Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed

"I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them attacking that we should take their -- this is a cry for help."

Since this article was written ,Cruz has validated this

Sean Penn: Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed | Video | RealClearPolitics
He is saner then obamashitforbrains and foot in mouth biden. Coming from sean penn is the insane thing, he is a libtarded idiot.
Hi Guno:
I would be willing to stand with Ted Cruz
and take public hearing questions before Congress
(and televised nationally) about our political Constitutional beliefs
that DO make us sound mentally ill or "nuts" for standing up to
a Goliath of corruption that nobody else dares to question.

If anything I am in recovery from severe longterm legal and corporate abuse
by government officials at taxpayer expense over many years, that still make
me feel ABSOLUTELY CRAZY, as if it is illegal to defend Constitutional beliefs
against the City of Houston, corporations and party politicians that are given free reign,
where no lawyers DARE to defend citizens because of political and financial conflicts of interest.

I ADMIT this is completely "crazy making"
and would stand with Cruz and other members of my
community who have been driven to the edge of what our sanity could bear.
The fact we can function at all is amazing to me; I even offered to go on a
political hunger strike to expose the issues, but maybe this opportunity would work better
to go before Congress and offer our testimonies. I can still offer to go on strike
afterwards if nothing changes, but I am confident the track record of "pure craziness"
that went down in my district is enough to prove to anyone that the system is abused without adequate check.

If the people are 'crazy' it's because the unchecked abuses are driving us there!

I have broken down into explosive emotional meltdowns, yelling at
* Garnet Coleman, State Rep (who has some bipolar issue that was blamed
for why he physically attacked some man, and verbally harassed and abused me
in front of our church community at a Townhall meeting)
* Jolanda Jones and other City Council members

and most recently was overwhelmed at a simple "voir dire" for jury duty
when I couldn't manage the words to explain my experience with the
abuse of "eminent domain" to violate consent of citizens.

All these people can testify my Constitutional beliefs are NOT compatible
with social standards and norms of "what is legal" for govt and corporations to do with taxpayers' money,
depending if you believe the Constitution is the law, or if it
"depends on what is proven in court and established by judicial ruling or precedence first."
So if you don't have "equal resources" to access the Court system,
there is no check, and the abuses go in an endless loop, leaving victims out.

How crazy is that?

Depending on the court system to establish what is true or legal,
I admit, has traumatized me and makes me question my sanity, trying to reconcile
with my own beliefs about consensus on law to equally protect all citizens.

I would LOVE to make a public statement, and bring forth
witnesses to the "crazy-making" corruption and abuses
going unchecked. I equally blame the legal system, for driving
not only victims of legal abuse crazy (like my friend Barbara
Youngs Settle who died without ever seeing a resolution to her case
against the government and Courts), but also driving lawyers crazy!

Let me know when Ted Cruz is put on trial,
Ron Paul or any other "crazies" who believe in
Constitutional checks and corrections of govt abuses.

I am happy to set aside our district as an independent campus
to house all these dissident people who don't fit into society
because our "political religion" based on the Constitution is considered
illegal, impossible or otherwise unenforceable next to how our
courts and government and parties are used to running.

I have known for a long time that my beliefs are incompatible,
and welcome the opportunity to take responsibility and set up
a district where we can practice Constitutionalism without interfering with
any other people or institutions that don't agree with "consent of the governed"
as the basis of law and government. I am sick of it, too.

I want off the merry-go-round of self-destructive polarized politics.
I'm happy to be segregated from the rest of the population!
Count me in!

"I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them attacking that we should take their -- this is a cry for help."

Since this article was written ,Cruz has validated this

Sean Penn: Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed | Video | RealClearPolitics
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comments on mental stability

pretty funny from the Party of Alan grayson; who went off on his wife for having the gall to not want to be near his angry loser self; and threatened to destroy her!

idiots and hypocrites

Not true.

Didn't happen.

it's allright left-wing loser; some of understand you left-wingers are willfully ignorant; and deep in denial over things that dont fit your spoon-fed narrative as to be massively hypo critical without a trace of a sense of shame over it.
Sean Penn - who consistently puts his money where his mouth is.

Unlike Cruz who just rabble rouses the paranoid.

I like your point Luddly Bugs.

You make me think about offering a contest
to see which person puts their money behind their principles.

Why not ask both Sean Penn and Ted Cruz
to take a look at the corruption and demolition of
national history in my Democratic district of Freedmen's Town
and see
* which person backs which solutions to the abuses
* or if Penn decides I'm even crazier than Cruz
and that man is sane and sensible compared with me!
(or Garnet Coleman or Sheila Jackson Lee who are
also criticized for either mood or personality disorders.
If you had to deal with Black Politics in the Democrat Party,
you might be crazy, too!)

Ha ha!

I will write a petition to both men,
and see who comes to visit Freedmen's Town to assess the long
history of damages at taxpayer expense, and what both men think of the
"sustainable campus" solutions proposed by a mix of community leaders from
the Green, Democrat and Republican Party who have
been fighting and waiting for years for support, while watching
national landmarks to Civil Rights history get destroyed for lack of funding.

Thanks, Luddly, for the inspiration.
I would give you rep for putting up with me at all,
but you disabled the function. Virtual reps to you!
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"I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them attacking that we should take their -- this is a cry for help."

Since this article was written ,Cruz has validated this

Sean Penn: Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed | Video | RealClearPolitics

I don't think he's mentally ill. he's just a lying, self-serving rightwingnut loon

he's crazy like a fox.

Come on Jill, you might not like his politics, but he is one of the most honest politicians out there!
Lifelong Democrat Alan Dershowtiz on Ted Cruz:

“Off-the-charts brilliant. And you know, liberals make the terrible mistake, including some of my friends and colleagues, of thinking that all conservatives are dumb. And I think one of the reasons that conservatives have been beating liberals in the courts and in public debates is because we underestimate them. Never underestimate Ted Cruz. He is off-the-chart brilliant. I don’t agree with his politics.”


Alan Dershowitz... Sean Penn...

Sean Penn... Alan Dershowitz...

Dershowitz... Penn...

Penn... Dershowitz...

I don't know... Tough call...
Sean Penn could barely get his lines out.. Just like in the movies !!! Talking to the mental midget who no longer has a job at CNN and never had an audience.. Lot's of protein here. Mostly soy...
lol, Sean Penn

the one who mingles with Hugo Chavez, Castor and other commies

you've got be frikken kidding some washed up actor pretending to be intelligent

Guano worships at the alter of Obama and the Hollyweird elites...'Cult Of Personality' These Idiots can't think for themselves and means Guano too.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]
Scary but sadly typical of today's fascist/nazi left wing. When you are overwhelmed with smart logical arguments and you are victimized with a second or third rate education, call for the incarceration or execution of your political enemies.
is cruz partisan, [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION]? he trashes his own party. partisan (which isn't necessary always a bad thing) means you work for "party". cruz works for cruz.

the crazy people are the ones that buy the BS.

He's a partisan for his WING of his party, Jill.

You know what you give up when you elect to be a partisan, Jill?

The right to demand the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth.

OH I understand how one must sometimes stifle one's own POV once your party has made up its mind. I understand that all too well.

But you put aside your own reservations about the party's decision once too often and you wake up to discover that your integrity is in tatters.

I could not longer pretend that the DEMS were merely misguided, Jill.

I can no longer hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.

Bill Clinton and then Obama were the nails in that partisan coffin.
is cruz partisan, [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION]? he trashes his own party. partisan (which isn't necessary always a bad thing) means you work for "party". cruz works for cruz.

the crazy people are the ones that buy the BS.

He's a partisan for his WING of his party, Jill.

You know what you give up when you elect to be a partisan, Jill?

The right to demand the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth.

OH I understand how one must sometimes stifle one's own POV once your party has made up its mind. I understand that all too well.

But you put aside your own reservations about the party's decision once too often and you wake up to discover that your integrity is in tatters.

I could not longer pretend that the DEMS were merely misguided, Jill.

I can no longer hold my nose and vote (or in my case work like hell) for the lesser of two evils.

Bill Clinton and then Obama were the nails in my partisan coffin.
is cruz partisan, [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION]? he trashes his own party. partisan (which isn't necessary always a bad thing) means you work for "party". cruz works for cruz.

the crazy people are the ones that buy the BS.

He's a partisan for his WING of his party, Jill.

You know what you give up when you elect to be a partisan, Jill?

The right to demand the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth.

OH I understand how one must sometimes stifle one's own POV once your party has made up its mind. I understand that all too well.

But you put aside your own reservations about the party's decision once too often and you wake up to discover that your integrity is in tatters.

I could not longer pretend that the DEMS were merely misguided, Jill.

I can no longer hold my nose and vote (or in my case work like hell) for the lesser of two evils.

Bill Clinton and then Obama were the nails in my partisan coffin.

Remind me which elected politiicians are not partisans for their wing.

Ted Cruz scares the shit out of the Left because he's everything they're not.
is cruz partisan, [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION]? he trashes his own party. partisan (which isn't necessary always a bad thing) means you work for "party". cruz works for cruz.

the crazy people are the ones that buy the BS.

He's a partisan for his WING of his party, Jill.

You know what you give up when you elect to be a partisan, Jill?

The right to demand the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth.

OH I understand how one must sometimes stifle one's own POV once your party has made up its mind. I understand that all too well.

But you put aside your own reservations about the party's decision once too often and you wake up to discover that your integrity is in tatters.

I could not longer pretend that the DEMS were merely misguided, Jill.

I can no longer hold my nose and vote (or in my case work like hell) for the lesser of two evils.

Bill Clinton and then Obama were the nails in my partisan coffin.

Remind me which elected politiicians are not partisans for their wing.

Ted Cruz scares the shit out of the Left because he's everything they're not.

Rabbi, you really are an imbecile, aren't you?.

My response addressed Jill's objection.
Spoken like the true blue commie that he is.
He thinks that our President should act like a Dictator. Just have the opposing view points of others, committed as being mentally ill.
He is not even talking very well and he is trying to sound like he is well educated when he isn't.
Why is this being put up now? It happened in Oct. of last year.
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