Terror War Cheerleader Gets Reality Check On Underwear Bomber Facts


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
Terror War Cheerleader Gets Reality Check On Underwear Bomber Facts

C-Span callers hammer home U.S. government’s role in aiding Abdulmutallab

A proponent of the war on terror was left with egg on his face during a recent C-Span appearance when caller after caller hammered home the fact that the underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was allowed to board Delta flight 253 by the U.S. government.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuyYiWv4xkY]C-SPAN Callers School Terror War Profiteers Cheerleader On Underwear Bomber Fairy Tale - YouTube[/ame]
C-SPAN Callers School Terror War Profiteers Cheerleader On Underwear Bomber Fairy Tale - YouTube

The victim of this ‘truth bomb’ was Mickey McCarter, a prominent mouthpiece for the military-industrial complex that relies heavily on the manufactured ‘war on terror’ to the tune of billions of dollars every year. McCarter is a journalist specializing in “homeland security matters” and has also worked for government agencies like the US Navy’s Bureau of Naval Personnel and the Defense Contract Management Agency.

After discussing the recent conviction of the underwear bomber with no mention of the fact that he boarded the plane only with the aid of the U.S. government, McCarter faced a barrage of callers who set him straight. The first caller immediately drew attention to Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell, an attorney who witnessed a well dressed Indian man force airport officials to let Abdulmutallab board the plane despite the fact that he had no passport and was on a terror watchlist. Continued

Comment: The terrorism is manufactured for us, to offer solutions of the AAE to the people.

"CREATE A CRISIS, ALERT THE PEOPLE, OFFER SOLUTION"...for the Military industrial complex or if you will the AAE!
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I guess a lot here don't know the underwear bomber was a false flag plant. Its not the first time folks

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please learn to put your goofy stuff in the appropriate forum.

Please learn following illegal orders isn't an excuse ;)

Our wars are created for us and much of the crisis we face.

Here is a movie on how false flags where used to get us into the wars of the past.

World_Revolution_2000K.wmv 2000 kbps

And here is Gen talking about how they were set up and screwed by our wonderful leaders


Video An interview with Gen. Walt 1980 54 min

Dr Stan Monteith interviews General, Lewis William Walt of the USMC, this interview took place in 1980 General Walt goes over the troubles faced during war and how some of the troubles were purposely caused by power that were suppose to be working for US. Topics of the empowerment of Communism are also touched on , which are upsetting to learn

More info on Gen Walt found here http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/lwwalt.htm
Free Video
please learn to put your goofy stuff in the appropriate forum.

Please learn following illegal orders isn't an excuse ;)

Our wars are created for us and much of the crisis we face.

Here is a movie on how false flags where used to get us into the wars of the past.

World_Revolution_2000K.wmv 2000 kbps

And here is Gen talking about how they were set up and screwed by our wonderful leaders


Video An interview with Gen. Walt 1980 54 min

Dr Stan Monteith interviews General, Lewis William Walt of the USMC, this interview took place in 1980 General Walt goes over the troubles faced during war and how some of the troubles were purposely caused by power that were suppose to be working for US. Topics of the empowerment of Communism are also touched on , which are upsetting to learn

More info on Gen Walt found here http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/lwwalt.htm
Free Video

Put your crap in the proper forum dumb ass.
please learn to put your goofy stuff in the appropriate forum.

Please learn following illegal orders isn't an excuse ;)

Our wars are created for us and much of the crisis we face.

Here is a movie on how false flags where used to get us into the wars of the past.

World_Revolution_2000K.wmv 2000 kbps

And here is Gen talking about how they were set up and screwed by our wonderful leaders


Video An interview with Gen. Walt 1980 54 min

Dr Stan Monteith interviews General, Lewis William Walt of the USMC, this interview took place in 1980 General Walt goes over the troubles faced during war and how some of the troubles were purposely caused by power that were suppose to be working for US. Topics of the empowerment of Communism are also touched on , which are upsetting to learn

More info on Gen Walt found here http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/lwwalt.htm
Free Video

Put your crap in the proper forum dumb ass.

Its its, the false flag attack was used to promote police state policy in the USA. This is an example of it.

Please learn following illegal orders isn't an excuse ;)

Our wars are created for us and much of the crisis we face.

Here is a movie on how false flags where used to get us into the wars of the past.

World_Revolution_2000K.wmv 2000 kbps

And here is Gen talking about how they were set up and screwed by our wonderful leaders


Video An interview with Gen. Walt 1980 54 min

Dr Stan Monteith interviews General, Lewis William Walt of the USMC, this interview took place in 1980 General Walt goes over the troubles faced during war and how some of the troubles were purposely caused by power that were suppose to be working for US. Topics of the empowerment of Communism are also touched on , which are upsetting to learn

More info on Gen Walt found here http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/lwwalt.htm
Free Video

Put your crap in the proper forum dumb ass.

Its its, the false flag attack was used to promote police state policy in the USA. This is an example of it.

You have no evidence at all. All you have is a guy saying he saw a person that spoke English escort the guy on the plane. No evidence he was even an American much less associated with the Government in ANY way. So much for that claim.
please learn to put your goofy stuff in the appropriate forum.

Do we have a Rubber Room forum?

Yes but this goes in conspiracy theories since not a single one of the loons can prove a single point of their claims.

I posted an eye witness who is a Lawyer to boot.

The only Conspiracy "Theory" is what the military industrial complex sells we the people via their special interest corporate MEDIA!
Jesus. Slow day in Robo land??

Thats right, the government would never lie to us or trick us, it loves us, because this is America and we are free. And if something was wrong, some one would tell us, like special interest corporate news...cuz they love us too, because this is America and we are loved in the land of the free ....ETC ETC ETC

Terror War Cheerleader Gets Reality Check On Underwear Bomber Facts

C-Span callers hammer home U.S. government’s role in aiding Abdulmutallab

A proponent of the war on terror was left with egg on his face during a recent C-Span appearance when caller after caller hammered home the fact that the underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was allowed to board Delta flight 253 by the U.S. government.

C-SPAN Callers School Terror War Profiteers Cheerleader On Underwear Bomber Fairy Tale - YouTube
C-SPAN Callers School Terror War Profiteers Cheerleader On Underwear Bomber Fairy Tale - YouTube

The victim of this ‘truth bomb’ was Mickey McCarter, a prominent mouthpiece for the military-industrial complex that relies heavily on the manufactured ‘war on terror’ to the tune of billions of dollars every year. McCarter is a journalist specializing in “homeland security matters” and has also worked for government agencies like the US Navy’s Bureau of Naval Personnel and the Defense Contract Management Agency.

After discussing the recent conviction of the underwear bomber with no mention of the fact that he boarded the plane only with the aid of the U.S. government, McCarter faced a barrage of callers who set him straight. The first caller immediately drew attention to Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell, an attorney who witnessed a well dressed Indian man force airport officials to let Abdulmutallab board the plane despite the fact that he had no passport and was on a terror watchlist. Continued

Comment: The terrorism is manufactured for us, to offer solutions of the AAE to the people.

"CREATE A CRISIS, ALERT THE PEOPLE, OFFER SOLUTION"...for the Military industrial complex or if you will the AAE!
Eots already started a thread on this.:cuckoo:
Jesus. Slow day in Robo land??

Thats right, the government would never lie to us or trick us, it loves us, because this is America and we are free. And if something was wrong, some one would tell us, like special interest corporate news...cuz they love us too, because this is America and we are loved in the land of the free ....ETC ETC ETC

You too , also could have chosen the blue pill, and enjoy the blissful ignorance of illusion rather than embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality

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