Ten-year-old girl gets vein grown from her stem cells


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Ten-year-old girl gets vein grown from her stem cells

By James Gallagher
Health and science reporter, BBC News

A 10-year-old girl has had a major blood vessel in her body replaced with one grown with her own stem cells, Swedish doctors report.

She had poor blood flow between her intestines and liver.

A vein was taken from a dead man, stripped of its own cells and then bathed in stem cells from the girl, according to a study published in the Lancet.

Surgeons said there was a "striking" improvement in her quality of life.

This is the latest is a series of body parts grown, or engineered, to match the tissue of the patient.
BBC News - Ten-year-old girl gets vein grown from her stem cells

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