Texas Hospital Tell Illegal "Go To Mexico For Surgery"


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
A Texas hospital is under fire for allegedly telling a surgical patient she had to leave the hospital immediately because she was an illegal immigrant.

Maria Sanchez, 24, told the Houston Chronicle that she had been at John Sealy Hospital -- part of the University of Texas Medical system -- for six days when a doctor told her on Jan. 12 that she should go to Mexico to have surgery on her growing spinal tumor. The hospital discharged her that day, the paper reported.

Texas Hospital Under Fire for Allegedly Discharging Surgical Patient Due to Immigration Status - FoxNews.com
Depending on the nature of her condition, surgery could be seen as necessary within the scope of emergency care. But, I don't think that a hospital would go out on such a limb and take that kind of risk. Medical malpractice is a bitch.
Hi Tank:

A Texas hospital is under fire for allegedly telling a surgical patient she had to leave the hospital immediately because she was an illegal immigrant ...

Obama allows 20 million illegal alien foreign nationals to run around loose everywhere and Congress looks the other way and so-called 'law enforcement' looks the other way, so the illegals should get all the free health care they need. Americans should build hospitals just for illegal aliens, so they have some place to send their illegal maid and gardener and those working for cash under the table in their companies.

Hell, Americans should build a house for every illegal alien and provide them a car and a driver's license and insurance for them and their entire family in Mexico and their grandparents and cousins and their next door neighbors. Every illegal alien running around in America needs a house on the beach and ten thousand shares of Google stock with another thousand shares of Microsoft thrown in for good measure. But why stop there? Stupid Americans let a Kenyan-born immigrant to Indonesia squat in the White House and call all the shots, because the whole damned country is worthy of utter destruction for being a bunch of idiots.

I say give the illegal alien a brain transplant if he or she wants one and make stupid Americans foot the bill. Put the debt on your children and grandchildren, because they will follow the American tradition and let 100 million of the ba***rds run around loose everywhere and wonder why the country is going to hell in a hand basket ...


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A Texas hospital is under fire for allegedly telling a surgical patient she had to leave the hospital immediately because she was an illegal immigrant.

Maria Sanchez, 24, told the Houston Chronicle that she had been at John Sealy Hospital -- part of the University of Texas Medical system -- for six days when a doctor told her on Jan. 12 that she should go to Mexico to have surgery on her growing spinal tumor. The hospital discharged her that day, the paper reported.

Texas Hospital Under Fire for Allegedly Discharging Surgical Patient Due to Immigration Status - FoxNews.com


Good.... next!
It about time we get here. Hospitals can no longer give free sevices and stay in business. ER rooms in many hospitals have closed because of use by illegals.
Private hospitals can turn away illegals and send them to public hospitals.

The children of illegal aliens (anchor babies) have bankrupted the state of California

In 2003, the American Southwest saw 77 hospitals enter bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills incurred by illegal aliens. A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of the growing crisis. Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us, which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans.
The children of illegal aliens (anchor babies) have bankrupted the state of California - National Immigration reform | Examiner.com
Why don't we ever hear about hospitals in other countries doing the same thing? Why are we expected to always be pc?
I have a helluva time paying for my own medical needs and I suffer myself due to no insurance. Why the hell is she more special? She isn't. I sympathize with her problem, but it isn't OUR problem. Maybe her employer who hired her illegally will pay for it.
The hospital treated her and sent her on her way. All they had to do was treat the emergency and that is all. Evidently surgery was not an emergency. No mal-practice here. They would do the same to any other citizen where it was not an emergency. See your doctor and let him make the arrangements. or go the hell back to Mexico
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Hi Lady:

We agree on most of what you write on this topic, but please allow me to show a different perspective:

It about time we get here. Hospitals can no longer give free sevices and stay in business. ER rooms in many hospitals have closed because of use by illegals.
Private hospitals can turn away illegals and send them to public hospitals.

We agree, but the local governments allow illegal aliens to run around loose EVERYWHERE, until some percentage ends up at the hospital. The banks cannot help it if the local governments refuse to enforce the immigration laws and the employment laws and the document fraud laws and the vagrancy laws and all the damned laws that nobody is enforcing. The illegals did not shut down anything, because they are not even supposed to be here.

The problem is with the idiots running the local governments and the state governments and the federal governments who allow this problem to destroy America right before our eyes. Local law enforcement knows damned good and well that their jurisdiction is filled to the brim with illegals and they keep eating donuts and looking the other way. The local people deserve no hospital in their neighborhood if they are going to allow illegals to move in and take over the place.

The children of illegal aliens (anchor babies) have bankrupted the state of California

No. The idiot congressmen and senators and judges are misinterpreting the 14th Amendment in favor of LAWLESSNESS, by allowing illegal aliens to march across our borders to have children and earn THE REWARD of citizenship. If you are going to allow people to go into a bank and run out with a boatload of cash ILLEGALLY and then REWARD THEM, then the problem is with you and not the bank robbers. The government officials allow the hostpitals to hand out American birth certificates to illegal aliens, so the state of California deserves to be bankrupt for being run by a bunch of idiots. Pure and simple.

In 2003, the American Southwest saw 77 hospitals enter bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills incurred by illegal aliens.

If everyone from the President of the USA to the governor and state police and the local sheriff is going to allow illegal aliens to run around loose everywhere, then their budgets should include money to pay the hospital bills of every illegal alien they allow to run around in their jurisdiction. The hospitals should be suing the local, state and federal governments and each corrupt official for every penny paid out for their illegal alien labor pool. To hand out services for which you know is going to bankrupt the hospital is beyond the realm of stupidity.

A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of the growing crisis.

California has an open door to all illegals on earth saying, "Everything is free in America," so California and Californians deserve to be bankrupt. Get rid of the illegals and the problem goes with them back to Mexico. Aid, abet and harbor illegals and pay the price. Period.

Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us, which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans.

Hospitals in California should pass the bill to every Californian for allowing 3 million illegal aliens to run around loose everywhere as their cheap labor pool. The tax bases should be allowed to implode along with the consumer bases, because Californians are stupid and deserve to go bankrupt for having such idiotic polices. California is the leader in Sanctuary Cities for their illegal aliens, so let the whole lot go down with the ship.


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I was born here, paid taxes here, and retired here and am on medicare, my wife is not old enough yet for medicare so we have to budget to buy insurance. She has paid her dues too but we still pay. I am sorry for the woman but we (legal residents of the USA) can't and shouldn't pay the medical expense of every fence jumper that sneaks in to this country. No other country in the world would let that happen. I will see if I can get a grant from Obama and start up a bus service from Houston to Mexico to haul them(illegals) all back across the border. Of course I would have to buy some congressman to get the grant but that seems to be the system.
I'm going to talk Madeline to trade her condo in for a trailer in the piney woods of alabama and go live with her.
She got treated a hell of alot better then she would be treated in her own country.
Why don't we ever hear about hospitals in other countries doing the same thing? Why are we expected to always be pc?
I have a helluva time paying for my own medical needs and I suffer myself due to no insurance. Why the hell is she more special? She isn't. I sympathize with her problem, but it isn't OUR problem. Maybe her employer who hired her illegally will pay for it.

Maybe her husband, who manages to be a legal resident himself but can't be bothered to observe the laws where his wife is concerned and is all outraged about this, could try footing the bill for his lawbreaking woman.

Frankly, if he's not coughing up the money, he doesn't GET to be outraged, in my book.
She got treated a hell of alot better then she would be treated in her own country.

Which, apparently, is why she and her freeloading husband went shopping for a more PC hospital in the US that was willing to give them a handout, rather than him taking his criminal wench wife home where she belongs.

I'm sorry, but I am just offended beyond all measure by the GALL of these two people to actually be OUTRAGED that they didn't get the free goodies they decided they were entitled to, and that they got called on their flouting of the law into the bargain.
'Texas Hospital Tell Illegal "Go To Mexico For Surgery"

Nothing wrong with that. Let's ask Jose why Mexico after all these centuries can't take care of its own???? I know - BECAUSE THE UNITED STATES HAS KEPT IT FROM DOING SO - Got it.
Hey they don't live here , they don't pay taxes.. i wish more hospitals turned them away like this one did .. I give them credit for doing what other countries only do to us.
A Texas hospital is under fire for allegedly telling a surgical patient she had to leave the hospital immediately because she was an illegal immigrant.

Maria Sanchez, 24, told the Houston Chronicle that she had been at John Sealy Hospital -- part of the University of Texas Medical system -- for six days when a doctor told her on Jan. 12 that she should go to Mexico to have surgery on her growing spinal tumor. The hospital discharged her that day, the paper reported.

Texas Hospital Under Fire for Allegedly Discharging Surgical Patient Due to Immigration Status - FoxNews.com

My 3rd generation American cousin was out of state when he had an attack of kidney stones. He didn't have personal insurance so the doctors there told him to go back home to Illinois to be treated. But in Illinois, LA RAZA would hold a rally for any beaner that doesn't receive treatment. The hospitals here are full of illegals.
Did discharging her put her in dire medical straits?

If YES, then they were wrong to do so.

If NO, then they were right to do so
Here's roughly how the Mexican private health system is structured:

•About three million wealthy and middle class Mexicans (and foreigners working in Mexico) pay private insurers to gain access to high-quality, state of the art medical services. Many Mexicans who are insured through the public insurance system also pay out of pocket for private care to get better service.
•Mexico's private sector is booming. New clinics and specialized hospitals are growing rapidly in Mexico City, Guadalajara and especially Monterrey. In fact, Monterrey is becoming a big centre for medical tourism, particularly for Americans trying to escape their own expensive health-care system. They're flocking to the city's growing number of gleaming new hospitals for everything from obesity surgery and angioplasty to hip replacements. A hip replacement in the U.S. can cost from $43,000 to $63,000 but in Mexico it's a bargain at around $12,000.

There is also a public system:
•About 50 million salaried Mexicans pay into an insurance scheme, along with their employers and the government, through the Institute of Social Security. The employee pays a progressive amount, according to his or her wage. The institute runs its own primary care units and state hospitals for insured workers, although the quality varies considerably. Critics say some establishments are not properly managed and lack adequate equipment.
•About 17 million state employees have a separate, parallel scheme that they pay into through the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers. They also have their own clinics and hospitals.
•The army and navy also have their own separate insurance programs, funded partly through social services, as do employees at Mexico's state-owned petroleum company, Pemex.

Universal health care
Roughly 40 million uninsured Mexicans — the country's poorest — all began moving toward universal access to full health coverage in 2003 through a program called Seguro Popular (Popular Health Insurance). It's the most ambitious health insurance program in Mexico to be launched since the beginning of social security in the country in 1943, and it's meant to reduce the inequality of health services and stop poor families from being financially wiped out by an illness. The federal government has set a target date of 2010 to provide the coverage to all uninsured Mexicans although it's uncertain whether they're on track.

Families pay a premium to join, based on their income, and have to make preventive health-care visits at clinics. About 20 per cent of the poorest families pay nothing.

A recent study published in the British medical journal The Lancet says the insurance program has helped fulfil some of its promise by lowering catastrophic health costs by as much as nine per cent among those who participated. Members also used more in-patient and outpatient services, including checkups for hypertension, a common problem.

The former minister of health, Julio Frenk, said that special programs had helped reduce malaria rates by 60 per cent, TB mortality had fallen by 30 per cent and that Mexico was on track to reduce child mortality by two thirds by 2015.

Mexican children receive the same childhood vaccinations as Canadian children. Dr. Antonio Avina, a Mexican doctor studying in Canada, says that since 2007 there has been an annual flu vaccine for the young and the old, although he adds that it's too soon to say whether it had any protective effect during the swine flu outbreak.

CBC News - Health - How Mexico's health system works

My grandson's wife went to Mexico for medical treatment and got good results. She was then an illegal. Citizen of Mexico and I don't know what her status is now.

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