Texas Gay Marriage Ban May Have Made All Marriage Illegal

In the mind of an attorney who wants to be AG of Texas. Looks like a good case for NOT voting for her.
Wow, a rare time in which Texas got it right, since gays are discriminated against in marriage they realize it is only fair and just to add heterosexuals.
This screw up could make a lot of hetrosexual husbands OR wives very happy in Texas, knowing they may not be legally married. :lol:

I wonder how many of this type of 'screw up' is in the Health Care Bill? :eek:
This is the part in question: "This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage."

Intelligent voters understand that to mean, no marriage-like status or marriage for those outside the one male/female arrangement. Parsing incorrectly seems to be the stock and trade of liberals lately.
Gotta love it............the very thing they were trying to prevent in order to protect their concept of marriage is the very thing that will destroy it........BY THEIR OWN HAND!

Gotta love the irony.
Marriage, it should read Texan's voted not to change the definition of marriage.

Not even all gays think society should change the defintion of the word marriage.

So there should be no rules at all in society, man should be able to do whatever he wants, no restrictions, men and women should be able to marry children, dogs, horses, they should be able to marry a refridgerator if they want. I would draw the line at microwaves though.

If mankind has proven anything throughout histrory is that humans should be allowed complete sexual freedom to do whatever they want, its our right.
Small, yet ironic story.

When I was in a Training Command in TX, one of our enlisted members found out that TX recognises Common Law Marriage as living together as man and wife for a minimum of one day. She spread the word thruout the command and we had a line of enlisted members demanding back Married BAQ money. Our CO had a fit and contacted BUPERS...who looked at the law and said there was nothing we could do about it. The money was pouring out to those "couples".
In the mind of an attorney who wants to be AG of Texas. Looks like a good case for NOT voting for her.

exactly....the intent of the phrase is clear and unequivocal....to suggest that that marriage is illegal because marriage is identical to itself is so stupid its beyond laughable.....
You know......this is the danger of inbred thought.............

Kick out everyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like you (a la the current GOP), then you run the risk of starting a stupid spiral.......

And those take out EVERYTHING......

Nothing like the irony though........I mean in the very act of saving marriage from the gays, they endangered it for themselves.

DEFINITELY a case of the cure being worse than the cause.

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