Term Limits - Smart Reform? Or Depriving People of Choice?

Many of the founders of our country were "professional politicians" even though they'd have never admitted it. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry all spent the majority of their adult lives in politics. George Washington set a two-term precendent for president that remained intact until FDR. It may surprise some of you that term limits were debated during the Constitutional Convention, but the founders decided against them because they wanted to be sure that those in power were responsible to the people.
I oppose term limits, especially on legislatures, because they remove power from the electorate and give it to unelected lobbyists and bureaucrats. Experience politicians know how manuever through the sea of lobbyists and bureaucrats. Experience is needed to help the newer legislators learn how to get things done effectively.

acludem said:
I oppose term limits, especially on legislatures, because they remove power from the electorate and give it to unelected lobbyists and bureaucrats. Experience politicians know how manuever through the sea of lobbyists and bureaucrats. Experience is needed to help the newer legislators learn how to get things done effectively.


I'm not quite sure where I come down on this matter, but I sure don't believe term limits would remove power from the electorate and give it to lobbyists to any greater degree than it's happening already. Too often, I think, professional politicians "maneuver the sea of lobbyists and bureaucrats" by maneuvering their way into the POCKETS of lobbyists and bureaucrats.

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