Texas Justice: Woman given body cavity search for littering


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Pulled over for littering, women given body cavity searches - U.S. News

In the lawsuit, Dobbs said the trooper conducted the cavity search on the roadside, illuminated by the police car's headlights, in full view of any passing motorists

Dobbs said she never gave consent for the trooper to "frisk, pat-down, search, or otherwise touch her" and that she never gave consent for Farrell to search her vehicle -- which he can be seen doing in the dashcam video while the cavity search was under way.

The lawsuit further alleges that Helleson performed searches on both women, touching both their anus and vaginas, without changing the latex gloves between searches.

"I don't think anybody needs to have to feel, or go through what we went through," Ashley Dobbs said. "It crosses my mind every day. It's humiliating

After searching the entire car and finding no narcotics, Farrell then administered a DWI test which Dobbs passed, the lawsuit said. The women were then issued warnings for littering and released at the scene.
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Wow. So because the driver flicked a ciggy butt, she was cavity searched on the side of a road in front of everyone. Her and her neice. I hope there are two new millionaires running around and two less cops. This story infuriated me. Those cops were wrong.
Wow. So because the driver flicked a ciggy butt, she was cavity searched on the side of a road in front of everyone. Her and her neice. I hope there are two new millionaires running around and two less cops. This story infuriated me. Those cops were wrong.

Zoom,:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Bravo
Did you guys see the pictures? OMG right at the side of the road. Holy toledo! I almost stroked out that Officers would even consider doing this.

The stills I saw had my hair stand on end.

Appalling, disgusting, power tripping behavior. All for a flicked cigarette out the window. Yikes.

And I hope the women win mucho buckolas in their case. I also hope we can keep track of this one, because if they win I'll be doing cyber cartwheels for them.
Did you guys see the pictures? OMG right at the side of the road. Holy toledo! I almost stroked out that Officers would even consider doing this.

The stills I saw had my hair stand on end.

Appalling, disgusting, power tripping behavior. All for a flicked cigarette out the window. Yikes.

And I hope the women win mucho buckolas in their case. I also hope we can keep track of this one, because if they win I'll be doing cyber cartwheels for them.

What I couldn't believe was that she could perform body cavity searches on two women and not change her gloves......Yuk
I wonder if they've been fined.

Wow. So because the driver flicked a ciggy butt, she was cavity searched on the side of a road in front of everyone. Her and her neice. I hope there are two new millionaires running around and two less cops. This story infuriated me. Those cops were wrong.

You missed the part where the lady filed a cpmplaint with the troopers superior and were threatened with arrest for purjury because the sargeant "Knew the troopers involved for fifteen years and knew they wouldn't do anything like that."

There's now a DA and grand jury looking at whether this was a case of simple assault, sexual assault, or a violation of civil rights under color of law. Personally I think the sargeant should also be charged with obstruction of justice and witness intimidation. In addition to being fired, I hope all involved lose their law enforcement pensions under Texas law and get serious jail time. Corruption is bad, but police corruption is expecially heinous. If the people we authorize to use lethal force and to protect us become the predators of society public support for law enforcement will fall into even greater depths than it has so far. And good cops who protect bad cops are nothing more than bad cops themselves. Their duty is to the public, not their cronies.

Let's hope the DA does his or her job and throws the book at the whole bunch, and they investigate the entire division to see how deeply rooted this corruption is and how many similar cases warrant serious jhail time. Forty years in Parchman would be a good start.
Did you guys see the pictures? OMG right at the side of the road. Holy toledo! I almost stroked out that Officers would even consider doing this.

The stills I saw had my hair stand on end.

Appalling, disgusting, power tripping behavior. All for a flicked cigarette out the window. Yikes.

And I hope the women win mucho buckolas in their case. I also hope we can keep track of this one, because if they win I'll be doing cyber cartwheels for them.

What I couldn't believe was that she could perform body cavity searches on two women and not change her gloves......Yuk

When my husband saw the pictures and realized the officer hadn't changed the gloves, I thought he was going to bazooka barf this morning.

Did you guys see the pictures? OMG right at the side of the road. Holy toledo! I almost stroked out that Officers would even consider doing this.

The stills I saw had my hair stand on end.

Appalling, disgusting, power tripping behavior. All for a flicked cigarette out the window. Yikes.

And I hope the women win mucho buckolas in their case. I also hope we can keep track of this one, because if they win I'll be doing cyber cartwheels for them.

What I couldn't believe was that she could perform body cavity searches on two women and not change her gloves......Yuk

Remember this is Texas. We don't need no stinking training for law enforcement in Texas. Hell, think what would have happened if the women had been black ro Hispanic. They would have gotten the fucking death penalty for littering.
The thing about this is obviously it is common place for this cop. His problem is everyone's access to his dashcam.
The thing about this is obviously it is common place for this cop. His problem is everyone's access to his dashcam.

I know that when I realized it was his dashcam the evidence was on "what a dumbfuck" raced across my mind :lol: (pardon my french).

But blessedly for those victims, they're going for broke on this and they were able to have evidence retrieved.
The thing about this is obviously it is common place for this cop. His problem is everyone's access to his dashcam.

I know that when I realized it was his dashcam the evidence was on "what a dumbfuck" raced across my mind :lol: (pardon my french).

But blessedly for those victims, they're going for broke on this and they were able to have evidence retrieved.

The guy obviously didn't think he was doing anything wrong. He was trying to protect Texas from some reefer addict
Did you guys see the pictures? OMG right at the side of the road. Holy toledo! I almost stroked out that Officers would even consider doing this.

The stills I saw had my hair stand on end.

Appalling, disgusting, power tripping behavior. All for a flicked cigarette out the window. Yikes.

And I hope the women win mucho buckolas in their case. I also hope we can keep track of this one, because if they win I'll be doing cyber cartwheels for them.

I watched the video and it didn't seem like he was some rougue cop getting his jollies over fingering a couple of women. It seemed like SOP to call in a female trooper and have her do a body cavity search right by the side of the road

What I couldn't figure was....what was he trying to find by doing a body cavity search? He smelled marijuana, did he expect to find a joint rammed up her ass?
Have to see how it turns out

I wonder why she asked for a trial by Jury?

Anyone with a wife or daughter would make a good juror
I'm not going to make the silly connection to the whole state of Texas based on this one case.

That said, if this is true, the officers involved and perhaps the whole department if this kind of thing is either formal or informal policy needs to be purged. I'd like to hear the department's side and maybe even see the results after trial, but based on this article/video it seems like an egregious abuse of power.

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