Ted Kennedy taken to hospital!


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
MSNBC is saying Kennedy was taken to the hospital after he might have had a seizure while at the luncheon held after the inauguration! Senator Bryd had some medical problems also but was not taken to the hospital!
Last I heard Byrd didn't have a problem. He's just so old that everyone assumed that when somebody collapsed, it was the relic in the corner.

As it turns out, it was Kennedy, who if he had one iota of sense would quit dragging himself to every political function, including the inauguration. Scotch and anti-convulsive drugs don't mix....
Yes, he did indeed upstage Obama. His best buddy said he was grinning as he was loaded onto the ambulance.
Last I heard Byrd didn't have a problem. He's just so old that everyone assumed that when somebody collapsed, it was the relic in the corner.

As it turns out, it was Kennedy, who if he had one iota of sense would quit dragging himself to every political function, including the inauguration. Scotch and anti-convulsive drugs don't mix....
He did right before Kennedy but it wasn't serious!
CNN covered it as it was happening, Dillo.

I skipped work and was working on a quilt.
Kennedy, first elected to the Senate in 1962, is the brother of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, in 1963, and New York Sen. Robert Kennedy, who was assassinated while seeking the White House in 1968.

Though his own attempt to seek the presidency failed, Kennedy built a reputation as one of the most effective lawmakers in the Senate.
Former Vice President Mondale said he was sitting with Kennedy at their table, that he was doing fine when all of a sudden Kennedy started to convulse.

Secret Service officers moved in right away.

Sens. Chris Dodd, D-Connecticut, Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Kerry accompanied the ailing senator to an ambulance.

Dodd said Kennedy told him, "I'll be okay. I'll see you later."

Kennedy's wife was with him, Dodd said. "She knows what to do. He's in good shape."

Hatch said he told Kennedy, " 'Teddy you're going to be all right.' "

"I personally wish he hadn't come today," Hatch said.

"This is a person who cares about history. He wouldn't have missed this for the world."

Ted will be okay.
No he won't. He has brain cancer and he's dying. People don't live forever, for pete's sakes.

But then if the oldest man in the world attended, I see no reason why the feeble, terminally ill Kennedy doesn't. Even if it does cast a pall over the whole event.
MSNBC is saying Kennedy was taken to the hospital after he might have had a seizure while at the luncheon held after the inauguration! Senator Bryd had some medical problems also but was not taken to the hospital!

Yeah, its my understanding that well recalls the comments of his old Pappy... Ambassador Joe Kennedy and given the events of the day, he feels that hell has frozen SLAP over; and given that he knows where he's headin' and wanted to get his order to reserve as much of that ice as possible...
I know this is going to sound bad, but hasn't Kennedy been living on borrowed time for over 40 years now? I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.
Yeah, its my understanding that well recalls the comments of his old Pappy... Ambassador Joe Kennedy and given the events of the day, he feels that hell has frozen SLAP over; and given that he knows where he's headin' and wanted to get his order to reserve as much of that ice as possible...
what an asshole. you sir are no better than the moonbats who wished Cheney dead.


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