Team America SUCKS

Someone on the 'guest list' was viewing this thread. I was absent during its formation. I loved this movie. I think it said it all regarding the WOT and the enemies of it.
What she said.. This movie was a riot - if you think it sucked, you have no sense of humor. :D
Mr. P said:
I liked it too! What was the catch phase.."America, Damn RIGHT!!" or something like that. :thup:

Going to break this off...Only fair!
Mr. P said:
I liked it too! What was the catch phase.."America, Damn RIGHT!!" or something like that. :thup:

Uh.. It was "America - Fuck yeah!", I think.
Mr. P said:
LOL...Blondes an buttons..To many buttons..Oh My..LOL

Just kidding..

In actuality, it's not a dupe, just not the split I had in mind. In any case, I doubt I am the 'blonde' of your hope.
Mr. P said:
I was kidding..And have NEVER hoped for a BLONDE in my life..But I know a couple. :eek:
I'm sure those 'couple' felt as complimented as myself. You do have a way about ya.
in reference to the iraqis instead of asking them what they thought about team america ask them about the episode of south park where they shot down santa claus and later killed jesus. overall it was a good episode. they parodied "black hawk down" and "three kings"
That was a good episode, Lefty, just on last night as a matter of fact.

But, really, they go out of their way to piss off everybody. That was kind of the point of Team America. Americans got crapped on just as much as Iraqis or anybody else. And it was hilarious.
From the other thread...
on people your telling me you didn't find it funny when michael moore became a suicide bomber??!? for once i wish life imitated art in his case

I saw Trey Parker and Matt Stone on Charlie Rose and Trey just ripped Michael Moore to shreds. Apparently, in Bowling for Columbine, they interviewed Matt Stone (he went to school in Columbine), and they asked them to do a cartoon. They turned down the offer, so Moore turned around and made a cartoon that looked just like South Park and showed it right after Matt Stone's interview. Trey was really pissed about this, so to get back at him, he not only blew up Michael Moore, but when they shot it, they filled the Michael Moore puppet with chunks of ham. I think Trey's quote on Charlie Rose went something like "so, to us, he's just a fat bag of ham." These guys are seriously two of my biggest heros (not because of this specific instance, though).
i think there favorite target is barbra striesand. besides getting her own episodes where she gets ripped, in "OBL has fartty pants" i think they rip her the best when cartmen starts holding up the signs with the pics to explain his thoughts on obl they go through: screwball,shithead,cocksucker then up pops a pic of barbra striesand. too funny. their commentary tracks with the first season on south parks dvds really explain their hatred real well. a must listen if you have the first season dvd's
speaking of south park:

This Wednesday on South Park:
"Two Days before the Day After Tomorrow"

A GLOBAL WARMING STATE OF EMERGENCY is declared in South Park. The world's largest beaver dam breaks and floods the adjacent town of Beaverton. As the victims wait for help to arrive, everyone in South Park tackles priority number one: who is to blame? Only Stan and Cartman know who’s really at fault.

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