Ted Cruz…most criminals are democrats…and other bits of reality…..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Ted Cruz has just pointed out a sad truth…most violent criminals support democrats and vote democrat….

I initially saw this posted at extranosalley….

Cruz: Most violent criminals are Democrats

“Here is the simple and undeniable fact – the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats,” he said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show” that evening.

“There is a reason why for years the Democrats have been viewed as soft on crime,” Cruz continued. "They go in and appoint to the bench judges who release violent criminals.

“They go in and fight to give the right to vote to convicted felons,” the 2016 GOP presidential candidate added. "Why?

“The Democrats know that convicted felons tend to vote Democrat. The media never reports on any of that. [It] doesn’t want to admit any of that.”

Cruz then argued that the mainstream media often tries linking violent crime with the GOP, even when such ties are nonexistent.

“Every time you have some sort of violent crime or mass killing you can almost see the media salivating, hoping, hoping desperately that the murderer happens to be a Republican so that they can use it to try and paint their political enemies,” he said.

“You can see that every time there’s a terrible crime they’re so excited – ‘come on, please be a Republican so we can try and paint the other side,’” Cruz said. "It is one of the more egregious examples of media bias and something we see over and over again."

Cruz and Hewitt were discussing last week’s mass shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Most democrook political whores are criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths...

Birds of a feather...

Once again Cruz pulls crap out of his ass, and his sycophants proclaim it is gold.

I am curious though- for all of you American Patriots- tell me why you are opposed to Americans being allowed to vote- if they have served completed their sentence?

Personally I think we should encourage Americans to be good citizens- and that includes voting-and we certainly should encourage convicted criminals who have been released back into society to be good citizens.

But I am open to being persuaded- what is the benefit to society to preventing an ex-felon from voting?
Cruz is now working on a new study that questions whether most poor people are Democrats and most rich people Republicans. Can't wait for the results. When that study is finished Cruz may conduct a study to see if liberals tend to be Democratic and conservatives tend to be Republicans, Can't stop this guy.
Cruz is now working on a new study that questions whether most poor people are Democrats and most rich people Republicans. Can't wait for the results. When that study is finished Cruz may conduct a study to see if liberals tend to be Democratic and conservatives tend to be Republicans, Can't stop this guy.

Aren't the poorest and usually the states that take the most federal funding compared to the amount the contribute Republican?
Most violent criminals vote? They are registered to vote? Someone....please prove that this is the case.
State approaches to felon disenfranchisement vary tremendously. In Maine and Vermont, felons never lose their right to vote, even while they are incarcerated. In Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, and Virginia, felons and ex-felons permanently lose their right to vote, without a pardon from the governor. Virginia and Florida have supplementary programs which facilitate gubernatorial pardons. The remaining 44 states have 44 different approaches to the issue.

Research your state. I live where felons vote, even while in prison, and why shouldn't they? The laws still apply to them. What I want to know is, what stats did Cruz use to come up with this revelation? Not that it's necessarily untrue, but I didn't know our personal political affiliations were bandied about in law enforcement and court records.
Black and Hispanic minorities commit a majority of the crimes, who do they vote for again?
And caucasians commit < most > of the ' white collar ' crime which costs us much more than robbing a convenience store.

It's the CEO'S and Bankers and Wall Street Brokers who steal the most --- BY FAR --- and they are mostly REPUBLICANS.

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