Tell Those "Miss Me Yet" Nincompoops The Answer Is Still...


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009

A resounding......NO!!!

* SMH *
I miss Bush. I miss him VERY VERY much. Atleast under Bushie we didn't have to bare to see the hypocrite ass "tea partiers" on the TV every got-dayum day.
Eventually you have to come to the conclusion that Bush ran a tighter ship than Obama. Maybe when the US goes bankrupt? Maybe when unemployment hits 12% because the dems fiddled w/UHC instead of fixing the economy, after the dems sunk it with Fannie, Freddie, and Countrywide fiascos. It could be when utility rates double, or gas prices double. Maybe when the auto industry goes bankrupt? Possibly when the states default? If not then, it could be when the dollar collapses, or interest rates skyrocket. How about when SS & Medicare go bankrupt?

There is plenty of time yet to wish for the good old days under "W".
We were a much better nation under Bush than the path of willful destruction and corruption of Obama and these Democrats.

Sorry, just calling it like I see it. Bipartisanship the entire Bush Presidency, and now this mess.
You A-holes really can't be so clueless.

BushCo's the reason why its so effed up NOW.

The economy was tanking like from '06, thanks to HIS policies.

When did the A-hole and his kronies plan on PAYING for the MADE UP and UNECCESSARY war?

Bush started the damn stimulus.

By the time Obama stepped into Office the country was already broken.

Snap out of it!!

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You A-holes really can't be so clueless.

BushCo's the reason why its so effed up NOW.

The economy was tanking like from '06, thanks to HIS policies.

Snap out of it!!


No no.

Your mistake.

The "polisuhs" of the idiot currently infesting the Oval Office, with his retarded side-kicks, Reid and Pelousy, is what is presenting the dire threat to America.

Thankfully, those schmucks seem unable to find their own asses with both hands.

There may yet be a glimmer of salvation for this Republic.
yea yea Liability that's you you stupid bastards got bounced in the first place, it was a choice of the lesser of 2 evils, denial is not a river in Egypt
let me make that

Thank you, I was waiting for a good soul to add that to it. I was tempted to add it in the original post, but I figured let it come out naturally from another good citizen.
You A-holes really can't be so clueless.

BushCo's the reason why its so effed up NOW.

The economy was tanking like from '06, thanks to HIS policies.

When did the A-hole and his kronies plan on PAYING for the MADE UP and UNECCESSARY war?

Bush started the damn stimulus.

By the time Obama stepped into Office the country was already broken.

Snap out of it!!


What policy got passed in 06 that fucked everything up? Can you actually name a policy instead of chanting Bush did it?
I miss Bush. At least he tried to keep a balanced budget. He was a little hawkish but we are in a state of war with islamic terrorist.
"We are in a state of war with Islamic terrorist"


That was rich!

*wipes tears from my eyes*
"We are in a state of war with Islamic terrorist"


That was rich!

*wipes tears from my eyes*

I wish those people who almost died on the christmas bombing found that as funny as you did.
Almost died vs. the ones that died in Texas last week by the hands of that Rabid Teabagging Domestic Terrorist.
The answer is still NO, I didn't like Bush, I ain't thrilled with Obama, but Bush was still a bad stench so why the hell should I settle for him?
I think we are at war with Christians and White people! Wanna know why? Joe Stack was white. Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. Why havn't we invaded churches across America?! Lord knows, The Bible teaches alot of violence. Evil Bible Home Page

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