Terry Crews names WME exec as man who allegedly sexually assaulted him


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Good for him ratting an abuser out. Men have to put up with this too sometimes, believe it or not. He's in good shape for his age and in all the shows I have seen him on he seems like a genuinely nice guy, no surprise that some would try and take advantage of that seemingly relaxed demeanor.

I can recall specifically a time in university. I was in my early twenties and coming home on the bus there were three young ladies probably in their teens. Anyways, as I was getting off the bus one of them smacked me hard on my behind just as I got off, the doors closing behind me. I was kind of shocked, didn't even look back half out of embarrassment which is odd since I was the one who was smacked, in my mind I was thinking "what in the fook".

Lo and behold, the same three girls are on the bus maybe a month or two later and they sit right in front of me, one of them making sexual gestures about me (I assumed) to her friend, she was speaking loud enough. I just kept my head down, continuing to read my book hoping they wouldn't remember me or think I remembered them. As I got up to leave when my stop arrived, the girl grabbed my wrist and tried to get my attention, I simply pulled my hand back and gave her my death stare. Not uttering a word to any of them and got off the bus, I assume they got the picture. I never saw them again thankfully.

I also had a gay guy at a place I worked at who was twice my age compliment me excessively on how I dressed and looked. Ironically, it didn't take offense to it, I just agreed "not bad eh?", showing off my nice shirt or haircut and what have you. I say ironically because it wasn't until a fellow female co-worker let me know that he was gay that I did't feel comfortable. Yes, just making nice comments, but because he did it so often I felt uncomfortable with what HIS intention was, not my perception. A far cry from actual physical assault, but nonetheless, he was much older and shown have known better that to interact with a co-worker like that. I'm no Snowflake and I don't feel physically threatened by any unarmed person as a middle aged adult, as a young man or teen, it's a vastly different ballgame.

This is why false allegations of these kinds ae unacceptable, and it's always why men are also victim of objectification. Some guy comes up to him at a party and does that to this guy? I'm glad he ratted him out. Unless you have a really comfortable relationship with someone, you don't engage in this kind of stuff.


Terry Crews has publicly named the man who allegedly sexually assaulted him: William Morris Endeavor executive Adam Venit, who has been suspended from the talent firm.

The “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” actor, 49, appeared on “Good Morning America” Wednesday to say he would “not be shamed” by the alleged encounter with Venit.

Crews says the incident took place at a party in February 2016, claiming Venit groped him after making gestures at the actor with his tongue.

“I’m looking like, ‘Is this a joke?’ … It was actually so bizarre,” Crews recalled. “He comes over to me. I stick my hand out and he literally takes his hand and puts it and squeezes my genitals. I jump back like, ‘Hey, hey.’”

Crews continued, “And he’s still licking his tongue out and all this stuff and I go, ‘Dude, what are you doing? What are you doing?’ and then he comes back again. He just won’t stop.”
Next to be assaulted: his career for naming a gay predator in Hollywood so well placed. You either play the gay game in Hollywood or you perish. At least that's what I've heard. We all know who runs that place: the gay mafia :gay: I guess they're branching out into burning churches now too. It's not enough that they try to stamp out every decent ad in the media and replace it with two guys or girls groping each other on primetime children's programming. No, they've got to "go to the source" as well... :FIREdevil:

Yet More Leftist Violence: North Carolina Church Burnt and Spray Painted ‘Anti-Gay Hate Group.’

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