential debate with …

Your House Is Worth Less than It Was, Jacob Vigdor, Adjunct Fellow
•One-Third of Adult Men Are Out of Work, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Senior Fellow
•“Too Big to Fail” Banks Are Even Bigger than They Were, Nicole Gelinas, Searle Freedom Trust Fellow
• Your City and State Are Broke and Cutting Services, Steven Malanga, Senior Fellow
• You Pay More for Energy, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Senior Fellow
• Teacher Quality Is Improving, Marcus Winters, Senior Fellow
•Anti-Americanism Is on the Rise in the Muslim World, Edward Glaeser, Senior Fellow

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