Ted Cruz blatant lies to push Fox News "war on cops" story


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and
issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.

You can cover your eyes and ears and pretend there is no war on cops being waged in America. Our president, regrettably, has done nothing to diffuse it.
BTW, H-Nut ... Obama also attended Harvard.
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.

Perhaps our President should have done the same thing when he said we could keep our health insurance and Doctors.
He should have read the bill first.
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.
Even the "black lives matter" people are not advocating cop killing, and Fox News is seizing on random isolated incidents where black lives protestors chant things they shouldn't.

Fox and the GOP quite routinely create strawmen, but then in the political world, who doesn't.

I gues the only people I can blame are those who buy into the strawmen
Even the "black lives matter" people are not advocating cop killing, and Fox News is seizing on random isolated incidents where black lives protestors chant things they shouldn't.

Fox and the GOP quite routinely create strawmen, but then in the political world, who doesn't.

I gues the only people I can blame are those who buy into the strawmen

I disagree, the BLM zombies as well as several other leftist activists and assorted loudmouths have been saying some pretty radical shit for a long time. There's also a big difference between filming hordes of agitated idiots chanting "Burn this bitch down" shortly before a riot, than dressing up your own operative in a swastika T-Shirt with a racist sign, sending him into a Tea Party event and taking pictures of him before he's thrown out of the event.

There is a significant contrast between what Fox is promoting compared to the shit the left pulls.

Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.

If Obama's msg focused on PERSONAL sympathy for the widow and for law enforcement officers,
that is trying to humanize and equalize the situation on a PERSONAL perspective.

However, where is the commitment to enforce the Constitution and defend those who defend the laws?

Where is the invitation and encouragement to the oppressed victims to EMPOWER themselves by
learning the laws and joining with good officers to enforce them peacefully without violence or abuse?

Obama leaves out what he is weak on.

Because he is not into enforcing Constitutional principles and equal protection for ALL citizens
but only where it serves his partisan political agenda and beliefs,
then he cannot speak on this level he is not enforcing himself.

That is what I see missing.
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.
Even the "black lives matter" people are not advocating cop killing, and Fox News is seizing on random isolated incidents where black lives protestors chant things they shouldn't.

Fox and the GOP quite routinely create strawmen, but then in the political world, who doesn't.

I gues the only people I can blame are those who buy into the strawmen

I guess you didn't see the video of the BLM parade where the participants were chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon".

Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant: ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon’ [VIDEO]
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.
Even the "black lives matter" people are not advocating cop killing, and Fox News is seizing on random isolated incidents where black lives protestors chant things they shouldn't.

Fox and the GOP quite routinely create strawmen, but then in the political world, who doesn't.

I gues the only people I can blame are those who buy into the strawmen

I guess you didn't see the video of the BLM parade where the participants were chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon".

Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant: ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon’ [VIDEO]
I missed that part. Did they point rifles at officers like they did at Bundy Ranch?
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.
Even the "black lives matter" people are not advocating cop killing, and Fox News is seizing on random isolated incidents where black lives protestors chant things they shouldn't.

Fox and the GOP quite routinely create strawmen, but then in the political world, who doesn't.

I gues the only people I can blame are those who buy into the strawmen

I guess you didn't see the video of the BLM parade where the participants were chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon".

Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant: ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon’ [VIDEO]

Perhaps this is considered an "isolated incident not indicative of the whole movement"
similar to how these shootings are "isolated incidents" and don't represent a whole movement.

both sides argue as convenient to make their points.
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.
Even the "black lives matter" people are not advocating cop killing, and Fox News is seizing on random isolated incidents where black lives protestors chant things they shouldn't.

Fox and the GOP quite routinely create strawmen, but then in the political world, who doesn't.

I gues the only people I can blame are those who buy into the strawmen

I guess you didn't see the video of the BLM parade where the participants were chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon".

Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant: ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon’ [VIDEO]
I missed that part. Did they point rifles at officers like they did at Bundy Ranch?

No, but they still hurt and distract from the real issues.
This kind of inflammatory protest getting in the media, and used to race-bait and hate-bait more people,
is NOT helping either side but furthering the divide.

I'll be SO glad when we finally get over this media/race perception war going on.
I'd even hug Obama for joy when all sides and parties finally unite.
It would take me a lot more to hug Clinton, I'd have to see bipartisan solutions
along the border and revamping govt with parties working together, stopping the
left/right division over abortion/marriage/health care etc.,
and maybe we'd have something to hug over.

For this race issue with law enforcement, yes, we can beat this bad rap.
Too many people affected on all sides, and lots of groups already working
on collaborative partnerships. We need to hear from these peacemakers, not the war-mongers
getting more media coverage.
Here comes the smears to take the heat off what everyone already knows. Obama with Al Sharpton stirred this up and it's now providing results. Maybe they didn't want to go this far but it's now TOO LATE for that.

You remember how if Obama had a son he could have been Trayvon. Or how the police acted stupidly.

BREAKING AUDIO: #BlackLivesMatter Radio Show Calls for Race War “Kill Whites and Cops”

Jim Hoft Sep 1st, 2015 2:12 pm

A shocking racist hate-filled show ran on blogtalkradio today.

** The hosts say it’s open season to kill whites and cops
** There will be more executions of cops and whites
** They are going to start picking white people off one by one by one
** They also find the execution of Texas Deputy Daron Goforth hilarious

BlackLivesMatter online radio show laughs at the execution of a Texas Deputy.

The show was recorded on September 1, 2015.
The hosts urge listeners to kill more whites and cops.

From the video:

It’s open season on killing whites and police officers and probably killing cops period. It’s open season. Picking them off. Today we live in a time when the white man will be picked off.

They laugh at his death of Texas Deputy Daron Goforth seen here with his family.

ALL of it here:
BREAKING AUDIO: #BlackLivesMatter Radio Show Calls for Race War "Kill Whites and Cops" - The Gateway Pundit

Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement
By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives September 2, 2015

The Democratic National Committee has officially endorsed the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects.

Throwing their lot in with black racists and radical Black Power militants who have openly expressed support for the murder of police officers, Democrats have

embraced a statement that slams the U.S. for allegedly systemic police violence against African-Americans. The statement is not extreme enough for the Black Lives Matter movement whose leaders quickly rejected it. Last month members of the movement unveiled a list of policy proposals they claim will help to bring about “a world where the police don’t kill people.”

What’s especially interesting about the resolution that hundreds of delegates at the DNC meeting in Minneapolis on Friday approved is that it accuses American police of “extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children.”

In other words, it is now official Democratic Party policy that there are roving death squads manned by police officers who specifically stalk and execute without trial black men, women, and children across America. Police in the United States today, says the DNC, are no better than the Sturmabteilung and Einsatzgruppen of Nazi Germany, the Soviet-era Cheka and NKVD, and the (Democrat-led) Ku Klux Klan, all of which used extrajudicial killings for political repression.

A copy of the draft resolution obtained by BuzzFeed News before the grotesque anti-American pander-fest Friday uses the same kind of inflammatory, dishonest wording Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground comrades used to endorse the Black Power movement and condemn the U.S. during their bombing sprees that wreaked havoc on American society.

The full wording of the resolution as approved by DNC delegates does not appear to have surfaced online but the draft states:

WHEREAS, the Democratic Party believes in the American Dream and the promise of liberty and justice for all, and we know that this dream is a nightmare for too many young people stripped of their dignity under the vestiges of slavery, Jim Crow and White Supremacy; and

WHEREAS, we, the Democratic National Committee, have repeatedly called for race and justice—demilitarization of police, ending racial profiling, criminal justice reform, and investments in young people, families, and communities—after Trayvon Martin, after Michael Brown, after Tamir Rice, after Freddie Gray, after Sandra Bland, after Christian Taylor, after too many others lost in the unacceptable epidemic of extrajudicial killings of unarmed black men, women, and children at the hands of police ...

WHEREAS, without systemic reform this state of unrest jeopardizes the well-being of our democracy and our nation;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming “Black lives matter” and the “say her name” efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children ...

New normal in Obama’s America: Cop hatred, Tthreats to kill police, Deterioration of law and order and the rule of law, Black nationalism

all of it here:
Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement


Video: New Black Panthers Had Threatened to 'Creep Up on' Texas Cops 'in the Darkness'
“Oink oink, bang bang!”

The comment was made by a leader of the Houston-based chapter of the New Black Panther Party and was captured on a short video clip by the Houston Chronicle. The paper was covering a rally that day at the jail where black inmate Sandra Bland committed suicide after her arrest following a traffic stop. The Chronicle writers originally made no mention of the threat in their article published that same day.

After leading several chants, the group leader, wearing the rank of "colonel," shouted through a megaphone at Harris County mounted deputies:

“You think we’re not pissed off a bunch about y’all killing our sisters? You think it’s okay? [We’re] the wrong n***ers to mess with. You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”

ALL of it here:
Video: New Black Panthers Had Threatened to 'Creep Up on' Texas Cops 'in the Darkness'

Video: New Black Panthers Had Threatened to 'Creep Up on' Texas Cops 'in the Darkness'
“Oink oink, bang bang!”


The comment was made by a leader of the Houston-based chapter of the New Black Panther Party and was captured on a short video clip by the Houston Chronicle. The paper was covering a rally that day at the jail where black inmate Sandra Bland committed suicide after her arrest following a traffic stop. The Chronicle writers originally made no mention of the threat in their article published that same day.

After leading several chants, the group leader, wearing the rank of "colonel," shouted through a megaphone at Harris County mounted deputies:

“You think we’re not pissed off a bunch about y’all killing our sisters? You think it’s okay? [We’re] the wrong n***ers to mess with. You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”

ALL of it here:
Video: New Black Panthers Had Threatened to 'Creep Up on' Texas Cops 'in the Darkness'

They are a racist hate group.
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.

If Obama's msg focused on PERSONAL sympathy for the widow and for law enforcement officers,
that is trying to humanize and equalize the situation on a PERSONAL perspective.

However, where is the commitment to enforce the Constitution and defend those who defend the laws?

Where is the invitation and encouragement to the oppressed victims to EMPOWER themselves by
learning the laws and joining with good officers to enforce them peacefully without violence or abuse?

Obama leaves out what he is weak on.

Because he is not into enforcing Constitutional principles and equal protection for ALL citizens
but only where it serves his partisan political agenda and beliefs,
then he cannot speak on this level he is not enforcing himself.

That is what I see missing.

Bravo! Awesome response.
Ted Cruz caught blatantly lying about Obama to push conservative ‘war on cops’ narrative

“They’re feeling the assault from the president,” the senator continued. “From the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore — the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”

The presidential candidate made the remarks after he was asked about the shooting death of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot 15 times at close range Friday night at a gas station near Houston — Cruz’s hometown.

Cruz complained about Obama’s “silence” on the 47-year-old deputy’s slaying, saying the president was “completely wrong” and displayed the “manifestation of the divisiveness, the partisanship and of the hostility to law enforcement that has characterized the entire Obama administration.”

However, the president personally called Goforth’s widow on Monday and issued a statement on the deputy’s death — which he described as contemptible.

Get the facts straight before you open your pie hole, mr. Harvard…asshole.

It's not like our president does not have a history of putting down police or Christians or anyone else who is fed up with crime and terrorists.

'Disgraceful': Cops Angry After Obama Slams Arrest of Black Scholar
Published July 24, 2009
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Many police officers across the country have a message for President Barack Obama Get all the facts before criticizing one of our own. Obama's public criticism that Cambridge officers "acted stupidly" when they arrested black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. could make it harder for police to work with people of color, some officers said Thursday.

It could even set back the progress in race relations that helped Obama become the nation's first African-American president, they said.

Click here for photos.

"What we don't need is public safety officials across the country second-guessing themselves," said David Holway, president of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, which represents 15,000 public safety officials around the country. "The president's alienated public safety officers across the country with his comments."

The Cambridge Police Patrol Officer's Association president also strongly criticized the president's remarks in an interview with The Huffington Post.

"That was totally inappropriate. I am disgraced that he is our commander-in-chief," Stephen Killion said. "He smeared the good reputation of the hard-working men and women of the Cambridge Police Department. It was wrong to do. It was disgraceful," the web site quoted him as saying.

Gates was arrested July 16 by Sgt. James Crowley, who was first to respond to the home the renowned black scholar rents from Harvard, after a woman reported seeing two black men trying to force open the front door. Gates said he had to shove the door open because it was jammed.

He was charged with disorderly conduct after police said he yelled at the white officer, accused him of racial bias and refused to calm down after Crowley demanded Gates show him identification to prove he lived in the home. The charge was dropped Tuesday, but Gates has demanded an apology, calling his arrest a case of racial profiling.

Obama was asked about Gates' arrest at the end of a nationally televised news conference on health care Wednesday night and began his response by saying Gates was a friend and he didn't have all the facts.

VIDEO: MyFOX Boston interviews Bill Cosby on incident

"But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry," Obama said. "No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. And No. 3 — what I think we know separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that's just a fact."

On Thursday, the White House tried to calm the hubbub over Obama's comments by saying Obama was not calling the officer stupid. Spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama felt that "at a certain point the situation got far out of hand" at Gates' home.

Crowley said he still supports the president, who attended Harvard Law School in Cambridge and garnered 88 percent of the vote there in last year's presidential election.

"I think he was way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts as he himself stated before he made that comment," Crowley told WBZ-AM.

Cambridge police Commissioner Robert Haas said Obama's comments hurt the agency.

"My reponse is that this department is deeply pained," Haas said at a news conference Thursday. "It takes its professional pride seriously."

PDF: Henry Louis Gates' Arrest Report

Fellow law enforcement officers across the country sided with Crowley.

"To make the remark about 'stupidly' is maybe not the right adverb," said Santa Monica, Calif., police Sgt. Jay Trisler, who has been in law enforcement for 24 years. "When an incident occurs with a police department, we're not quick to judge."

He lamented negative opinions being directed at police.

"It's unfortunate because there are so many other police cases where an elected official has made a comment that wasn't correct, comments that could have been better worded," he said. "Look at Rodney King. It's a high-profile case, and everyone is entitled to an opinion."

Obama's comments could diminish work done by law enforcement to address racial issues, said James Preston, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Florida State Lodge.

"By reducing all contact between law enforcement and the public to the color of their skin or ethnicity is, in fact, counterproductive to improving relationships," Preston said. "To make such an off-handed comment about a subject without benefit of the facts, in such a public forum, hurts police/community relations and is a setback to all of the years of progress."

Other officers credited the president with using Gates' arrest to highlight the ongoing national problem of racial profiling.

"It wouldn't make any difference whether it was Barack Obama or John McCain. It's appropriate that the leader of this country should still recognize there are still issues in this country in regards to race," said Lt. Charles Wilson, chairman of the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers Inc. and a 38-year veteran of law enforcement. "This is an issue that occurs in every single place in this country, so it is not a local issue."

Trisler said Obama's remarks ultimately would not affect how police officers do their jobs. Police have weathered problems before — from the King beating to local corruption cases — and still find ways to work with their communities.

"I think police officers are going to be professional enough not to be affected by his comments," Trisler said. "Not even getting into the race issues, police officers are professional here in Santa Monica, regardless of when a comment comes from an elected official. We're going to do our job for the community."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Cruz is correct. From the Boston "police acted stupidly" to Trayvon Martin "If I had a son" to sending representatives from the White House to Ferguson to attend Michael Brown's funeral and Holder and the Governor of Missouri taking sides without due process and on and on and on, it is clear where Obama and his administration and other mostly Democrat politicians have laid down their loyalties.

To the black vote. Not the blue vote.
Here comes the smears to take the heat off what everyone already knows. Obama with Al Sharpton stirred this up and it's now providing results. Maybe they didn't want to go this far but it's now TOO LATE for that.

You remember how if Obama had a son he could have been Trayvon. Or how the police acted stupidly.

BREAKING AUDIO: #BlackLivesMatter Radio Show Calls for Race War “Kill Whites and Cops”

Jim Hoft Sep 1st, 2015 2:12 pm

A shocking racist hate-filled show ran on blogtalkradio today.

** The hosts say it’s open season to kill whites and cops
** There will be more executions of cops and whites
** They are going to start picking white people off one by one by one
** They also find the execution of Texas Deputy Daron Goforth hilarious

BlackLivesMatter online radio show laughs at the execution of a Texas Deputy.

The show was recorded on September 1, 2015.
The hosts urge listeners to kill more whites and cops.

From the video:

It’s open season on killing whites and police officers and probably killing cops period. It’s open season. Picking them off. Today we live in a time when the white man will be picked off.

They laugh at his death of Texas Deputy Daron Goforth seen here with his family.

ALL of it here:
BREAKING AUDIO: #BlackLivesMatter Radio Show Calls for Race War "Kill Whites and Cops" - The Gateway Pundit

Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement
By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives September 2, 2015

The Democratic National Committee has officially endorsed the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects.

Throwing their lot in with black racists and radical Black Power militants who have openly expressed support for the murder of police officers, Democrats have

embraced a statement that slams the U.S. for allegedly systemic police violence against African-Americans. The statement is not extreme enough for the Black Lives Matter movement whose leaders quickly rejected it. Last month members of the movement unveiled a list of policy proposals they claim will help to bring about “a world where the police don’t kill people.”

What’s especially interesting about the resolution that hundreds of delegates at the DNC meeting in Minneapolis on Friday approved is that it accuses American police of “extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children.”

In other words, it is now official Democratic Party policy that there are roving death squads manned by police officers who specifically stalk and execute without trial black men, women, and children across America. Police in the United States today, says the DNC, are no better than the Sturmabteilung and Einsatzgruppen of Nazi Germany, the Soviet-era Cheka and NKVD, and the (Democrat-led) Ku Klux Klan, all of which used extrajudicial killings for political repression.

A copy of the draft resolution obtained by BuzzFeed News before the grotesque anti-American pander-fest Friday uses the same kind of inflammatory, dishonest wording Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground comrades used to endorse the Black Power movement and condemn the U.S. during their bombing sprees that wreaked havoc on American society.

The full wording of the resolution as approved by DNC delegates does not appear to have surfaced online but the draft states:

WHEREAS, the Democratic Party believes in the American Dream and the promise of liberty and justice for all, and we know that this dream is a nightmare for too many young people stripped of their dignity under the vestiges of slavery, Jim Crow and White Supremacy; and

WHEREAS, we, the Democratic National Committee, have repeatedly called for race and justice—demilitarization of police, ending racial profiling, criminal justice reform, and investments in young people, families, and communities—after Trayvon Martin, after Michael Brown, after Tamir Rice, after Freddie Gray, after Sandra Bland, after Christian Taylor, after too many others lost in the unacceptable epidemic of extrajudicial killings of unarmed black men, women, and children at the hands of police ...

WHEREAS, without systemic reform this state of unrest jeopardizes the well-being of our democracy and our nation;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming “Black lives matter” and the “say her name” efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children ...

New normal in Obama’s America: Cop hatred, Tthreats to kill police, Deterioration of law and order and the rule of law, Black nationalism

all of it here:
Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement

Why not just be honest and call it
Black Votes Matter

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